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Player role traits

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I just realised players lose role traits. Are they tied to attributes? Can they be trained? Any information about role traits is welcome.

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  • SI Staff
12 hours ago, elvolante said:

I just realised players lose role traits. Are they tied to attributes? Can they be trained? Any information about role traits is welcome.

You're correct that some traits are somewhat linked to attributes in some cases and because of that they can appear and disappear as players develop - a young player might have some negative impulse control related traits for instance, but lose them as he matures and his decisions rating rises.

(I'll try and write something up on this side of things one day that isn't an internal design doc)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope I find it when you write it and why do certain young players stop improving when it isn't due to immaturity.


It happened to me with Finch, I assigned him to a mentor again even if my coaches think he wouldn't benefit and he started improving a lot again.


Now it's happening with Dhakil.

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  • SI Staff
On 19/07/2024 at 14:46, elvolante said:

I hope I find it when you write it and why do certain young players stop improving when it isn't due to immaturity.

Sometimes a person has a limit on their ability simply put and if they hit it then they 'can' improve past that level ... but progression slows down exponentially from that point.

So in crude (behind the user front terms) - a players ability is on a scale of 1-200 and their potential has the same range.

If someone has 100 potential then once they go past that point they'll be able to improve, but the rate of improvement will slow down the further 'past' their potential they get.

The idea of this is to simulate people like myself who regardless of how hard I train simply will never be that great as a player (sadly ;) ).

PS - The other reason for a player suddenly stopping is fairly rare but generally down to limitations with the training coaches/facilities - eg. if you have a young Messi at your club and only semi-pro facilities then chances are he's not going to learn a lot from your coaching until its improved ... this should be indicated in the coaching report and player profile if so.

On 19/07/2024 at 14:46, elvolante said:

It happened to me with Finch, I assigned him to a mentor again even if my coaches think he wouldn't benefit and he started improving lot again.

Sometimes a player can get a bit of a boost through insight from a mentor and he'll find a 'second wind'  in terms of improvements - think about it as when you were at school and struggling with Math until you found the right tutor and it suddenly 'clicked.'

You'll also find sometimes players will suddenly get a second wind at other times if they're late developers (fairly rare, but some players might get a sudden potential bonus aged 22+).

In reverse sometimes a player might find they have a sudden drop in potential, this most often happens to youngsters should they pick up a serious injury and not be able to recover fully from it.

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