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Easing the press-ure

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I've been having a review of things at Millonarios being nine games in and one thing that I've noticed is that my team get 'leggy' in the second half of games and, unsurprisingly, this is when we concede more goals - 7 out of the 11 goals let in have been 60 mins or later. 36% of goals conceded come in the last ten minutes of a match . At the moment, my press instructions are as follows:


I also have counter-press and counter on in my transition tab. I know I'm not running a particularly high press as it is but I wondered if I should drop back further or ease off things in the second half of games. I'm interested to know how other people run their pressing games, particularly when you're not at one of the world's biggest and best and get some tips as to what might be best for my side!

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5 hours ago, RaySunshine said:

I've been having a review of things at Millonarios being nine games in and one thing that I've noticed is that my team get 'leggy' in the second half of games and, unsurprisingly, this is when we concede more goals - 7 out of the 11 goals let in have been 60 mins or later. 36% of goals conceded come in the last ten minutes of a match . At the moment, my press instructions are as follows:


I also have counter-press and counter on in my transition tab. I know I'm not running a particularly high press as it is but I wondered if I should drop back further or ease off things in the second half of games. I'm interested to know how other people run their pressing games, particularly when you're not at one of the world's biggest and best and get some tips as to what might be best for my side!

I would avoid counter-press combined with more often trigger press in a defensive block. In general you'll want to use counter-press situationally in a block, if you use it as a pre-set you're just going to get played through a lot like this.

Why are you trapping outside? Again, a situational TI in most circumstances and highly dependent on personnel. 

You are not posting that much information so it will mostly be guess work from the forum. Could be a tactical issue, how you've built your squad (weak concentration?) or down to poor rotation/pre-season. 

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Something I found out from a video is that three roles are hard-coded to press more for you. They are Pressing Forward, Defensive Winger and Ball Winning Midfielder. This means that even if you have counter-pressing off these roles will still press more than the other players.

I always use a pressing forward and BWM in games where I am not favourite. I use PF in every game. I have counter-pressing turned off.

I would love for the Defensive Winger to be an option in the AML/AMR positions to complement the Pressing Forward but that is not an option yet.

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