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AI doesn't hire staff

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I was disappointed to see that my very average staff is the best in the league. And the worst in this category is Juventus, which is the best club in reputation and finances.


Juve has just one overall coach and this is nonsense, isn't?


Has anyone noticed anything like this? I wouldn't really care. But how will this affect the development of the newgens?

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14 минут назад, Junkhead сказал:

Teams do hire staff in my game - is it just Juventus that this is happening with?

Many teams have 1-2 overall coaches. Maybe this is some kind of authenticity. In this case, there can be 3 coach-analysts in a team. But I don't remember such a problem in FM21 and FM22.


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2 hours ago, Novem9 said:

Juve has just one overall coach and this is nonsense, isn't?

How will this affect the development of the newgens?

Hello @Novem9

It will depend on the team, but most big AI teams will have less ''general'' coaches, and more specifics roles - so assistant, fitness, GK, Set Piece, they don't hire 'general' coaches as much as users will do.

But this is expected behaviour (it won't affect player development), it's how some AI teams function, but it depends on the manager and the league/club.

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2 часа назад, Zachary Whyte сказал:

But this is expected behaviour (it won't affect player development),

This is the most important thing as I am aiming for a 30+ season save. Thanks for the quick response!

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