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Random Crash on Sponsorship Screen with 32 Teams, But not with 28 Teams


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I have create a league with 32 teams split across 2 groups of 16. There is a random problem when the game will occasionally crash when clicking to view Sponsorship Income page from the competition main screen. Had no idea what could be causing this, tried everything. Just reduced the league from 32 teams down to 28 and i cant replicate the crash. Wonder why the game cant handle showing Sponsorship Income for 32 teams but can for 28??

Anyone experienced something similar with large leagues?

EDIT: I must add, it doesnt crash EVERY single time when there's 32 teams, but its very random when it does. It has NEVER crashed with 28 teams

Edited by oJMPx
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It was just a thought that if it was a custom skin, then maybe it was a setting in the skin xml that needed changing. It shouldnt be the case but if you use 85% zoom, or a zoom that means you don't have to scroll down will the crash still occur. I am quite possibly barking up the wrong tree however!

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