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Richmond Rising -- a Ted Lasso story


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I am a HUGE fan of Ted Lasso.  Most of you probably aren't... well maybe some of you aren't.  I've heard (if you believe what you hear) that the show isn't nearly as popular across the world - especially in England - compared to the hit that it was here in America.  I'm not sure why, I didn't think it made fun of the English at all.  I know it wasn't the best indicator of the quality of football in Europe, let alone England... in fact it was just plain humorous at times how bad the football was.  But that's easily overlooked because it's just a show.  Personally I thought the depth of characters and the presentation itself was what made it as good as it was.  The fact it centered around a football club was just extra to me, it was just part of the humor in the show.  Americans love sports stories, even when that sport isn't as popular here as it is around the world.  Welcome to Wrexham is a huge hit and there are people watching that that have never even been to a football match here in the states.  That's not to say that "soccer" isn't popular because it is becoming more so here in the past 10 years than it was before.  It's way more popular now than it was 20 years ago... so we're learning.  But it's still way back from American football, baseball and basketball... and in fact is just slightly ahead in most polls of popularity over Hockey.  But it's changing.

Anyway that's neither here nor there and not really part of the story.

As I said I am a huge fan.  In fact I've watched it 3 times now... and each time it makes me laugh and each time I pick up something else that maybe I didn't see before.

There is something else that I noticed - unless I just completely missed it or it was done a LONG time ago and that's that nobody has done a Ted Lasso or AFC Richmond save.  I went back and searched the forums and couldn't find anything along those lines.  Now, obviously AFC Richmond doesn't exist... so unless one were to create a club and put them in the game, they're not there.  Hampton and Richmond is... and in fact was allegedly the basis of the fictitious AFC Richmond - although AFC Richmond was a Premier League club and H&R is struggling down in the National League South.  Anyway I decided, being a fan of Ted Lasso that I would do an AFC Richmond save - at least as best I could - and see how far I could take them.

But... I'm going to do it from the starting point of Hampton and Richmond.

I'll replace them in the game - keep their staff and players - but create AFC Richmond and put them in their place.

Or at least I thought I would.

The game won't let me create AFC Richmond... or Richmond FC.  So I ended up having to name the club Richmond AFC.

And that will be the starting point for this story.  AFC.... errr Richmond AFC come to life.  Ted Lasso come to manage.  What could go wrong?

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So how did I set this up?  What changes are being made or what's staying the same?

Most everything is the same.

All I did was create Richmond AFC... and their logo.

They will be known as The Royals and they will play at Kings Court.

We're using Hampton and Richmond's stadium in the game to start until we grow big enough to build another one.

I suppose it doesn't matter where we're actually playing.... we're calling ourselves Richmond AFC because we're in the Richmond Upon Thames borough of London.  Hampton and Richmond's home field is actually in Hampton.  They absorbed the old Richmond club years ago and formed Hampton and Richmond... so now technically Richmond doesn't have a squad and Hampton and Richmond are the only professional club in the borough.

I DO have the editor on.  It is in fact the first time I've ever used the editor - I purchased it for this save because I had to change some things.  But I'm not changing anything or looking at anything I don't want to know.  I just wanted to go in and change a few names to put Coach Beard and Nate Shelley and Roy Kent in the game.  That's it.  Well I wanted to change the owner also but I can't figure out how to do that, so I'm guessing that's not possible.  So we'll be in a little bit of an alternate universe with the save but it's not like I could recreate everything anyway.

I'm not going to change any of the other players... I thought about it but it's a lot of work and I do not want to get that involved and risk seeing who's good or not.  I want to play the save out like I do all the others - and that's blind.  I don't want to know anything about the players.  The only one I changed was Roy Kent - which was funny because Hampton and Richmond already had a player/coach so I just changed him and that was that.

Oh I did cheat a little and changed my coaches loyalty... especially Coach Beard.  I didn't want him jumping ship 1 year into the save by getting a different offer.  So I cheated there a little.  But I didn't change anything else.

And that's it.... that's my save.

Ted Lasso will be the new manager from America.  Coach Beard is coming along with him just like in the show.

Nathan Shelley is my other coach from England.

Roy Kent is a 30-year old player/coach from England.

Richmond AFC is the club.  The Royals are the name.  Kings Court is their home-field.

Let's see how quickly I can mess this one up!

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**I am still on vacation (see my last failed save) so my postings will be few and far between over the next week or so but I wanted to get this idea down on "paper" before I got busy having fun again.  So if I don't write much, that's why.  I have a lot of ideas on how to take this forward, I just need to sort them out in my head**

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We Are Richmond

And we will rule London

Did you all know that there are like 100 football clubs in London?  It may be, I don't know, it's a lot.  They seem to be on every corner.

London is by far the football capital of the world, with a multitude of large clubs.

In fact there are 7 Premier League Clubs in London alone.


Just to put this in perspective.... New York City has nearly the same population as London and has 2 American Football Clubs.  Granted in land size London is twice as big.... but they have 7 top flight football clubs compared to just 2 in New York City.  And actually if you want to get really technical... both New York City clubs play in the same stadium and it ISN'T even in New York... it's in New Jersey.  There isn't a football stadium in New York City.

And if you dive even deeper, London has several other football clubs, beyond those in the Premier League.

A couple of Championship clubs.


A couple of League One clubs.


A couple of League Two clubs.


And even some down in the National League.


So those are the 17 professional clubs in London.

Richmond AFC falls below that in the National League South.  Welling United play in the NL South as well.

So that would make 19 clubs in the top 6 tiers of the pyramid.

And then add maybe 99 more below that.  Something like that.  It's a lot.  That's just insane to me how many clubs play in one city.

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Premier League

Let's meet our London competition up close... and yes I know we're not in the Premier League but this is what we aspire to be.







Crystal Palace






West Ham


One can dream, can't they?

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Let's look at the Club

I've seperated the guys into the positions they are capable of playing, which means that some players may be listed on more than one spreadsheet.  It doesn't necessarily mean they'll play at that position, just that they can.  I'll be taking a longer look to see who's actually best suited for what role, depending on squad depth.


Have to say this looks like a decent lot up front.  McShane is young and capable... very quick, decent finish.  His vision and decision making needs work but he's only 17.  Seymour and Bloomfield both are okay as well.  I don't think we'll have many problems scoring. hopefully.



Kurran-Browne isn't bad.  Good decision making, determination, work rate.  Passing is acceptable and he can score.  Hall and Dunne.... eh, they're backups at best.



Kurran-Browne can also play on the outside, so I'll have to decide where I like him best.  Deadfield and Hall are alright, but nothing special.  None of the guys here are particularly great... and none of them are really good at crossing the ball.  I'll have to decide if I even want to play with wingers given the 'quality' I have here.  I might be better suited playing with 2 strikers and an attacking midfielder instead.



Nobody here really stands out but there might be something I can put together.  Kent is older but a good passer, excellent defensive guy.  Hunt may grow into something acceptable, he's pretty quick and makes good decisions.  Everyone else is just depth at best.  Not an overly impressive list.



Kent definitely grades out to be a better defensive-midfielder, which may be what I play regardless instead of center-mids.  Hunt's strength is just terrible and his tackling isn't much better.  I don't really have a lot to work with here.



Eh, Revan is tall, but needs to learn how to head the ball.  He tackles okay and has good strength.  Fernandez is only 21 and is decent in about every category.  



I like Revan on the inside much better than outside.  What I'm noticing is a horrible lack of depth on the defensive line.  That's going to have to be improved.  Pitblado is mildly intriguing given his crossing ability but he's not particularly quick so getting up the pitch might be a problem.



Yuck... and more yuck.  I guess Desbois is okay but he's certainly not good.  His reflexes are very concerning and his aerial ability isn't much better.


Didn't expect much from the squad and not really getting much.  We do have a few youngsters that might carry the club, especially up front.  Our lack of good defensive players is concerning so we'll have to make a couple of changes there.  It already looks like some sort of 5-2-1-2 formation is best suited for what we have available.  I can't see trying to play with wingers as our quality isn't quality.  I don't even think we have enough defenders for that formation but we can find a couple of guys in free agency to help out.  All in all the squad is okay, it's what you'd expect from a Naitonal League South club.  I think we'll be able to score, we just need to be able to stop from getting scored on.

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Introducing Ted Lasso

Your Manager


Born April 28th, 1999, in Lee's Summit, MO, a small suburb outside Kansas City.  Ted spent most of his life growing up in Lee's Summit playing football -- AMERICAN football.  He played quarterback and was a sophomore starter for Lee's Summit West High School and went on to play 3 seasons, being named All-State his Junior and Senior seasons, while leading LS West to a state championship his Senior season.  He had offers to play at several universities in and around Missouri and Kansas; including the University of Missouri, Kansas State, the University of Nebraska, Oklahoma University and Wichita State.  Ted ultimately decided to commit to Wichita State - which was his father's alma mater - even though it was a Division 2 school compared to the others being Division 1.  In reality Ted was a good high school football player but not great. 

He also knew deep down that he probably wasn't going to get as much of an opportunity to start or shine at those other programs and probably would have even been the backup QB even if he was being recruited by them.  The Shockers (Wichita State) offered him a chance to start and live his dream of being a college player since he most likely was never making the pros.

He didn't end up starting his Freshman year however, playing backup to the Senior starter.  Hie Sophomore season however, he finally got his chance... and then broke his leg in his 3rd game of the season - missing the rest of the season, while watching from the bench.  What he learned though, was that there was more to the game than being on the field.  He learned tactics.  He learned how to coach.  He helped with practice.  He wrote plays.  In essence he was an Assistant Coach while recouperating.

He came back stronger than ever his Junior season and was announced as the starter once again.  He was 6-2 through 8 games in the season and a big part of the turnaround in the program - with a school that previously had only had any success in basketball - when while being sacked in the 4th quarter of a close game, another defender awkwardly rolled into him, buckling Lasso's knee - on the same leg he had broken the previous season.  Season over, again.

Ted sat down with his coaches and his parents during the off-season while recovering and made the decision that his playing career was over, however the Head Coach offered him a place on the bench to continue his education into coaching.  Which he did... and he loved.

It became his new passion.

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Media Reactions

the London Times

An American In London football?  Did Ryan Reynolds just purchase another club?  Richmond hires a Yank.


When you talk about countries or a people that know the beautiful game... the Americans are far, far down that list.  When you talk about Ted Lasso, he apparently knows even less.

the Non-League Paper

An American Football player (of American football) come to Richmond to lead a REAL football club.  What could go wrong?

Richmond & Twickenham Times

Supporters besides themselves after the announcement of Ted Lasso - an American who managed AMERICAN football back home - has been hired to manage the Richmond Royals.

BBC Radio 5

We don't know anything about Ted Lasso other than the viral video of him dancing with his team after winning their Division 2 college AMERICAN football title... and neither do you.

The Independent

We have so many questions.  So many.  We hope to get answers soon.

Podcasters and Social Media

the Richmond Royal Podcast

So we've just given up?  Is that it.  We're just a joke now?


Who? What? Where? When? Why???????


Does this mean I have to change my tag to @IamNoLongerRichmondFan?


I don't understand.  I just don't understand.


An American? I don't mean to sound mean... but an American?


Is it April 1st?

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Posted (edited)

Lasso meets the Press

Dale Sparks - Club Press Officer

Welcome ladies and gentlemen.  We'll keep this short and sweet.  Chairperson Le Bars will speak and then you'll get a chance to hear from our new manager, Ted Lasso, and he'll answer a few questions.  We'd like to move this along and keep it orderly.  So we'll begin with Mr. Le Bars.

Jacques Le Bars - Richmond AFC Chairperson

Welcome.  You're not here for me so I'll be very brief.  Today Richmond turns the page on what's come before and we look to the future with Ted Lasso.  Ted comes to us from America with a winner's personality and a winning pedigree.  We are ready to move forward under his leadership... we are ready for the Ted Lasso way.

Ted Lasso - Manager

Howdy y'all, I can't tell you how excited I am to be here today.  I ain't got much to say, I know y'all have questions but I'll address the rather large elephant in the room to begin with.  Yes I am American.  I was born and raised near Kansas City, Missouri.  That's a far cry from England.  It's a little town in the heartland of our United States.  I grew up there playing what we call football in the states.  I was pretty good, good enough to get a scholarship and play for Wichita State University in Kansas.  Unfortunately I suffered 2 injuries and after spending a lot of time on the bench and learning how to coach, I decided to take off the players uniform and put on the coaches hat.  I spent a couple of years as an assistant before my head coach stepped down mid-season one year due to his health and I took over and lead the Wichita State Shockers football team to a Division 2 Championship.  The next thing I know I'm getting a call from Mr. Le Bars and being asked about coming here to London and managing his team.  Now I've never played soccer - what you call football - but I've seen it.  That's doesn't quality me to be a head coach, not by a long shot.  But what does is my passion and hopefully my skills at leading men.  It might be a different sport played on a different field but the game is the same between the lines.  That's what I know.  So fire away.

Trent Crimm - the Independent

Ted Crimm, the Independent.  That was a fantastic presentatioon, Mr. Lasso.

Ted Lasso

Call me Ted.  Just Ted.

Trent Crimm - the Independent

Okay, Ted.  Fantastic presentation.  I'm sure you're a fantastic... American football manager.  Just fantastic.  You say you've never played football - our football.  I assume you've watches matches on tv, maybe in person.  You talk a good game when it comes to what one looks for in a manager - we call them managers here.  But I have several questions.  Do you know anything about the English Football pyramid?  Do you even know what league Richmond AFC is in?  Do you know anything about our rules?  And last but certainly not least... is this a joke?  It's a joke, right.  Just answer that question.

Charles Townes - the Non-League Paper

Can you even name any players in your league, on your team?  How about any football players on any club in the Premier League?  Any players at all, at any point in history?

Ted Lasso

Pyramids?  English pyramids?  I thought those were in Egypt.  What league?  Ummm, how many leagues are there?  Maybe the top one?  Or Division 2?  I'm sure we're good.  Let's see, players... I mean there's Messi and that spice girl's husband, I think they made a movie about him.  I'm sure I'm missing something.

Jacques Le Bars

My my.  We're all worked up today aren't we?  Let me help.  Richmond AFC is in the National League South, the 6th tier of the football pyramid and outside the Football League by 2 stages.  We've been in the National League South for 7 seasons.  When was the last time we won anything?  2015 when we were promoted from the Isthmian League?  We've never won a major cup or trophy or competition, ever.  So go ahead and tell me what we're risking here?  We've had accomplished managers come here and we've still never been promoted from the National League South.  What are we risking?  I'll wait.  Tell me.  You're not even giving Ted a chance.  We've lost all common sense.  He at least deserves a chance to prove himself.  Don't you think?  I thought we were better than this.

Dale Sparks

I think that's all the time we have today.  There will be other opportunities to ask more questions as the season approaches.

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Posted (edited)
On 01/08/2024 at 09:23, naterr said:

When does Jamie Tart arrive?


Also - Roy Kent needs much higher aggression :P 


Haha, I promised myself I wouldn't mess wth any of the player attributes but you are correct, Kent needs to be much more aggressive ----- I might change it, I might, it is my save so I guess I could make one change and he is 30 so it's not like it would make a ton of difference and it fits his profile better.  I'll think about it.  As far as Tartt, I actually had already changed McShane's name to Tartt shortly after I posted the players... not sure why I didn't do it in the first place.

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Press Release

Richmond AFC is running a little competition.

For our re-branding we want to include walkout music to get our supporters on their feet while our boys take the pitch.

We have 3 songs that we've narrowed down that we like and think will get the home crowd going.

Go to our website and choose the song that you like best and whichever is the most favorited will became our new entrance theme.

These are your choices and a snippet of their lyrics.

For the Glory -- All Good Things

Better back down you're in my domain
Got the whole crowd screaming out our name
It's a blowout, it's a hurricane
It's over before you know it
Why you shaking, we're a dynasty
In the making, we're the royalty
Now we're breaking down the enemy
Move over for the soldiers

Take a swing, I can take a hit
If we die, it's fine, we live for this
It's all for this

We're gonna stand on top with our hands in the sky
Gonna raise our cup to the stadium lights
For the glory (for the glory)
For the glory (for the glory)
We celebrate with the city tonight
Hear the hometown cheer, it's the ultimate high
For the glory (for the glory)
We do it for the glory (for the glory)

Unstoppable -- The Score

There's a moment in your bones when, when the fire takes over
Blood is running, heart is pumping as the battle gets closer
They could say what they want now
(Oh-oh, oh-oh)
'Cause we'll be screaming out

We can be heroes everywhere we go
We can have all that we ever want (oh-oh)
Swinging like Ali, knocking out bodies
Standing on top like a champion (oh-oh)
Keep your silver, give me that gold
You will remember when I say
We can be heroes everywhere we go
Keeping us down is impossible
'Cause we're unstoppable

Oh whoa, we're unstoppable
Oh whoa, we're unstoppable

Legend -- The Score

Here we go, here we go
It's about time that we set it off
Here we go, here we go
Red lights, I could never stop

A dreamer with the fever to be great was all I ever want
Was all I ever wanted (wanted)
A fighter with the fever for the fame was all I ever want
Was all I ever wanted

Got me singin' like
Bang, bang
Bang, bang
Bang, bang
Let's fire the weapon
Bang, bang
Bang, bang
Bang, bang
Won't stop till we're legend

The poll will run until 3 days before the season starts, so make your picks quickly.

Thank you.

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The Independent

Exclusive Ted Lasso interview

by Trent Crimm

Trent Crimm

Thank you for sitting down with us today.

Ted Lasso

Happy to be here.

Trent Crimm

You've come under a lot of fire since you're hiring for Richmond AFC.  Do you think the questions and comments have been warranted?

Ted Lasso

I can understand the concern.  I'd probably be concerned were I a fan also, but I'd hope that I'd have enough sense to sit back and see what happens also.  To get to learn something about the new head coach and make my opinions based on who he was and what he brings to the table.  But hey, I don't have any football experience and obviously football is a pretty big deal over here so it's no wonder that there are questions.

Trent Crimm

So what can you say to maybe calm down the supporters a bit and to explain what sort of a manager you're going to be?

Ted Lasso

That there is a pretty deep question.  What sort of manager am I?  I would hope that I'm someone that brings the most out of my players.  In the end that's what it's all about.  You can have all the talent in the world but if the boys don't play like it or don't play as a team then talent doesn't matter much, now does it?

Trent Crimm

So you'd say your managerial philosophy is teamwork?

Ted Lasso

I'm all about the team.  Individual awards or accomplishments are great, I mean everyone wants to see their name in lights and on the leaderboard, but if you don't win as a team then you just don't win.  So you've got, what is is 11 players out there on the field....

Trent Crimm


Ted Lasso

Right, sorry.  11 players out there on the pitch.  If they're not playing together then nothing is going to work.  It's harmony.  Each player feeds off the other.  If you have one out there doing their own thing that all of a sudden you're not in harmony, there's no ebb and flow to the game.  So you want all the players playing to their potential but you want them doing it together.  Playing together is more important even than playing good individually.

Trent Crimm

What style of football do you expect to play?

Ted Lasso

So there's one thing I know.  Points when games.  Pretty much the same in just about every sport.  I like to play fast and free... but controlled.  Hopefully that makes sense.  I think the players enjoy it when they know they're going to go out there and run and not just sit back and play timid.  So if attacking is a thing in football then we're going to attack.  Defense is important -- there's a saying that defense wins championships in American football -- but I think even more in your football, you have to be able to attack and put pressure on the other team.  I don't like sitting back and reacting to what's going on, I want the other team to react to what we're doing.

Trent Crimm

If there's one thing we do seem to know about you is that you tend to have a special relationship with your players.  Is that by design?

Ted Lasso

This is a game.  That's what it is.  I know a lot of fans think it's more but it's just a game.  Now it's one we're all being paid to perform at so that's important.  But I think it's my job beyond that to help influence these young men into doing the right things in their lives because they're only going to be out on the field, sorry pitch, for a short time.  It's a short time in their life.  And their life is so much more important than what goes on out there.  So yes, I'd say I try to develop relationships with everybody and hopefully help them become someone bigger than just a football player, something more.

Trent Crimm

Can you tell us why Richmond?  Why did you come here when you seemed to have everything you wanted back in the states with your Division 2 Championship and maybe other opportunities there?

Ted Lasso

Now that is a really good question.  Something different I suppose.  Maybe that's not the best answer but it's mine.  I'll own it.  Mr. Le Bars contacted me a few weeks back and said he had an opening at his football club and wanted me to come manage it.  At first I was pretty confused.  I had never heard of Richmond and I sure didn't know much about soccer.  But as we talked I got more intrigued.  I like challenges.  He talked about what he wanted from a head coach and from the team and, I don't know, it just sounded like a pretty cool opportunity.  It might be crazy, probably is, but we're here now and even if it is crazy, it's my crazy now.

Trent Crimm

Crazy indeed.  I'm still not convinced this isn't a joke, though.  I guess we'll see.  Thank you for your time.

Ted Lasso


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Lasso's personal diary

I'm sitting down for the first time and really looking over this roster and trying to put together some semblance of a plan for the season.  We don't have much money to work with, which I was told up front so it's not a surprise.  We're operating with about a 10k per week salary budget and spending pretty much every penny of that so there's no room to bring anybody else in, which is a problem because we have holes.  I do have some dead weight, but not much considering my lack of depth to begin with and it may be more expensive to replace someone than it would be to just keep the players I have but I do need to make some moves.

The roster itself isn't horrible - I don't think, since I don't know much about our competition... but we do have a few good young players and if we can perform as a team I don't see why we can't be competitive.  But moving forward I can definitely see problems arising if we don't start winning and putting some money on the books.

Up front I think we'll be good, it will be the back-end defense that is my biggest question mark currently and also where we have an alarming lack of quality depth.  I could use a couple more warm bodies but without money... it's going to be difficult.  

I guess it's time to hit the market and see what moves can be made.

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Posted (edited)

Pre-Season, Predictions and Poll Results



The main objective of the pre-season is to get match readiness and to come out healthy.  I'm happy with how we played but unfortunately we suffered several injuries and will go into the season a little short handed.  We rested a good number of players in the final match but had a pretty good showing in our first 3.

Golden Boot


I think Jamie Tartt might be a surprise here even though he's completely overlooked in the poll.

Top Player


Roy Kent getting a little love.

Predicted Finish


A solid 4th place finish is predicted for our club.  We'll take it.

Poll Results

And the winner is ------ "Legend" by The Score

It was a very close race between Legend and For the Glory but Legend comes out on top by a few percentage points.  We look forward to our supporters singing loud and proud in support of their favorite players when we take the pitch at our first home match.

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First Match Preview


Trent Crimm - Independent

Trent Crimm, the independent.  You're managing your first match today.  Any jitters or are you feeling confident?

Ted Lasso

We've practiced well.  Trained as I'm told you call it.  You'll have to forgive the translation problems.  I'm always going to back my boys.  We're ready to get started.

Charles Townes - Non League Paper

Reports are that you're going with Jamie Tartt at striker over the more established Ben Seymour - who was just brought over from Plymouth before your arrival at the club.  Can you explain this decision?

Ted Lasso

Ben's going to see a lot of time up front, but I want to give Jamie an opportunity to show he belongs.  I'm not concerned about Ben and when we need him I know he'll be ready.

Charles Townes - Non League Paper

Any predictions for the season?

Ted Lasso

We'll be ready to play every game.  We're going to go out and give the fans something to be proud of.

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We were away to start the season at Priory Lane, the home grounds for Eastbourne Borough


It was not a good showing for the good guys


The bad

Too many mistakes, including not clearing a shot and giving it right back to the opposition for an easy goal.  Committing a foul on a bad, bad tackle attempt and giving up an easy penalty shot.  And not even realizing we were playing a match until the very end of the first half and playing behind the whole game.

The good

A goal by Kent and 2 by Tartt give us some hope that we can score.... but stopping the opposition may be a problem.

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At home in Kings Court for today's match


A little better result this time.


The good

We won.  Possession was good.

The bad

Not a lot of shots, just 1 shot on target -- but it was all that we needed.  Gave up more shots than we took.  Defense is still porous and we had to fight them off to get the win.

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At home again


And another good result


The good

Another win.  A slim possession advantage.  Kent gets another goal.

The bad

Gave up more shots than we took again.

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We're at Bolitho Park in Plymouth, home of Truro City FC


And once again a very bad result on the road


The good

Nothing.  Nothing good came from this match.

The bad

Third straight match where we gave up more shots than we took.  We were under constant pressure in this game, giving up 16 shots total and 10 on target.  We were lucky we gave up only 4 goals.  Our defenders were lost out there.

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Hello from Twerton Park, Bath... home of Bath City


Another road match... another road loss


The good

Nothing.  Horrible shooting.  Horrible defending.  Horrible possession.

The bad

The opposite of everything good.  We are just being pushed around on defense.

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We're back home at Kings Court today... can we get the win


Yes, yes we can


The good

We won.  A slight possession advantage.  Hall and Hunt score.

The bad

We still gave up too many shots, more than we took again.  By xG we should have lost, so we may have got a bit lucky.

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August in Review



What an interesting month.  3 wins at home.  3 losses on the road.

We gave up a total of 1 goals at home and 11 on the road.



We're holding steady mid-table.  Not exactly where we want to be but it could be worse.

National League South Team Rankings


We are scoring at a pretty good rate but giving them up just as quickly.

National League South Player Rankings




I'm very curious how our financial situation is 'okay' and yet we have no money... none.

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Lasso's personal diary

So we're one month in and we're truly a Jeckyll and Hyde club.

At home in 3 matches we've given up a grand total of 1 goal.... 2 clean sheets.  Won all 3 games.

Away in 3 matches we've give up 11 goals... and lost every game.

We've given up more shots than we've taken in 5 of our 6 games and in the other it was an 11-11 tie in shots taken.

I hate to make knee-jerk reactions so early in the season but I may need to mess with our tactics a bit and pull someone else back on defense and just put 3 up front in attack.  It's definitely worth thinking about.

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the Richmond Royal Podcast

Jake Spratt

Richmond manager, Ted Lasso, was kind enough to come in for a few minutes today and talk about the season so far.  Welcome, Mr. Lasso.

Ted Lasso

It's Ted, Jake, and it's good to be here.

Jake Spratt

Ted then.  So, you've been at the helm of our Richmond club for a little over a month now.  You're 3-3 to start the season with 3 good wins at home and 3 bad losses on the road.  Can you explain what's going on when you leave Kings Court and why the club is playing so poorly away?

Ted Lasso

Well, Jake, that's the million dollar question now, isn't it?  It's concerning for sure.  We've given up 1 goal in 3 games at home but 11 on the road.  It can't be for lack of preparedness because we're not doing anything different when we get away than we are when we're home.  Whatever it is, I'll take the blame and it's my responsibility to fix.

Jake Spratt

So far we've seen the same formation for the first 6 matches and it hasn't lead to the best results.  You're 4th in the league in scoring but you're being pushed around on defense.  You're giving up an alarming amount of shots against and goals against.  This is obviously not a sustainable winning formula.  Are there changes coming?

Ted Lasso

That's a conversation I'm having with Beard and Nate the Great.  Obviously we don't want to react poorly to a few bad matches but at the same time if something isn't working we need to identify that quickly and make changes before it really snowballs into a big problem.  You'll probably see something new our next time out.

Jake Spratt

Jamie Tartt put 2 in the back of the net his very first match and then has been held to nothing since.  He has a woeful 25% shots on target ratio with a 17% conversion rate.  Are you sticking by him or will we see changes up front as well?

Ted Lasso

Jamie is my man until I see that he isn't.  I don't think you instill much confidence in any player - especially a young one - by yanking them at the first sign of adversity.  I have faith he'll turn this around.

Jake Spratt

On a personal note, the supporters haven't really let up in letting you know how they feel about you at the matches.  Is that something you pay attention to and is it a distraction with the players?

Ted Lasso

Well given that we're 3-0 at home I'd say it hasn't really been a problem.  I know that I have work to do and I'm out there every day trying to prove I belong.  Hopefully the fans see that.  

Jake Spratt

Well thanks for your time, Ted.

Ted Lasso

Thank you, Jake.

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from Saunders Transport Community Stadium in Farnborough


and we have our FIRST road win!


It's taken 4 matches but we have our first road win and our first match where we outshot our opponents.  We did change our tactic and pull a man back as I discussed we might.  I'm not sure I love this one and we may make another change just to see what works best, but can't argue with the result.  Although only 2 shots went on target of our 10 attempts... so we're still not shooting well.  At least it's a step in the right direction.

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Back home at Kings Court


We secure another victory at home


Stayed with the same tactic to give it another chance.  We still outshot our opponents and this time 50% of our shots were on target so that's an improvement.  Nice possession advantage as well.  Still might mix things up going forward, will have to play with it and see what looks best.

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from Optima Stadium, Weston-super-Mare


change of tactic... leads to a lot of goals


Amazingly though, it was with a lack of shots.  7 total shots but 4 goals scored.  Good possession advantage again though.  Maybe we'll give this another match and see how it goes.

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from Kings Court


Not the result we wanted -- guess it will take 2 to get this one done


Someone is going to have to explain how we put up 23 shots with only 3 going on target.... and they put up 1 shot, scored 1 and we walk away with the draw.

Unbelievable.  We did rotate pretty much everyone as we were going up against much "lesser" competition... and almost paid the price for it.

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from Brickfield Lane, Edgware


a little better this time... I guess


21 more shots put up, only 3 on target - this is becoming a problem.  But we got the win with a heavily rotated squad so I'm good with it.  We're moving on.

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from Kings Court


good result


This was probably the most complete match we've played this season.  Clean Sheet.  Good possession.  14 shots, 7 on target compared to 9 and 1 from Yeovil.  Overall a really quality match from the boys.

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from Champion Hills Stadium, London (nice little stadium btw)


We pulled it out in the end


This match was a lot closer than it should have been.  We only gave up 3 shots and they scored twice off them.  We put up 16 (only 4 on target) and scored 3.  We continued our possession advantage in matches.  A nice little win streak going now.

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September in Review



Excellent month.  4 matches, 4 wins in league play.  2 wins in the FA Cup to advance. 

The icing on the cake was 3 clean sheets in league play as well.  Just a good turnaround from where we were last month.



We move up to the 3rd spot.

National League South Team Stats


First in goals.  First in conversion rate.  I'm a little surprised our possession rate isn't up there but it's improving.

National League South Player Stats


Tartt moves up the leaderboard in goals scored.  He had a very good month.



And we're further in debt... although we didn't lose as much money this month.

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from Westleigh Park, Havant


a win is a win... doesn't matter the score


We continue to miss a lot of shots, but we're young so I'm trying not to be very worried.  The good side is we are playing much better defense now so we're not allowing much.  1-0 is still a win.  We're also holding a good possession advantage in most games so it's all coming together... slowly.

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FA Cup match


We travel to The Recreation Ground in Aldershot, Hampshire to in our 4th round qualifying match.  In an interesting turn of events, Aldershot just fired their manager previous to this match.  Whether that is a good thing or pushes the team to play even harder remains to be seen.  Aldershot currently are in the National League but in the drop zone so although a step above us... I wouldn't say they're tremendously more capable.  It should be a good test for us.

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from The Recreation Ground, Aldershot (nice little stadium)


Big win for the club, always nice to beat a team a step above us.


We deserved the win in this one, I think.  It was a good contest and they definitely challenged us but we put up a lot more shots and held a small possession advantage overall.  We were up 2-1 at the half and then 3-1 late until they put one in late in added time to make it look closer than it was.

We are moving on to the First Round of the FA Cup!

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from Kings Court


a nice late victory for the good guys


Funny game this is at times.  We absolutely DOMINATED this match.  11 shots to 4.  68% possession to 32%.  More tackles won, more headers won... better average player rating.

Yet somehow we barely sneak in the victory.

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from Wordsworth Drive, Taunton


Quality win when we shot horribly


I think I just said this is a funny game at time.

We won this match while only putting up 3 shots... and making each one.  Possession, tackles... everything else was equal.

But we won.

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from Kings Court


late goal for the win


Again, didn't play our best... Worthing even held the possession advantage here.  However they struggled putting up shots and we managed to put one in late for the win.

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from Kings Court


missed opportunities


Another match we "dominated" but we just couldn't find the back of the net.  Very disappointing, but at least it wasn't a loss.

Ben Seymour - who's been a pain in my backside because he whines constantly about not playing enough or not being the star - mised TWO nearly wide open shots, including one that bounced back to him from the keeper that he missed wide right with NOBODY in front of him.  Not a way to make the manager want to give you more playing time.

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from Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover


Well.... a draw.


20 shots but only 3 on target....... ouch.

Huge possession advantage but we really fell flat in keeping them from scoring on just 3 shots on target.  A match we really should have won.

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October in Review



Make it 2 months unbeaten now.  We are definitely rolling after our change in tactics.  And we're moving on in the FA Cup.  Life is good... right now.



We're holding the top spot although Tonbridge has a game in hand.  We're definitely not the only club in the league enjoying success at the moment, but sitting at the top sure does feel good.  It looks like it's going to be a tough fight all season long.

National League South Team Stats


Our conversion rate is great.... our shots on target percentage -- currently at 37% -- is 5th worst in the league.

National League South Player Stats


Jamie Tartt (doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-dooo) is scoring goals... but his on target percentage is horrific.



How much money can we lose this season????

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Notts County


**yes this is funny**

Trent Crimm

 You're facing Notts County who escaped the National League last season after spending 4 years there.  They are currently 3rd in League Two.  This should be a very tough match for your squad.  How are you feeling going in?


I'm actually a huge admirer of Notts County since learning their history.  One of the oldset - or the oldest depending on what you believe - clubs in the game.  A long history in English Football.  Found themselves demoted a few years back and then went on a historic run last season to get back in the league.  I mean they're sort of what we aspire to here, aren't they?  We obviously don't have the history but we're fighting for recognition.  Beating a club like them would be a good first step.

Trent Crimm

So you're predicting a win?


I wouldn't bet against us but I'm the head coach so maybe I'm a little biased.  It's going to be a tough match.  We need to be prepared and we need to be on our game.  If we are then I think maybe we might shock some people.  Win or lose though the idea here is to be competitive.  Show we belong.  I don't want my guys to come undone if we lose here.  I never want to come undone by one loss.  If we go out there and play our game then we stand with our heads held high no matter the result.

Charles Townes

It sounds like you're predicting defeat?  Are you setting your supporters up for a loss and trying to temper expectations?


No.  Not at all.  I'm saying that in some matches it's how you play that's as important as the result.  If we go out there and give everything we've got and the result doesn't go our way then that doesn't mean we played bad... it just means that it wasn't our day.  But if we go out there and lose and play like we didn't belong on the same pitch then that's more than just a loss... that's an indictment on the coaching team, the players... everything.  So what we want to do in every single match is belong.  That's what I want to see out there.

Charles Townes

I think the supporters would want to hear that you have faith in your club and are obviously looking for a victory.


I think we're looking to win everytime we step foot on the field.... pitch.  If we're not then I'm not doing my job.  But winning is a lot of things.  Preparation is part of that.  Heart is part of that.  Desire is part of that.  Those are the things that can be judged win or lose.  If you don't have those things then a loss is more than a loss and a win doesn't mean as much.

Nottingham Post

Since you're new to the sport and the country, how are you finding life in London and with your new club?


It's exciting.  I said when I came here I think that there's not much difference coaching one sport compared to the next.  If you're a coach, you're a coach.  Obviously the rules are different, the game is different.  But coaching is about people.  I love Richmond.  I love London.  I love the people I've met here.  I'd love to visit Nottingham and see the forest.  That probably sounds very... touristy, but I'm a huge Robin Hood fan.  I don't know how that plays here in England, it's probably a very American thing to be a fan of that story.  But no, I'm very happy here.  Very.

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from Meadow Lane, Nottingham (I just love this stadium)


We put up a fight


Trent Crimm

I assume that this is what you meant when you talked about morale victories prior to the match?


We did everything we set out to do against a very good team in Notts County.  My guys went out there and played hard, gave 100% and in the end lost to a late goal - deserved, but late.  We hold our heads high after this one and I'd hope the supporters agree.

Nottingham Post

You seemed very appreciative of Notts County before the match.  Has your opinion changed in any way?


Absolutely not.  I have a lot of respect for your team.  Your fans should be happy with this result.  Right now I'd say that you're in a place that we strive to be in.  This is a beautiful stadium.  It's a beautiful town.  Your fans are loud.  I wish you nothing but luck going forward in your season and hopefully down the line we'll get a chance to do this again.

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Punch said:

Awesome start to life at Richmond AFC!

Keep up the good work!

I'm not sure I'm going to.

I'm not flaking out again... it's a matter of the save not working the way I wanted -- meaning I had an idea about what I could do and I really can't so for me the save doesn't work.  I could just go with it as it is and not worry about the details but that's never been me.  The details -- the story -- has to work.  

I wanted to do a Ted Lasso save but I had never had the editor before or messed with it or even knew what exactly it could do.  Once I got in I realized I coudn't change the owner or couldn't figure out how and that's a big part of the story to me.  But I went ahead and dismissed that.

I easily figured out how to change the names of players... no big deal.  But then I realized that without editing players further that I wasn't really going to get the player I wanted to make the save the way I wanted.  And to me that was just too much involvement and me making the story the way I wanted without it just being the story I wanted (if that makes sense).  So I didn't change anybody stats... which was fine at first.

But now that I'm in the game I'm realizing that I named a kid Jamie Tartt -- who's supposed to be a really good player but I don't know that he will be.  He may just be a one and done type player and then that part of the story is ruined.  Roy Kent I HAD to go in and change one thing about him to make him aggressive because that was his whole personality in the show.... but again I changed one thing with him and then felt bad about it after.  But I went with it --- but in the end it's the same thing as with Tartt... I would have to force him to be the player and then coach I wanted rather than just generically letting the story happen.

Other players I didn't change because it was a lot of work to mess with player names but not even be sure they'd be the players they were in the show.

So in the end what I've done is create a Ted Lasso story... that's basically just a shell of what I was trying to do.

So now I'm just sitting here wondering if I have any interest in just having a shell of the story I wanted to create or just let it go and realize that it can't be done the way I wanted.

Oh... also the logo bothers me because I'm not talented enough to get rid of the white around it and in the game it looks bad and for some reason on the league table my team name is off-center as well.... which also bothers me.  I know, that's stupid stuff, but it's all part of the investment in the story and that's not working for me.

So here I am... stuck again.  Trying to figure out how I want to continue.

Oh and I fully realize that most of this sounds just.... "who cares" stuff, and maybe to some and in their stories it wouldn't... but to me and in my story it does.

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