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Transfer System in FM Touch - I am little confused on the fee

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I am little confused on how the transfer system works. When the transfer window was open, I made custom focus, sent my scout out find some talent. When I decided to bid on the player, after negotiations , I we agreed on one price I:e $20,000,000. My budget was $108,000,000. After the the deal was made, I was only deducted $14,000,000 from my transfer budget :onmehead:
What happened with the remaining $6,000,000 that is owed?
The contract is for 4 years, but only about 3 years was deducted at the time of the offer.

I did see a clause for $6,100,000 to paid out after the player has played 10 Matches. (Does this mean that the player only get’s the first years of his contract up front and the remaining is contingent upon clauses ?

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Are you 100% sure you didn't set such a clause in the contract when negotiating? It looks that way from the description you've given.

If you happen to make another transfer soon, I'd suggest taking a screenshot of the offer and see if similar happens. You can then send it across and we can take a look.

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