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Scoting Questions: Performance Analysts "vs" Recruitment Analysts [FM23] | DoF role

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Dear FM Friends,

I have 2 questions that I have not been able to Google or analyze my way to the answer. Some context is that I have played more or less every FM(CM) since 2000, so I have a very structured routine of how I do stuff which might make me overlook some obvious things and gaps - please break out my flaws if you find them.

Question 1:
The core of the question is whether Performance Analysts and Recruitment Analysts "compete over" or cooperate on reports.

When I set up my Scouting system, I select a country or a selection of 2-3 countries that I assign to 1 Scout, with Ongoing priority. At the same time, I assign 2 Analysts to each Scout's assignement - one recruitment analyst, and one performance analyst.

My question, in more detail, is whether these 2 assigned analysts will "compete over" (or probably more precisely divide amongst them) the scouted players, or if they cooperate on compiling the analyst report on every player. This is, obviously, quite the difference. And since the performance analyst role is fairly limited outside of recruitment purposes - only Own Team Analysis Report and Opposition Analysis Report - it seems that most Performance Analysts go to waste if they are not helping with recruitment.

Question 2:

This question here is a bit more complicated to formulate precisely. Despite the focuses described above (1 Scout + 2 Analysts per assignement), it seems that my DoF is the one actually scouting people. When I go through all my recruitment staff, my scouts have 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 15, 23 reports etc., while my DoF sits on a grand total 670 reports. When I go through my Shortlists, they are also almost always "Last Scouted by DoF", and "Last Scouted by" the Performance analyst, ironically enough, assigned to do Own Team reports.

Why is this the case, that the DoF seems to be doing the scouting while my scouts do not provide many reports? Or is this simply because my DOF is "Handling" the reports? 

In advance, thanks

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Q1: I always assumed they do the same thing, but PAs do it for your team & opposition and RAs do it for scouting. I am not aware of any advantage or difference from allocating both a PA and a RA to a scout assigment. I would be very surprised if the scouting module is nuanced enough for that to make any difference.

Q2: I think this is because he is handling / providing the reports.

Edited by NineCloudNine
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