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Problems saving a database file as new

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Hi, I've been working for months on a file that finally has 100% real Media and Journalists, listening to hundreds and hundreds of press conferences to ensure that at least for the main Serie A teams there are real journalists who usually participate to conferences, which deal with certain teams and which belong to real newspapers.


However, I have two problems:


1) At a certain point, if I create new News Sources, even if I set all the parameters, they are unable to appear in the game in any way. I have to duplicate an existing source and then modify it to be able to make it appear. It gives me the impression that the game doesn't accept more than a certain number of IDs or Media, what do you think it could be?


2) MOST IMPORTANT: For this work I started from an FMInside Media fmf file and if I try to save it as new to rename it with new Names and Details, and load this database, I do not find any changes made to the names. If instead I load the original one that I modified, but without saving it as new, therefore with the old name...Everything works perfectly. It's as if by saving it as a new file, I lose some changes, and in fact I realize that the new file weighs less in terms of KB. How can I solve it? 


Thank you

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When you duplicate a media source, you'll have to go through their settings and manually change stuff like "range" (to local, regional, national etc). When you duplicate them, it LOOKS like it's set to whatever the last guy was, but this is a visual glitch, the game actually sees that setting as blank until you click the drop-down and pick a setting (you can then see in the bottom left that a "change" has been registered).

The same thing happens with "short names" when you duplicate awards (game thinks it's blank until you register a change, even if it's just changing a letter, tabbing away so it registers a change, and then changing the letter back so it registers another).

Really it's good practice to do this anytime you duplicate anything like a competition, award, media source, etc. Go through each setting and manually change it, even if it already says what you want - the editor is lying. This should probably be in a stickied thread or something tbh

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Also the new file thing is weird, can only guess that it's trying to "duplicate" stuff that was created or duplicated in the original file, and it gets confused and tries to pull your changes first (but there's nothing to duplicate yet because it hasn't registered the original set of changes). Not sure if that makes sense and can't think of a real solution

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