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November in Review



Disappointing loss in the FA Cup against Stockport but the league has always been our number 1 concern this season regardless.

Not as many goals scored this month but only 1 allowed in 4 matches is good.



9 points up about halfway through the season.

I almost hate to say it but it feels like a 2-horse race between us and Woking who have only lost 2 matches all season compared to our 1.  We just beat Yeovil - who's in 3rd place - to knock them back a little.  Obviously there's a long way to go and a lot that could go wrong - including our players getting tired, so we need to do a good job of managing work-load in the 2nd half to maintain our lead.

National League Team Stats


Woking has surpassed us in goals scored but we still hold the #1 spots in possession, shots on target, conversion rate and pass completion ratio.

National League Player Stats


Langstaff still having a Player of the Season type year.



Still continuing to lose money......

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Match Twenty-Two

from Glanford Park, Scunthorpe


tough win


The numbers say we deserved a win, albeit by the slimmest of margins but Scunthorpe really played a good game here.

We held a good possession advantage but really didn't turn that to too much of an advantage.  Shots were relatively equal, we just managed to get one extra in.

We stopped them when we needed to and that was the difference in the match.

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Match Twenty-Three

from York Road, Maidenhead


a thriller at York Road


We have played 25 matches this season (including Cups) and this is the first time we've given up more than 2 goals.  In fact in all those matches we've only given up more than 1 goal 4 times now - including this match.  That's some incredible defense, so I'm not going to be too sore at the lads for having one "bad" game out there.

On the other side our dormant offense came alive in this one, so there is that.

I'm sure this was a thriller for the fans in attendance.

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Match Twenty-Four

from Meadow Lane


nice win


We won at Gateshead in our first match 4-1 and took this one 4-2 so if anything we know we can put it in the net against them.

Langstaff scored twice more against his former club.  Unfortunately Scott has been our injured and missed this one.

We also meet Gateshead again in just a few days in a FA Trophy match.

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FA Trophy Preview



Trent Crimm

You played Gateshead earlier in the season and won the match 4-1 and just beat them again a couple of days ago 4-2.  Now you play them again (back-to-back) matches, do you think that gives you an advantage or is beating a club 3 times in one season more difficult?

Eddie Sirrel

I like the back-to-back because it gives us time to just concentrate on one opponent.  Plus we're at home so the boys get a nice little rest and some much needed time with their families.  We've already shown twice this season that we have the ability to score against Gateshead but we can't let complacency take root.  If we don't go out there and perform it could lead to an early exit from this competition.

Nottingham Post

Langstaff has had 2 great matches against his former club as did Scott in the first match, but he was injured this time around.  Will he be ready for this contest?

Eddie Sirrel

He probably could have been on the pitch this last time out but we wanted to take a couple of extra days and get him some rest and make sure he was ready for this important match.

Nottingham Post

You had a somewhat early exit in the FA Cup - although most didn't think you were going to go too far.  How do you see this competition?

Eddie Sirrel

I like our chances but as I've said a million times it's all on us to perform.  There are no easy matches once you start thinking they're easy.  One mistake out there can be the difference between a win or a loss.  We know what's ahead of us, we know how good we can be, but we have to go out there and show it every time out.

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FA Trophy Third Round

from Meadow Lane


nice win


3 up and 3 down versus Gateshead.  They have to be tired of seeing us this season.

With respect, we've done a pretty good job of pushing them around in our 3 matches... none of which were particuly close affairs.

Now we just need to continue this sort of play.

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Match Twenty-Five

from Meadow Lane


the first of back-to-back


This was all Langstaff... and a good defensive effort.

Oldham had no answer for the pressure we put on them until the 2nd half when they snuck one by.

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December in Review



We continue to roll with a perfect month.  Our dormant offense really caught fire this month with 18 goals scored in 5 matches.



Woking lost a match this last month so we widened the gap on them, now holding a 14 point advantage for the top spot.

National League Team Stats


We retook the top spot in overall goals scored, no surprise there given our output this last month.  And we still hold the top spots in almost every other offensive category as well.

National League Player Stats


Macaulay is up to 31 goals now... but he's not the only one having a great season.  Look at all those names on the leaderboards.



Lost.  Money.  Again.

Youth Intake


Hey... we had our youth intake revealed this month.

And it's terrible.


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Interesting campaign, this. I was particularly taken by your honesty in your OP. I can very much relate to it, so I thought it might help if I shared by experiences and solutions.

I'm an exiled Briton, my heart being in the Highlands of Scotland but living in Cambodia nearly 20 years. I have made no connections to local football here so despite being a life-long lover of the Beautiful Game, I've long since lost any emotional connection to any real football clubs. Like you, I can't bring myself to manage any club in FM I have no feeling for - I need to immerse myself in a save, so how do I do that?

I lightly tamper with the editor to insert fictitious clubs into the database, wee Scottish Highland/Island villages that live on in my heart. To do that, I use the modded lower league databases fans create (esp here in the Editors Hideaway). Thus, I might put my wee village teams with amateur status in the 14th tier of Scotland. Right now my story in this forum is of Loch Ness in the 9th tier, using the 10-tier England mod but with my tweaks to add in Irish, Scottish and Welsh teams into the English structure. It's fantasy, but then imagining yourself managing Notts County or Barcelona is fantasy. In your case, I see a 10-tier US database near the top of the editor forum, perfect for popping into the pregame editor and changing the name and details of an amateur 10-tier outfit to the place of your choice, a place you can relate to. Or make up a name, like "New Notts County". There are lots of ways to customise a savegame to make it work for you personally, and no one else.

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4 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

Interesting campaign, this. I was particularly taken by your honesty in your OP. I can very much relate to it, so I thought it might help if I shared by experiences and solutions.

I'm an exiled Briton, my heart being in the Highlands of Scotland but living in Cambodia nearly 20 years. I have made no connections to local football here so despite being a life-long lover of the Beautiful Game, I've long since lost any emotional connection to any real football clubs. Like you, I can't bring myself to manage any club in FM I have no feeling for - I need to immerse myself in a save, so how do I do that?

I lightly tamper with the editor to insert fictitious clubs into the database, wee Scottish Highland/Island villages that live on in my heart. To do that, I use the modded lower league databases fans create (esp here in the Editors Hideaway). Thus, I might put my wee village teams with amateur status in the 14th tier of Scotland. Right now my story in this forum is of Loch Ness in the 9th tier, using the 10-tier England mod but with my tweaks to add in Irish, Scottish and Welsh teams into the English structure. It's fantasy, but then imagining yourself managing Notts County or Barcelona is fantasy. In your case, I see a 10-tier US database near the top of the editor forum, perfect for popping into the pregame editor and changing the name and details of an amateur 10-tier outfit to the place of your choice, a place you can relate to. Or make up a name, like "New Notts County". There are lots of ways to customise a savegame to make it work for you personally, and no one else.

I appreciate the kind comments.  Yes, much like what you've said and how I've always attempted to do my saves, I like to try and incorporate something real... or something that could be real - like the grandson of a legendary coach coming in to save a club.  I like to use players that have an attachment to the club like Les Bradd and come up with something that 'makes sense' even though it's obviously fantasy.  That's where I find my attachment.  That and I do like to write but I need to feel something personal, immerse myself in the story to make it my own or to feel that connection.  Unfortunately I also bring a little of my fiery personality (my heritage is Irish - can trace my family starting with my great-grandfather and great-grandmother back to Kilarney) in to saves, which has been my downfall with Notts County on a couple of occassions where I've said or done things in game that put me at odds with the board and I end up being fired, so I'm trying very hard this time to be more like a young manager would be and try to earn my way to be able to be slightly 'pushy' when I need things done my way rather than starting off with that temperment.  I also suffer from some mental issues, which I've talked about a little on here which have interferred with my ability to concentrate at times or allow myself to enjoy what I'm doing, but I'm in a good place right now and really feeling this save for some reason - which is good.  Hopefully that continues because I really do love Notts County and I love the sport and I love this game.  Am looking forward to FM25 coming out and whatever improvements they have made there and for this save to continue and for me - in my little fantasy world - to get Notts to a place they've never been before.

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Social Media Reactions

past the midway point

The Independent

A quality month from what has looked like a quality club all year long.  At least point any detractors to the Eddie Sirrel hiring have gone in hiding as there's not much you can possibly complain about at this point.  That's not to say things have been perfect or that they could change in an instant but it would be a little shocking as this club has pretty much rolled over all opposition this year so far.

The Non-League Paper

We're a few games past halfway through the season and at this point - to THIS point - there's nobody alive that can say that what Eddie Sirrel has done out there has been nothing short of a miracle for Notts County.  Maybe a miracle is too much, this has been a good club the past few years - in National League standards - but right now they're playing like League Two contenders.  And all they have to do is hold on and they're going to be in League Two this time next season.

Nottingham Post

Do you hear that?  That's crickets coming from the anti-Eddie Sirrel camp.  Look, we had our questions also but so far he's answered each one in spades.  We're not ready to hang Legendary next to his name, let's not get ahead of ourselves... but so far this season he's done everything asked of him and more.

Nottinghamshire Live

I think we asked who the real Notts County was after their first match this season.  I think now we know who they are.

@TheBlackAndWhiteArmy Podcast

I've been saying that Eddie was the answer before the season even started.  Everyone else is just along for the ride now.


The offense has been good, the defense has been outstanding.


Color me one of the non-believers... but I'm willing to admit now that I was probably wrong.  Lots of season left to go.


I still stand by my comments that Langstaff is a beast and that Mickey Mouse could manage him but I'm loving the winning nonetheless.


Notts County is the best.  Eddie Sirrel is still cute?  Is he single?  Too much?


BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG Won't stop 'till we're LEGENDS! I'm loving the music.  I'm loving the enthusiasm of the supporters.  Let's go Pies!

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Match Twenty-Six

from Boundary Park, Oldham


they came to play


After thrasing them 3-1 at our house a few days ago, we traveled to Oldham and although we put constant pressure on them, they definitely played a tougher defense this time around.  Credit to Oldham for changing their game and making it much harder on us to score.

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Match Twenty-Seven

from Meadow Lane


I think we stole this one


Yes we out-shot them.  Yes we had a small possession advantage.  Yes we should have won based on xG.

But I watched this one unfold and for everything we did right... they just seemed to have an answer.

We got the shots off but we couldn't put them on target where they did.

And they played in our half much more than we did even though we held the possession advantage.

Every time we touched the ball they were on us.

We snuck one in in the 92nd minute and if we had been at their house we probably would have snuck away without showering just to get away as quickly as we could.

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FA Trophy Fourth Round

from Meadow Lane


we controlled this one


I'd never say this to Brackley's face but this wasn't much of a contest, especially since we pretty much played a highly rotated club consisting of half my youth players.

They just weren't on the level we are at right now and that's not a slight on them, they shouldn't be.  They did get off a lot of shots, we didn't put much pressure on them with our kids playing... but they couldn't stop us either.

We deserved this win.

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Match Twenty-Eight

from The Technique Stadium, Cheseterfield


this one hurt


Not only do I not like losing but I don't like losing to rivals.

Neither do the supporters.

This was one of our worst played matches this season... and that includes the one we gave up 3 goals in.

We just couldn't do anything right here.

We held a small possession advantage but we couldn't get the ball off... 6 total shots.

Whereas they just put constant pressure on us from the start.

It is a credit to our defense that we held them to just 1 goal.  It could have been 3 or 4 easily with as many shots as they got off.

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Match Twenty-Nine

from Damson Park, Solihull


2 in a row....


This is 2 really bad games in a row where we haven't shot the ball well at all.

Just 5 shots off this match after just 6 last one.  And only 2 on target.

Once again we held possession but that's not important in the scheme of things if you're not shooting.

First 2 game losing streak all season.

I don't like it.

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Match Thirty

from Meadow Lane


a little home cooking


We get back home after 2 on the road and we put on a show.

Sort of.

I mean we got 24 shots off in this match and 12 on target after only 11 shots total the last 2 games.

But we only scored twice.

I know, I said 'only' but when you get that many shots off you hope to put a few in.

I'm not complaining.... we needed the win and we got it.

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Match Thirty-One

from Meadow Lane


well... it's not a loss


I was really hoping for another statement match but instead it was just a pretty bad match all around.

Eastleigh didn't play well.  We didn't play well.

I guess credit the defenses on both sides but this was a boring match.

Not what I wanted after losing a couple of games this month and then putting up 24 shots the last match.

But a draw is better than a loss.

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January in Review



Worst month we've had all season long.  2 losses and a draw in league play -- along with a couple of wins as well.  3 matches we didn't score in.



Amazingly our "slip" didn't hurt us in the standings, in fact we've got 18 points between us and Woking now... and Solihull who's moved up also.

National League Team Stats


Lots of green still on the board.

National League Player Stats


Langstaff had 30 goals at the end of last month....... and has 30 goals at the end of this month.  Ouch.



Finally a big profitable month.

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Transfer News


We made a little noise on the transfrer front in January.

We had a lot of dead weight - players that were either on bad contracts, contracts coming due or guys like Rodrigues who told us they wouldn't re-sign.

So we made some moves, which in the end probably doesn't help our depth much since we didn't have much to begin with but as a cash strapped club we have to get something in return for our players.  We can't just let them walk for nothing.

Even 140k is better than nothing.

We didn't bring anybody in... we just reached down to our developmental system and called up a few 18-year olds that were "ready" to be promoted.

And by ready I mean... they're 18 so they got called up.

No, actually there might be 1 or 2 that will be okay, at least as far as good depth, backups go.

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Match Thirty-Two

from Plainmoor, Torquay




So that makes us 1-2-2 in our last 5 matches.

Something's not right.

Must fix it.

Langstaff hasn't scored in 8 matches now.  Our offense is putrid.

At least our defense is keeping us in games.

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Match Thirty-Three

from Huish Park, Yeovil


big win


Yeovil's a good club that we just dismantled so that makes me feel good.

We've not exactly been playing our best football lately.

We held a very big possession advantage and got a decent number of shots off but more importantly we put a lot in.

They got off their fair share as well but kept missing the mark by a lot.

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Match Thirty-Four

from Meadow Lane


Scott comes through


Langstaff needed a rest... and to figure out what's wrong.

Scott got the start in Langstaff's spot and made the most of it by putting in 2 big goals.

And we got the win.

Southend only got off 7 shots and none of them were on target.  Hard to win that way.

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Match Thirty-Five

from Meadow Lane


another nice win


Back-to-back wins where our opposition struggles to shoot and get on target.

I'll take the win however I can get them.

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Match Thirty-Six

from Meadow Lane


changing our fortunes


Scott puts 2 more in as Langstaff is rested again.

Charlie Gill in his first match gets one as well.

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Posted (edited)

FA Trophy Fifth Round

from Moss Lane, Altrincham


nice victory to move on


A big time possession advantage probalby was the difference in thsi match.

Altrincham put up a lot of shots in the short time they held the ball and put a lot of pressure on us.

Fortunately we were able to play keep-away from them and just didn't let them play their game.

Langstaff did score once here but he's somewhere around a dozen league matches where he's just not okay.

***this match was actually played between the 32nd and 33rd league matches but I just realized I failed to post it***

Edited by Blarney
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February in Review



Big difference from last month.

No goals allowed in 5 league matches and 1 FA Trophy match.  None.

Our defense is stifling.

Now, if we could only figure out what's wrong with Langstaff.



It's over.  I don't even feel like there's any chance of a jinx here.

There's nobody else in this league that's kept pace with us over the past couple of months and we've opened up just an insurmountable lead.

Everyone else is fighting for 2nd place.

National League Team Stats


Woking keeps trying to take the goal lead from us... but we still hold the #1 spot in several other categories.

National League Player Stats


Langstaff has scored 1 goal in 2 months... and still leads the league.  That's ridiculous.



Made a little money this month.

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Match Thirty-Seven

from Hayes Lane, Bromley


big win


Welcome back offense.

Welcome back Langstaff.

And 2 more from Scott, who's been on fire this past month.

We did let 2 in and that ends the scoreless against streak but I'll live with it.

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The Independent Reports

sports with Trent Crimm

Notts County secured a playoff spot - if nothing else - with their latest win against Bromley in the 37th match of the season.

Here's what Eddie Sirrel had to say after the match: "Of course we're happy.  At the start of the season the goal was to at least earn a playoff spot so here we sit with that accomplished.  But... and you knew there was a but coming, that wasn't the end goal, just a goal.  The end goal is a promotion.  Whether we win that in the playoffs or earn it automatically that's what we want at the end of the season."

When asked if he thought they were in the drivers seat to earn the one automatic promotion afforded the National League his response was:  "I think that right now we've put ourselves in about as good a position as we can be in.  We've got a pretty good lead over the rest of the playoff contenders and barring some sort of horrible end to the season, I think the smart money would be on us to finish this.  Now, that doesn't mean we can get complacent or just think it's over and not go out there and finish it.  But it definitely means that the gold at the end of the rainbow is right there for us to reach out and grab it."

I would have to agree.

And I would imagine most of the rest of the league does to.  Right now everyone else is fighting for #2-#7 and there are about 7 clubs in the fight, although there are a few more that are sitting on the outside with a small chance of making a push.

It has been a great run by Notts County though and just a couple more months will put the finish on this incredible season they're having.

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Match Thirty-Eight

from Recreation Ground, Aldershot


one in equals a win


One's enough.

I'm evolving as a manager where I don't freak out when we don't set the world on fire every match.

I'm more in tune with how we're playing.

We had our chances, we got one in.  More importantly we limited Aldershot's chances and kept them out.

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FA Trophy Quarterfinals

from Court Place Farm, Oxford


nice victory


This really wasn't as close as a 2-0 score might appear.

We ran this match from start to finish and controlled the tempo and possession as well.

Oxford managed to get off just 2 shots and never really put us in any danger at all.

Honestly, no disrespect to Oxford, it was a pretty simple quarterfinal.

Wrexham, Bath City and Hemel Hempstead all remain in the competition.

And we drew Bath in the semi-final which means that Wrexham will be meeting Hemel in their match.

Yeah... it looks like a Notts v Wrexham final.

Edited by Blarney
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Post Match Presser

The Independent

A big win for your side means that you've locked down the National League and you'll be moving up to League Two next season?  How are you feeling?  How are the players reacting?

Eddie Sirrel

Big win for the boys.  I am so proud of them.  I am so happy for them.  This isn't about me right now, this is about the club.  Right now the players are back in the changing room and I imagine there is a little celebration going on.  A well deserved celebration.

Nottingham Post

From the start you said the plan, the end game, was to get promoted back to the Football League and you've accomplished that in your first season.  This is after the club spent the past 3 seasons getting into the playoffs and failing to advance.  Do you feel a sense of accomplishment here?

Eddie Sirrel

Of course we accomplished something.  We set the goals at the start of the season, we practiced hard to attain those goals and now that's culminated in realizing the vision we had as a club.  Every player back there played their part and we worked hard together to get where we are.

Nottinghamshire Live

Any thoughts on next season?  Back-to-back promotions?

Eddie Sirrel

*laughing* Way too early for those predictions.

Nottinghamshire Live

Then how do you see this season ending?  Going for records, resting some players, making some more moves?

Eddie Sirrel

A mix maybe.  I guess we'll see how it goes.  I'm not concerned about records.  I will get some guys some rest but we're not going to shut down.  We haven't played hard all seaon just to stop now... but at the same time we can step back a little and enjoy what we've done without sweating every match.  And as far as moves go, we're always looking to make moves, when they make sense.

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Match Forty

from Meadow Lane


no complacency


Another nice win.

We're not letting complacency settle in.  We'll keep pushing until the end.

Have to stay sharp for our FA Trophy match coming up.

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Match Forty-One

from Moss Lane, Altrincham


better than a loss


We stomped Altrincham in the FA Trophy 2-0 just a month ago but they really came to play today.

This was a much tougher competition.

In fact they put way more pressure on us than we did them.  I would say we were a little lucky to escape with the draw.

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March in Review



The only thing that mattered this month is we wrapped up the National League Title.

We're going up!

Okay, maybe the FA Trophy Quarter-Final win was nice also.



104 points is already a new National League Record... and we have a month to add to that.

National League Team Stats


Woking has taken the lead again in the most goals scored in the season.

National League Player Stats


It's a good thing Langstaff had the first half of the season he did... because he's only scored 6 goals the last 3 months.  And still nobody has caught him.



I'm tired of losing money.

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My private review of the season since it's already over.

I'm shocked at how bad the other clubs played this year.  I've done this save a few times now and there are ALWAYS 2 or 3 teams that are pushing for the title by the end of the season, no matter how good Notts does.  And honestly it's not that hard to win at this level with a club like them or Wrexham.  The last time I did this I think we finished with 107 points, might have been 111.... and Wrexham was just a few points below us.  This time it's like NOBODY else in the league was very good at all.  It is what it is, but it made for a very boring season in some ways.  That's not to say I didn't enjoy it... and we're being promoted, but there was zero competition all year long, that's unusual to me.

I've laughed the last few months as Langstaff has gone completely silent on the scoring goals front... and NOBODY else has pushed him at all, it's like nobody is scoring goals, which I know isn't actually true, but they're being spread around to much like with the teams, no single player is killing it, except for Notts players.

It's like in real life what Wrexham did to the league a couple of years back... except Notts was right there with them.  If they hadn't of been the whole season would have been a joke as Wrexham just ran over everyone.

What's more laughable is I had no depth all year long.  I was forced to WAY overplay guys and they were exhausted but it still didn't matter.  

Again, I'll live with it because the whole point is to grow the team and I'm not worried about the lower leagues, but I expect we'll find way more competition in the coming seasons than we faced this year.

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FA Trophy Semi-Finals

from Meadow Lane


punching the ticket to Wembley


Bath honestly played a pretty good game but we were just a little much for them.

We did rest a few players that we could, taking a small chance with the finals on the line, but I felt it was best since we were playing a club a tier below us.

It worked out this time.

And in the finals we're facing........... Wrexham, of course.

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Match Forty-Two

from Meadow Lane


not letting up


Wealdstone got 2 in despite not shooting well but we really put pressure on them all game long.

This wasn't really close.

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Posted (edited)

Match Forty-Three

from The Racecourse Ground, Wrexham




Dominating defense again.

Wrexham had no answers and couldn't get shots off, especially on target.

Hopefully we can carry this over to our match at Wembley.

Edited by Blarney
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Match Forty-Four

from Meadow Lane


keep on rollin'


It's surprising we gave up 2 goals since that's all they even put on target, but these things happen.

Overall it was our stifling defense that held them to 5 shots and we put in 4 ourselves as our offense is rolling again.

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Match Forty-Five

from Gallagher Stadium, Maidstone


oh they pushed us


Another match we probably had no right to win.

We held a small possession advantage but Maidstone pounded us with shots and got 7 on target, 2 in.

We shot well ourselves as neither defense was on top of their game in this one.

We'll take the win, but I think we escaped with this one.

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Match Forty-Six

from Meadow Lane


poor York


We were at home to finish the season and we let our starters go out with a bang.

Langstaff and Scott both played a half and put in 3 goals between them.

They were substituted at the end of the half to a roaring applause from the home-town supporters.

We went on to a dominating 5-0 win over York - which ultimately put them in the drop zone.

Sorry York.

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April in Review



Ending the season the right way, with 20 straight unbeaten (which set a new Notts Record btw).

We didn't let up and our offense and defense were both playing at high levels to end the season.



Chesterfield ended up taking the 2nd spot from Woking.  Yeovil, Wrexham, Gateshead and Solihull will all join them to fight it out in the playoffs.

National League Team Stats


We pretty much ran the table in all offensive cateories.  We finished first in goals scored, average possession, shots on target ratio, conversion rate and pass completion ratio.

And average attendance.

National League Player Stats


Langstaff wins the Golden Boot.  Cedwyn Scott has the highest average rating per game and is 6th in goals scored.  What a duo.



Big profit month.  We needed it.

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Posted (edited)

FA Trophy Final Preview

from Wembley


The Independent

You're facing off against Wrexham in the FA Trophy final from Wembley.  It's the culmination of a great season for your club.  How are the lads feeling?

Eddie Sirrel

They're sky-high.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for a lot of players.  Playing at Wembley is what every English football player strives for.  And as you said it's just the icing on the cake which these players have worked hard for all year long.

Nottingham Post

Wrexham is going to be on a little bit of a low after losing out in the semi-finals of the playoffs and once again failing to earn promotion.  Do you think that gives you an advantage?

Eddie Sirrel

Oh I think Wrexham is going to come out there and give us everything they have.  I'm sure they're very disappointed to have not gone up but that won't have anything to do with how they play this game at all.  In fact they may play even harder because of it.

Nottinghamshire Live

You matched up against them twice this season, including 2-0 at their house just a few weeks ago and then 3-0 back in April at Meadow Lane.  Is that going to be motivation for them even more than failing to earn promotion?

Eddie Sirrel

It means we can't get complacent.  Yes we're handled them in 2 matches but that's got nothing to do with the one coming up, it just shows we can, so it's something we can look at before the match and hopefully build on.  But if we think they're not looking at the same thing and trying to come up with a different approach, then we're kidding ourselves.  As far as motivation, I don't think any club wants to lose to someone 3 times in one season.  So whether it's that fact or the fact they didn't earn promotion that they'll be using as bulletin board material against us... they have plenty to be motivated about.  And we're motivated to finish the season strong and earn our double as well.

The Independent

You have dominated Wrexham this season as was mentioned, not allowing a single goal in 2 matches.  What's been the secret to your success against them?

Eddie Sirrel

You want me to give away trade secrets?  *laughs*  Actually credit to our defense and my coaches for putting together a great plan which we've executed all season long.  If I'm being honest I had some questions about my back line going into the season.  I thought we didn't have much depth there so it was a matter of emphasis in our coaches meetings to come up with a good tactic and a plan of attack on how we were going to handle our opponents attacks.  I think we've done a really good job of implementing those plans.

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FA Trophy Finals

from Wembley



tough loss


If Wrexham had played like this all season long they may have gone unbeaten.  Nothing we did worked.  They harassed us every single time we touched the ball.

They didn't get a lot of shots off because our defense was good as well, but they hit 2 long shots that were just untouchable by our keeper.

We only got 8 shots off total and 2 on target and otherwise put together nothing that put them in any danger.

We held more possession - which we've done all season long - but possession means nothing if you don't do anything with it.

This was an impressive win by Wrexham.

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Final Standings


We earn automatic promotion.

Chesterfield earns a well-deserved playoff final against Woking - who have to be very disappointed after a very good season - to also go up.

Wrexham and Gateshead made it to the semi-finals but both lost and will try again next year.

Oldham, York, Scunthorpe and Dag all are going down.

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Posted (edited)

End of Season

Awards and Records

20 unbeaten


record goals


most goals in a season


record low losses


record points - for Notts and the National League


Player of the Season


Golden Boot


Manager of the Season


Notts Season Stats


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The Independent Reports

Sports with Trent Crimm

The season is officially over and Notts County has finished a successful campaign which saw them take the National League by storm - scoring the most points and the most goals in the history of the league and earning an automatic promotion to League Two.  After 4 seasons they are finally back in the Football League.

We sat down with Eddie Sirrel and asked him to talk about the season that was, off-season plans and thoughts on next season. 

Trent Crimm

You've talked about this a little but now that the season is over, looking back, when did you know that the league was yours and that nobody was going to catch you?

Eddie Sirrel

Honestly?  After the first couple of months the way we were playing I knew then that if we kept that up it was going to be difficult for anybody to catch us.  There were a couple of clubs that stuck with us for a time but we just kept winning and eventually started to put more distance between us.  I certainly don't mean to disrespect any other clubs but we just put it all together and put up a monumental season.  We deserved to go up.

Trent Crimm

As good as the season went for you are you disappointed that you didn't get the double?  Wrexham - who ended up not getting promoted again - really turned it up in the FA Trophy final at Wembley.  Were you surprised?

Eddie Sirrel

You know we had handled Wrexham pretty easily in our 2 league matches but I said before the final that it was hard to beat a club 3 times in one season and I knew they were going to come to play.  I hate to suggest that they wanted it more than we did because I don't think that's the case... but they definitely played with more passion.  They deserved the win.

Trent Crimm:  So the off-season is around the corner.  What moves can we expect Notts to make?  Reinforcements coming in?  Transfers out?

Eddie Sirrel

The supporters can expect us to be active.  We ran a little low in depth this season and we definitely need to bring some warm bodies in.  That doesn't mean we'll make moves just to make them but we've identified a couple of players that we think could make us better.  There has also been some interest in a few of our guys and I imagine we'll have a few conversations and see what works or doesn't work.

Trent Crimm  

Any big names moving on that the supporters would want to know about?

Eddie Sirrel

We just came off a pretty successful campaign and there were a lot of eyes on us from other clubs.  Langstaff has won back-to-back Player of the Season awards and Golden Boots.  Scott has had 2 consecutive great seasons.  Palmer, Bajrami... and several others had very good years.  Whenever that happens inevitably you're going to get phone calls asking about availability.  That's just the business.  And here's something that the supporters may not want to hear but I'm not going to ever lie to them... sometimes it's very hard to hold on to a player that doesn't want to stay or gets tempted by a larger club.  I'm not saying this to suggest we want to move any players or will just let them go, but we're going to do the best for them when we can if it makes sense for us.

Trent Crimm

It sounds a little like you're setting the supporters up for someone leaving that they're not going to be happy about.

Eddie Sirrel

Not at all, at least I hope not.  But I'm not going to sugarcoat the way things are.  We've already had a number of calls during the season about some of our bigger players and turned them away but I expect that they will continue.  In the end it is a business as much as the fans wish it wasn't.  Heck, sometimes I wish it wasn't but this is my job now to navigate what's best for the club and to try and keep my players happy.  That doesn't always mean the player gets what they want if it's not good for the club but in the end it's better to have a bunch of players here that want to be here than disgruntled players that don't want to be, heck nobody wants disgruntled employees around in any business.

Trent Crimm

Okay, so looking ahead.  Four years out of the Football League but finally back in League Two.  Any early thoughts or predictions on next season?  Back-to-back promotions?  Playoffs?

Eddie Sirrel

I'm not a big prediction person... or at least I usually just keep that to myself.  I'll say what I always say and that's that I will back my boys.  Just like this past season we're going to work hard and go out there and give everything we have at all times.  I feel confident that we can stay up if we play our game.

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Posted (edited)


Transfers Out





It was difficult losing Scott and Cameron but with Cameron it really was about depth.  I have enough there now, younger and cheaper that when the offer was made and he said he wanted to go, it was an easy decision.  With Scott.... harder decision made but his contract was up this season and I had already turned down 2 other offers and he was getting upset and demanded he be allowed to go play for a larger club.

I'm facing somewhat of the same problem with Langstaff.  I've fielded at least 4 or 5 offers which I've turned down and Langstaff has requested that I let him go, he wants to play in the Championship and 2 clubs have made offers.  He is under contract for 2 more years though so I've held him off and have been trying to get him to sign a new contract with us... but he wants a lot of money and I don't know if it's the right move.  Most likely I will hold out for the year and see how he does and at the end of the season if I get blown away with an offer and he still wants to go I may take it then, but for now he remains.

Palmer has also attracted some interest and I would let him go but the money has to be right.

As far as recruiting... I've brought in a few youngsters to bolster the squad but the one big signing was Sam McClelland to help on the defensive line.  This depth will allow me to pull Bajrami off the center-back position and move him back to his more natural spot at defensive-midfielder.

I actually do have some money to spend.... around a million in the transfer budget and another 15k or so in player salaries, so there is room to make moves but I'd rather go through this season without having to touch any of that and build it for the future.  Right now we are VERY young so hopefully we can play out this year to a mid-table finish and continue to get stronger as the season progresses.

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