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Tips for my tactic

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Can i have some tips/ideas to make this tactic work better, defensively not too bad but can go in patches where im not converting/creating chances

                                       DLF - SU

IF - AT                                                                         IF - AT


                         AP - AT                RPM - SU


IWB - SU                       HB - D                                 IWB - SU


                        BPD - DE            BPD - DE


                                   SK - AT


Positive mentality 


shorter passing

pass into space

play out of defense

run at defence

work ball into box

be more expressive

underlap left

underlap right

higer tempo

attacking width wide



take short kicks

distribute to full backs

distribute quickly





much higher defensive line

high press

much more oftern trigger press

prevent short gk distribution

get stuck in

step up more


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First question to ask yourself is who are you wanting to score? I guess the IFs. Second is how? It is not clear to me how you actually want to create chances. It seems like you probably want to have through balls from the central mid to IF cutting inside? It is the only way you will score. So if you come up against a back 3, you may struggle. Or a tactic with 2 DMs. Think how you want to create chances and score goals, and that will guide your roles and duties.

Then your instructions. Why do you have them? What are they for? For example who is underlapping left and right? Why do you want them to? Do you need them to? Does it do anything? If you cannot think of a good reason why you need an instruction, get rid of it. My current tactic has 2 in possession instructions: Pass into space and slightly higher tempo. I have them because I want to get the ball into space when we win it back so we can counter quickly before the opposition defence sets, and I want them to do it quickly, nor dawdle. That kind of thing. 

Start simple, and add complexity as and when you need to.

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