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Disable the ability to offer/Offering special types of contracts


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MLS and A-League are two examples of leagues that can offer special types of contracts. Take A-League as an example, A-League teams can sign Designated/Guest Player contracts



By Duplicating the competition in Competitions tab and just fill in the teams and level, you can disable the ability to offer these types of contracts.



I tested out without Advanced Rules, just Nation Rules - Create New Competitions And Rules and add the new created division. Create a new save and we can see the special contracts are gone. I tested and it works for MLS too



One might think, is it because I used Create New Competitions And Rules that caused this, that is if one is to use the original rules(Add Lower Divisions and Cups To Existing Structure), disable the old top league and add this new competition, will we be able to offer special contracts? I tried and the result is the same as the one above, no more special contracts.


Even when I copy A-League league rules to Hong Kong, I can't give out special contracts as the Hong Kong A-League teams, I even tried copying Hong Kong Premier League to Australia, still not able to give out special contracts, I start to suspect these special contracts might be hardcoded.

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