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AI Squad building in FM24

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Now that we are closing in on the end of FM24s game cycle, what improvements to AI squad building have you experienced? 

I do notice more youth players getting play time if they are good enough. But I do find may issues still persists from previous generations of the game. Mostly related to squad building a few years into a save, where teams will hoard players and have multiple players not registered come the season start and end of the summer transfer window. 

I also find on average most teams age is quite old even in 2030s, as they are more often then not playing quite old players rather than newgens. 

Another issue I’ve come to see in very long saves is many teams bankrupt. The salary’s once you hit the 2040s are astronomical with average players on over 500k per week in the premier league, and most teams in millions of dollars of debt because of it. 

Has anyone noticed any other improvement from previous games? 


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1 час назад, xOGxTerror сказал:

Has anyone noticed any other improvement from previous games? 

I play journeyman save every year. It means I see results of AI management every time. Every next FM edition is better, and every time it's not enough. Issue with not registered players also linked that sometimes it's really difficult to sell even a good player. Even for 0 (zero) price. 

After all, I decided to stop playing journeyman, because it ruins a magic for me. But I have q hope about AI progress in next years

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11 hours ago, Novem9 said:

I play journeyman save every year. It means I see results of AI management every time. Every next FM edition is better, and every time it's not enough. Issue with not registered players also linked that sometimes it's really difficult to sell even a good player. Even for 0 (zero) price. 

After all, I decided to stop playing journeyman, because it ruins a magic for me. But I have q hope about AI progress in next years

See I’ve gone the other way to you. I always used to play single club careers, but found spending forever at one club got boring so moved to journeyman style saves. For me it’s added a bit to the game, coming in and actually having a bit of work to do to sort the squad out.

I do agree though, while better, there’s still a lot of scope for improvement. I think on top of the fees thing, which is a fair point, there are ongoing issues with balancing the right number of players for any given save setup. I know it’s manageable to a degree, but that shouldn’t be on us as the player to ensure is balanced I don’t think.

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