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5 Star Training

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just use trial and error lad. I think if you have enough coaches auto assign will be ok for you but if you have one particularly good coach, he will probably not be best utilised by auto assign so may be better to do it yourself.

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you might want to take into consideration though that there are now 7 stars, not 5 anymore ;)

auto-assigned I would only choose if you are very lazy, you can always get a much better result when you do one after the other indiviually until the best result is there (can take a while sometimes :p)

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yep, basically that...

first I unclick all training on all coaches. Then I take coach one, tick all boxes and that already shows me which ones are his strong area. Then I untick the lesser star ones until there is maybe 2-3 left and pick the best one out of those. Then I move on to next coach.

In the end you might end up with the odd coach having the same strength as other coaches, then you might have to look for maybe a 6* or 5* training until you find a proper coach for that field.

This should leave you with a good selection. Then repeat the same for youth training (I would always have general coaches, other than fitness and gk, so you can use them for both trainings)

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