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Few Questions About Instructions and Duties

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  • is passing style, tempo and pass into space are correlated? if i choose short passing and higher tempo am i making risky passes? or if i say direct pass but lower tempo what does it mean?
  • how should i decide focusplay? i always think if i am playing with wingers i should choose focus right and left But this seems like a shallow thought to me.
  • last question is if im making counter attack tactic is it still make sense using "distrubute to centre back"


Thanks already for your answers


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1 hour ago, Ralphetz said:
  • is passing style, tempo and pass into space are correlated? if i choose short passing and higher tempo am i making risky passes? or if i say direct pass but lower tempo what does it mean?
  • how should i decide focusplay? i always think if i am playing with wingers i should choose focus right and left But this seems like a shallow thought to me.
  • last question is if im making counter attack tactic is it still make sense using "distrubute to centre back"


Thanks already for your answers


Passing distance will dictate what pass the player will look for, if you select shorter passing your player will look for teammates closer to him to pass to. 

Tempo is how quick the player will play the pass, a lower tempo means the player will take their time to play a pass whereas a higher tempo will see the player pass the ball more quickly. 

Focus play can be a preference, you could base it on where your more effective players are, like Sarri would have more creative players on the left and focus his play down that side, or you might use it to expose the opponents weaker sides, like Jose Mourinho would. 

It absolutely makes sense to use Distribute to Centre Back and still use 'Counter'.. Basically when your keeper has the ball he will look to play to the defenders who will then build up as per your on the ball instructions, but selecting counter means that when you win the ball back from the opponent, you will look to break forwards quickly for an attack in the transition. 

It's a good blend of possession football but still being effective in transitions. 

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