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Offset transfer Budget to help Finances

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We really should have an option where we can return excessive transfer funds to the clubs accounts to maintain healthy balance sheets. I have no way of returning this money. I'm currently operating at over £200m debt, with a transfer budget of £250m?!

I also can't trim staff numbers

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There is nothing to return. Your transfer budget are club finances are part of the same pool of money. If you have a balance of £50m and a transfer budget of £200m, and then spend all of your transfer budget, you will have a balance of -£150m. Subtracting from your transfer budget and adding it to your balance would effectively be creating money out of nothing.

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Your transfer budget doesn't come from your bank balance it comes from how much your club is willing to spend out of the income they will receive over the season. If you want to get your balance positive maybe have a year without buying players and sell any deadwood you can to help the finances.

As you know there are many huge clubs in Europe who are in lots of debt such as Man United but debt is always bad because the debt is offset by the value of the business and it's assets.

So for example you could spend 200 million on players and they could be valued at 300 million at the end of the season, even though you're 200 million down your assets are worth more than the debt you owe.

IRL and in FM it's often better to spend all your money and have that money in assets (players, stadium, upgrades etc)... because when you make profit you just get taxed on it and lose millions.

Edited by MagicHat
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