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Problem with salaries too low

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Hi all, I have a problem due to me not reading carefully the registration rules of the league I just promoted to, and I want to know if there is some workaround to be able to register these players. The thing is that I just signed them for less than the minimum salary that is imposed in the league rules. The game didn't give me any warnings (at least, that I saw) about it, so I did not notice until I tried to do the registration. Luckily, I still have about a month until market is closed. In an logic world, I would tell the players "Ey, let's renew your contract with the same conditions but higher salary", and everybody would be happy. But since I just signed the players, they refuse to enter negotiations. Is there anything I can do? 

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11 hours ago, el_manayer said:

I don't have the in game editor, and I don't plan to buy it only to change this. Any other ideas?

No. If they need to be registered to play, can’t be registered because their salaries are too low and won’t sign a new contract, there is nothing you can do. Either wait until they will re-sign, suck up buying the editor to change the salaries or restart the save, sorry. 

Edited by NineCloudNine
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