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(Requires Fixing) Turkish League Champions Incorrect (Missing) Winners


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For Turkish Super League (Highest division for Türkiye); Beşiktaş has won the championship 16 times according to official Turkish Football Federation ( https://www.tff.org/default.aspx?pageID=545 ), however Football Manager shows Beşiktaş still as (-2) so 14 championship so far.


In that link, it is written that:

"Türkiye 1.Liginin başladığı tarih TFF tarafından 1959 yılı olarak kabul edilmesine karşın, TFF Tahkim Kurulunun 09.05.2002 tarih, 2002/52E ve 2002/68K sayılı kararı tahtında BEŞİKTAŞ Kulübünün 1956-1957 ve 1957-1958 sezonlarında Türkiye Ligi şampiyonu olduğuna ve bu şampiyonlukların TFF Yıldız Kriterine dahil edileceğine karar verilmesi sebebi ile toplam şampiyonluk sayısı, toplam lig sezonu sayısından 2 fazladır."

Direct google translate from Turkish to English:

"Although the start date of the Turkish 1st League was accepted as 1959 by the TFF, according to the decision of the TFF Arbitration Board dated 09.05.2002, numbered 2002/52E and 2002/68K, BEŞİKTAŞ Club was the Turkish League champion in the 1956-1957 and 1957-1958 seasons and that these championships were Since it was decided that it will be included in the TFF Star Criteria, the total number of championships is 2 more than the total number of league seasons."

Upon this paragraph, Beşiktaş seems with total of 16 championships.


This +2 championship were given to Beşiktaş in the starting of 2000's due to a court decision for Beşiktaş had played in Champions Cup as a Turkish champion in those years. Therefore, TFF (Turkish Football Federation) has accepted this and added +2 championships to Beşiktaş. However this information hasn't been updated in Football Manager series. 


Therefore, can you please add these years to Beşiktaş's count?



Best regards,

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