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Cup match mappings - higher seed decide inside home

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Hi everyone,

I'm having some issues with Cup draw rules

This is the current league structure:

Stage 3 is the hidden Overall stage

Stage 0 - 8 Groups with 8 teams - 4 from each go to the next stage
Stage 1 - Cup, 2 rounds with 2 legs each:
                In Round 1 teams from Group 1 play against Group 2
                                                          Group 3 play against Group 4 and so on
                First from group decide inside home and plays the forth from the other
                Second from group decide inside home and plays the third from the other

At that point everything is running well. But for Round 2 i cant figure out how to make things work properly

Winning team from Tie 0 should play the winning team from tie 5
The best qualified team on overall stage play second leg home

To achieve that I'm using CUP MATCH MAPPING but the home and away configuration seems to overlap Higher seeded Draw Rules

Any tips to solve these mappings?

Brasil Structure - Homeedit.fmf

Edited by FlyMaker
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  • FlyMaker changed the title to Cup match mappings - higher seed decide inside home
Posted (edited)

Along with "fixed draw" try "seeded draw" and "higher seed plays at home" or whatever it is? I think you can override the cup tie mapping order with that. Or maybe it's just "higher seeded team plays at home" instead of "lower"?

Edited by themodelcitizen
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@Bentfi thanks for the wiki page. I'm trying to make the league structure realistic as possible

@themodelcitizen I tryed both "higher" and "lower seeded team". After some tries i figured out and now everything is working properly

That's what i did:

  • Stage 0 - Overall Stage
  • Stage 1 - Group Stage
    Normal setup nothing new here. Teams go to next stage througth "Qualification Rules"
  • Stage 10 - Used only to store League History - Teams from places 33º to 64º
  • Stage 2 - Get Qualified Teams From Stage 1, Use positions from Stage 0

    Round 0, Playoff
    Fixed Draw. Cup Tie Mappings manually placed with team index from previous stage
    No seeds needed.

    Round 1, Eighth Final
    We need 2 seed values for that round. One based on stage index (To draw matches) and one based on overall position (To know what teams plays home)
    In Seedings for Round what i did was get qualified teams from stage 1 and increment seedings from 0

    That way i know possible teams to draw in each tie.
    In "Valid Cup Draw rules" add "Place Seedings Together and tick "Use seeding for round"
    For seeding 1 and 2 chose all possible teams to that tie
    E.g: Team indexex 0 or 7 plays againt 10 or 13. Depending witch team won the last Round, the system will ignore the loser

    In Draw Rules set "Lower seeded team plays at home", they will pick teams from the stage list witch is based on overall positions

  • Stage 11 - Used only to store League History - Teams from places 17º to 32º
  • Stage 12 - Used only to store League History - Teams from places 9º to 16º
  • Stage 3 - Get Qualified Teams From Stage 2, Use positions from Stage 0

    Round 0
    In this stage competition draw the best qualified campaign againt the worse
    So just properly map seedings together in "Valid Cup Draw Rules" and set Draw rules to "Lower Seeded Team Plays at home"

    Round 1 and 2
    Just leave draw rules to "Lower Seeded Team Plays at home"

  • Stage 13 - Used only to store League History - Teams from places 5º to 8º
  • Stage 14 - Used only to store League History - Teams from places 3º to 4º

    Should i change the topic name to "Setup Brazillian forth division rules"? This way will be easy to search about the league structure. I want to help the community with pre editor tips, is too hard to find a proper tutorial. I had spent days on that simple structure

    About the League History anyone knows a better way to do that? I don't know if this many stages are the better solution

    For anyone who is interested in the editor file:

Brasil Structure - Homeedit V10.fmf

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