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League 0 error "Not finished in time for the season upate day" after making a playoff

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I tweaked a brilliant Maltese database by SYC community.
The idea is that 3 worst teams from league 0 and winner of league 1 enter a playoff seeded 1-2-3-4 (best placed team from 0 first and team from lower league last) and then 1 plays 2 then loser plays 3 and loser plays 4 and loser relegates to league 1 so teams from top league has plenty of chances to stay in the league. I mimicked some settings from a database that works but unexpectedly after veryfing I get this error.


I gave ample time between stages and it didn't seem to work.

Season update day I tried changing multiple times as well without luck. I had success with making multi stage competitions before and it was working ok can someone more experienced guide me where I'm making a mistake? Database is attached. Thanks.

malta zwir.fmf

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You need move the end date of the main league to mid April, end April. Otherwise you don't have enough time.

This is a common issue popping up when adding playoffs btw.

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This is unfortunately not it.
I made a simple change where 1 team promotes/relegates and another pair fights in normall 1 round playoff and it verifies ok.

I think I don't do the playoff or fate actions properly

So the idea is round 0  2 highest seeded teams fight and the loser advances, in the next rounds seed 3 and 4 go to the later stages, and the last one decides who advances/stays/relegates
To achieve this I use this option:


I also tried simpler Fate action setup without round names. But I was afraid that loser teams from round 0 would be set to relegate. How to setup such playoff? Maybe you have seen this format in another database?



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