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  • SI Staff
2 hours ago, Navelgazer said:

Any news on likely timescale for FMM 25? Or any announcements due?

We don't announce release dates generally until they're 100% concrete - but suffice to say it is going to be released this year (as usual) and its all looking good development-wise at present :)

(feature announcements will come in due course a lot closer to release)

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  • SI Staff
On 20/09/2024 at 22:54, G81 said:

Shouldn't FMM25 be broadly straightforward? After all, seems it's essentially a standard update given its been exempted from the new engine migration etc.

Raises eyebrows - if by 'broadly straightforward' you mean a team of people have been working lovingly on it for a year, racking their brains to try and expand and improve upon it as much as possible while retaining the speed of gameplay and realism that we've managed to provide in future versions ... then yeah, its broadly straight forward ;)

(more seriously its on track and I'm really pleased with how its coming along, but with regards to its exact features as mentioned previously - we'll give more information on those closer to release :) )

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No offence meant, obviously information has been more limited than with other version. I simply meant that with the only seeming confirmation being that it was set aside from the major changes of the other versions, and no confirmation of othrr major additions, as a layman one would assume there was little to delay the mobile version

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