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As one door closes a slightly different one opens.


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Summer 2004.

I had been at Peterhead since I was a teenager,This was my 10th season as a player and by the looks of it I won't be offered a new contract.I've had my injury problems this season but after getting my coaching badges I thought they might have kept me on as a player coach but this didn't look to be the case.It was tough to take,the club I had been a player at all my life had told me im not needed anymore and after June 31st i will be a free agent.

The chairman calls me into his office after the end of season party and informs me that if I can arrange it I can have a testimonial before I leave the club.At least I will get to say a proper goodbye to the players and fans.

I start making a few phone calls to some friends and after a few hours on the phone I have the possibility of three teams coming to Balmoor for my testimonial.The three teams that have shown alot of intrest are Celtic,Liverpool and Blackburn.A few more phone calls and its settled that Liverpool will take there squad to Balmoor at the start of June.

As the game approaches new Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez promises to take all his best players up to Peterhead to give him an idea of what hes looking for in the transfer market so it should be a good occasion for the players and fans.

With only two days to go everybody is getting excited and that includes me.Everybody is looking up for it in training as everybody wants to play against a side like Liverpool,The bonus was it was my testimonial so I knew I'd be playing.

The day before the match the manager decides to take us to the swimming pool to relax us before tommorows big friendly.It seems to work all the lads seem to be in a nice calm mood all thats left is to get back to the stadium and get home for some rest.

As the bus pulled up at the stadium everyone pushed to get off first so they could make a quick exit and be first to there car.It was like being on the school bus when I was younger it was chaos.As I got to the steps to get off the bus I was nudged from behind and lost my footing on the top step,Next thing I know im looking at the sky on my back! I try to pick myself up but my right foot gives way and I collapse back down to the ground.A few guys help me up and the physio cancells his going home plans to take a look at it,After a quick assesment he decides that it's not broken and just badly swollen.He recomends staying off it for a few days and also says that plenty of ice is needed tonight to get the swelling down.

I manage to drive home as it's not a far drive but it's a struggle as my foot is in severe pain.I do exsactley what the physio advised and I put my foot up and put a bag of frozen peas on it.Having had a busy day I fall asleep infront of the t.v watching football.

I wake up infront of the t.v still fully dressed.Thinking of what day it is I jump up to go for a shower,As I spring up in an excited kind of way a bag of soggy wet peas falls to the floor along with me.As I crawl to the kitchen drawer to get some pain killers it dawns on me the physio told me yesterday to keep off my bad foot for few days.The Liverpool game is today and I have to keep off my foot..This cant be happening,I'm going to miss my own testimonial.

In a panic I phone the physio and he informs me that it's definitely not broken so if I can't walk on it this morning there is no chance ill be able to play today.The players have all arranged to meet at 12 o'clock today so it gives the pain killers a few hours to kick in.

I manage to have a shower and it feels alot better after the pain killers but it's still not good enough to kick a ball with I know this just with the pain of walking on it.The players meet at 12 o'clock and there is a surprise as the chairman Roger Taylor joins us for our pre match meal.There is a few speeches done before the meal and I'm given a gold watch from all the players as a gift which was a very nice thought.

The chairman has the last say before the meal he thanks me for the 10 years I've had at the club and also tells me that he had been thinking about the situation I was in about not being able to play in my own testimonial.He asks me if I'd like to pick the team and tactics for my own testimonial instead.He didn't need to ask twice I said yes as quick as a flash and then told him it would be an honour.He also informs me that manager Iain Stewart will be available as a player for the game and will not get involved in team picking.The game is a 6 o'clock kick off so I have just under 6 hours to put what ive learned from my coaching courses into practice.

After the meal it was time to go back to the stadium and start getting ready for the game the idea is to rest and relax for a while then start doing some small excersizes to get them in shape,although I think if you put Liverpool infront of them at any time of the season they could be ready and waiting to play in 5 minutes.It was going to hurt so much not being able to play in a game like this but if I could mastermind a victory it could be much better for me than actually playing.I was starting to get carried away this was Liverpool we were playing not Albion Rovers but we can all dream.

As the game gets closer we get to see first hand the talent liverpool have at their disposal players like Gerrard,Cisse,Hyypia,Baros the list goes on.The Liverpool lads are really a good bunch of profesionals as they go round signing autographs for all the local kids thats turned up to meet the premiership stars off the bus.With Balmoor only holding 4000 people there is quite a few left standing on the hill outside the ground but that wont spoil it for anyone as they look forward to seeing the talent that Liverpool will bring to Peterhead.

The stadium is packed,the hill outside is packed,The houses that over look the stadium are full with bodys hanging out windows.Nothing happens in Peterhead so when there is something good happens the whole Town appear to have a look and we certainly had a few people looking today.With still 30 mins to go to the kick off there was fun going on in the family stand with the mascots handing out programmes and scarfs ect to the kids.It was gearing up to be a great day.

The kick off time had came I just decided to go with a flat 4-4-2 with the 2 centre mids doing opposite jobs one on defensive mentality one being attacking mentality.Liverpool decide to go with a strong line up at the start.The place was buzzing it felt great sitting in the dugout waiting for the whistle.

Rafa Benitez came to the dugout and wished me all the best but let me know in a nice way that him and his team wont go easy on us.I replied in a joking manner that its ok we wont be going easy on them either with that he smiled shook my hand and said good luck.

The first whistle went and with the roar that went up from Balmoor a shiver went down my spine.The first 20 miutes is all a blurr I limped about the touchline shouting and encouraging our team,Although the mixture of pain killers and adrenalin made it feel like I was floating rather than limping.It was only after 30 minutes and the score still at 0-0 that i noticed that our players were just short of dropping dead with the effort they've put in.Just as I think about taking the older guys off Liverpool score a great goal through Baros to take the lead 1-0,We had kept them at bay for 34 minutes and that alone makes me proud as we had matched them all the way.

I decide I'll only take the one player off just now and I call Iain Stewart over as with him being injured alot last year and just concentrating on running the club from day to day I thought I'd give him a rest as he looked shattered.As I shouted him over he started mouthing off in my direction not looking happy,I shouted him again and he came bounding over in my direction still shouting and swinging his arms in a right state.I nearly got a word out my mouth as he approached but before I could he just lashed out and threw sevral punches in my direction followed by a few kicks as the stewards came rushing over to grab Stewart and restrain him from inflicting further damage.This is all I can remember the next few lines is what I have been told by the people around me.

I say this is all I remember the reason for this is I took such a blow to the head that I actually got knocked into a coma.I have been in a coma for 2 weeks.Once I came round the first thing I said was are we still only down 1-0,Sadly I found out later we crumbled and finished on the end of an 7-0 defeat.Alot of my team mates came to see me,well I say team mates my contract runs out in 5 days and im laid up in hospital for at least a week so they can run tests.They fill me in on my the guy that put me in here my former manager and now their former manager,it turns out he was sacked and has community service to keep him busy for the next 120 hours.

The chairman took time out of his busy schedule to pay me a visit which was surprising as with my contract running out I thought I'd never see him again.He asks how im doing and fills me in with the Iain Stewart situation after about 5 minutes of catching up he starts talking about football which to tell you the truth was great as it made me forget I was still lying in hospital!

He starts telling me how he loved watching the lads when I picked the team as they all looked liked they respected me and they liked playing for me,I wondered where this conversation was going.After a few minutes he then meantioned my contract situation and asked if I would like to stay on at the club.I had been at this club all my playing days of course I wanted to stay and I told him this.

He then pulled a bit of paper out his pocket and told me he had a contract with him all I had to do was sign,I asked for a few minutes to look over it.I started reading the contract and it wasn't what I expected,I was being offered more money and a longer contract.Still I kept reading and I turned to the chairman and said whats the catch? He then explained he wanted me to take the team forward and he doesn't mean as a player he wants me to be boss!

I buzzed the nurse and asked her to get a pen I could hardly contain myself,As soon as the nurse handed me the pen the contract was signed.The chairman smiled and said congratulations your now the manager of Peterhead Football Club.I explain I've still got a few days to do in hospital and the chairman informs me that everybody is on holidays so he tells me to rest and be back to the club for the 10th of July.He leaves,I can let myself go now and I do with a big shout "Whoo Hoooo."

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Summer 2004.

I had been at Peterhead since I was a teenager,This was my 10th season as a player and by the looks of it I won't be offered a new contract.I've had my injury problems this season but after getting my coaching badges I thought they might have kept me on as a player coach but this didn't look to be the case.It was tough to take,the club I had been a player at all my life had told me im not needed anymore and after June 31st i will be a free agent.

The chairman calls me into his office after the end of season party and informs me that if I can arrange it I can have a testimonial before I leave the club.At least I will get to say a proper goodbye to the players and fans.

I start making a few phone calls to some friends and after a few hours on the phone I have the possibility of three teams coming to Balmoor for my testimonial.The three teams that have shown alot of intrest are Celtic,Liverpool and Blackburn.A few more phone calls and its settled that Liverpool will take there squad to Balmoor at the start of June.

As the game approaches new Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez promises to take all his best players up to Peterhead to give him an idea of what hes looking for in the transfer market so it should be a good occasion for the players and fans.

With only two days to go everybody is getting excited and that includes me.Everybody is looking up for it in training as everybody wants to play against a side like Liverpool,The bonus was it was my testimonial so I knew I'd be playing.

The day before the match the manager decides to take us to the swimming pool to relax us before tommorows big friendly.It seems to work all the lads seem to be in a nice calm mood all thats left is to get back to the stadium and get home for some rest.

As the bus pulled up at the stadium everyone pushed to get off first so they could make a quick exit and be first to there car.It was like being on the school bus when I was younger it was chaos.As I got to the steps to get off the bus I was nudged from behind and lost my footing on the top step,Next thing I know im looking at the sky on my back! I try to pick myself up but my right foot gives way and I collapse back down to the ground.A few guys help me up and the physio cancells his going home plans to take a look at it,After a quick assesment he decides that it's not broken and just badly swollen.He recomends staying off it for a few days and also says that plenty of ice is needed tonight to get the swelling down.

I manage to drive home as it's not a far drive but it's a struggle as my foot is in severe pain.I do exsactley what the physio advised and I put my foot up and put a bag of frozen peas on it.Having had a busy day I fall asleep infront of the t.v watching football.

I wake up infront of the t.v still fully dressed.Thinking of what day it is I jump up to go for a shower,As I spring up in an excited kind of way a bag of soggy wet peas falls to the floor along with me.As I crawl to the kitchen drawer to get some pain killers it dawns on me the physio told me yesterday to keep off my bad foot for few days.The Liverpool game is today and I have to keep off my foot..This cant be happening,I'm going to miss my own testimonial.

In a panic I phone the physio and he informs me that it's definitely not broken so if I can't walk on it this morning there is no chance ill be able to play today.The players have all arranged to meet at 12 o'clock today so it gives the pain killers a few hours to kick in.

I manage to have a shower and it feels alot better after the pain killers but it's still not good enough to kick a ball with I know this just with the pain of walking on it.The players meet at 12 o'clock and there is a surprise as the chairman Roger Taylor joins us for our pre match meal.There is a few speeches done before the meal and I'm given a gold watch from all the players as a gift which was a very nice thought.

The chairman has the last say before the meal he thanks me for the 10 years I've had at the club and also tells me that he had been thinking about the situation I was in about not being able to play in my own testimonial.He asks me if I'd like to pick the team and tactics for my own testimonial instead.He didn't need to ask twice I said yes as quick as a flash and then told him it would be an honour.He also informs me that manager Iain Stewart will be available as a player for the game and will not get involved in team picking.The game is a 6 o'clock kick off so I have just under 6 hours to put what ive learned from my coaching courses into practice.

After the meal it was time to go back to the stadium and start getting ready for the game the idea is to rest and relax for a while then start doing some small excersizes to get them in shape,although I think if you put Liverpool infront of them at any time of the season they could be ready and waiting to play in 5 minutes.It was going to hurt so much not being able to play in a game like this but if I could mastermind a victory it could be much better for me than actually playing.I was starting to get carried away this was Liverpool we were playing not Albion Rovers but we can all dream.

As the game gets closer we get to see first hand the talent liverpool have at their disposal players like Gerrard,Cisse,Hyypia,Baros the list goes on.The Liverpool lads are really a good bunch of profesionals as they go round signing autographs for all the local kids thats turned up to meet the premiership stars off the bus.With Balmoor only holding 4000 people there is quite a few left standing on the hill outside the ground but that wont spoil it for anyone as they look forward to seeing the talent that Liverpool will bring to Peterhead.

The stadium is packed,the hill outside is packed,The houses that over look the stadium are full with bodys hanging out windows.Nothing happens in Peterhead so when there is something good happens the whole Town appear to have a look and we certainly had a few people looking today.With still 30 mins to go to the kick off there was fun going on in the family stand with the mascots handing out programmes and scarfs ect to the kids.It was gearing up to be a great day.

The kick off time had came I just decided to go with a flat 4-4-2 with the 2 centre mids doing opposite jobs one on defensive mentality one being attacking mentality.Liverpool decide to go with a strong line up at the start.The place was buzzing it felt great sitting in the dugout waiting for the whistle.

Rafa Benitez came to the dugout and wished me all the best but let me know in a nice way that him and his team wont go easy on us.I replied in a joking manner that its ok we wont be going easy on them either with that he smiled shook my hand and said good luck.

The first whistle went and with the roar that went up from Balmoor a shiver went down my spine.The first 20 miutes is all a blurr I limped about the touchline shouting and encouraging our team,Although the mixture of pain killers and adrenalin made it feel like I was floating rather than limping.It was only after 30 minutes and the score still at 0-0 that i noticed that our players were just short of dropping dead with the effort they've put in.Just as I think about taking the older guys off Liverpool score a great goal through Baros to take the lead 1-0,We had kept them at bay for 34 minutes and that alone makes me proud as we had matched them all the way.

I decide I'll only take the one player off just now and I call Iain Stewart over as with him being injured alot last year and just concentrating on running the club from day to day I thought I'd give him a rest as he looked shattered.As I shouted him over he started mouthing off in my direction not looking happy,I shouted him again and he came bounding over in my direction still shouting and swinging his arms in a right state.I nearly got a word out my mouth as he approached but before I could he just lashed out and threw sevral punches in my direction followed by a few kicks as the stewards came rushing over to grab Stewart and restrain him from inflicting further damage.This is all I can remember the next few lines is what I have been told by the people around me.

I say this is all I remember the reason for this is I took such a blow to the head that I actually got knocked into a coma.I have been in a coma for 2 weeks.Once I came round the first thing I said was are we still only down 1-0,Sadly I found out later we crumbled and finished on the end of an 7-0 defeat.Alot of my team mates came to see me,well I say team mates my contract runs out in 5 days and im laid up in hospital for at least a week so they can run tests.They fill me in on my the guy that put me in here my former manager and now their former manager,it turns out he was sacked and has community service to keep him busy for the next 120 hours.

The chairman took time out of his busy schedule to pay me a visit which was surprising as with my contract running out I thought I'd never see him again.He asks how im doing and fills me in with the Iain Stewart situation after about 5 minutes of catching up he starts talking about football which to tell you the truth was great as it made me forget I was still lying in hospital!

He starts telling me how he loved watching the lads when I picked the team as they all looked liked they respected me and they liked playing for me,I wondered where this conversation was going.After a few minutes he then meantioned my contract situation and asked if I would like to stay on at the club.I had been at this club all my playing days of course I wanted to stay and I told him this.

He then pulled a bit of paper out his pocket and told me he had a contract with him all I had to do was sign,I asked for a few minutes to look over it.I started reading the contract and it wasn't what I expected,I was being offered more money and a longer contract.Still I kept reading and I turned to the chairman and said whats the catch? He then explained he wanted me to take the team forward and he doesn't mean as a player he wants me to be boss!

I buzzed the nurse and asked her to get a pen I could hardly contain myself,As soon as the nurse handed me the pen the contract was signed.The chairman smiled and said congratulations your now the manager of Peterhead Football Club.I explain I've still got a few days to do in hospital and the chairman informs me that everybody is on holidays so he tells me to rest and be back to the club for the 10th of July.He leaves,I can let myself go now and I do with a big shout "Whoo Hoooo."

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Saturday 10th July 2004.

Meeting the players is easy as they were all my team mates last year so that takes all of 5 minutes.I then go to the Chairmans office to show him one or two ideas that I have had over the last few weeks I put it all down on paper and pop it in a folder to show him how keen I am on making this club a better club.

The first thing I put to him is that we bring a few more coaches to the club so we can work with the players weve got and see if we can get anything more out of them as individuals.

The second thing I put to him is we need a plan of action we need to look 5-10 years from now and decide where we want to be.The chairman agrees and he says we will work together over the next year to draw up a plan that will see the team build for the future and give us some goals to aim for.

He lets me know that he has every faith in me and while we work out how far we can take this current squad he says just make sure i finish in a respectable position in the league.

Everything seems to have went well with the chairman and he seems happy with what I had to say,lets just hope he feels the same way about this club as I do.He backed up his wanting to take the club forward theory by offering me 12k to spend in the transfer market,This will come in handy in trying to tempt other players from the lower divisions of Scotland and England to the club.

After I finish with the chairman I speak to my assistant about some training schedules that I've drawn up one for the first team and one for the goalkeepers.We only have one coach and one physio so for the time being we put the coach and physio on with the first team and put the assistant on to goalkeeper training.I leave the assistant to take training and head up to my office.

I had a few messages waiting for me on the desk,All the messages were about friendlys that were arranged before I took over.The first friendly was up today against Ayr at our own ground.We have another five arranged but that can go to the back of my mind for the time being.

I phone our only scout Craig Gilfillan and ask him to try and find some free players.I tell him to keep his search within the Uk and Ireland.I tell him to keep looking however long it takes as if we can find anyone on a free it would make my job alot easier.

I look at the clock and we only have a few hours until we play Ayr,I call the players in and run them through the system I'd like them to play.They all seem happy with what I'm asking of them so I send them away for an hour to relax before we start our pre match warm up.

The build up goes well and we go into the match with a full squad of players to pick from.I only plan to use these games to get players fitness up,I'm not looking too much into the results.

The crowd of 74 witnessed a good performance and it was good to watch as the manager too.The team gave Ayr the run around and we finished 3-0 winners.As it was only a bit of fitness training I wont go too much into it but I was really impressed with what I saw.The players looked knackered after the game and I tell them to have tommorow morning off and I'll see them in the afternoon.Everyone leaves the stadium with a smile on their face,The first real day of management is over.

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Sunday 11th July 2004.

I arrived at the stadium at 11 o'clock,I wait by the phone as the challenge cup and league cup draws are today.Dave Watson our genral manager is at the draws and will phone me as soon as we come out the hat.I get the call from Dave just after 12 o'clock,In the challenge cup we pull a hard home tie against Morton and in the league cup we will face Stenhousemuir away.The draws could have been better but we will go into the games looking for progress to round two.

I ask the assistant Paul Mathers to take training again today as I need to try and get a couple more coaches in for pre season.After looking at the coaches that had been released by thier clubs I decided that there was only one guy suitable for us,The guys name is Bob Gray and I've offered him a 2 year contract.

I did offer a contract to another coach but he will also be a player for us aswell.Jamie Dolan is 35 but having played for Motherwell,Dundee Utd,Dunfermline,Livingston and Partick Thistle he is bound to bring some experience to the club.We only offered Jamie a one year deal but it will be looked at after 6 months and we will see if he still wants to keep playing.

Another few phone calls and I have the news that we could have two more scouts to add to the backroom staff.I have made the two a reasonable offer and offered them both 3 year deals.We hope they will agree terms as three scouts at the club would be about right.Both Rob Campkin and David Jarrett sounded very intrested and said they would be back intouch over the next few days.

Its now time to spend the rest of the day on the training pitch to see if my assistant has been pushing the players as much as he should have been,He has and if we get the two coaches in we should be more than ready for the first game of the season.The only problem I see is with me hanging up my boots there are only 3 attackers at the club so thats a job that needs doing,Draw up a shortlist for the scouts that could be joining the club.I let the guys know that we have a friendly in two days so tomorrow will be a full day of hard work,with that I let them go.I stay back a while and start a dossier for my own players,I will add to it and after the friendlys we play I will see what I make of the players in the squad.Its quite late as I leave but I'm happy as I get to spend the whole day tommorow on the training ground with the lads.

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Tuesday 13th July 2004.

After spending the whole day on the training ground on Monday there was some good news when I arrive at the stadium on Tuesday.Dave Jarrett,Rob campkin and Bob Gray all agree to join the club,there is still no news from Jamie Dolan but we are still hopeful he will agree terms.I phone the three that have agreed terms and ask them if they can start tomorrow they all seem happy with that so I'll see them early tomorrow morning.

Division 1 St Mirren come to Balmoor tonight for a friendly so we have an easy day on the training pitch and meet at the stadium at 5 o'clock to walk through some tactical ideas I want to try out.I make it clear that the players should take it easy as we don't need any stupid injurys.

Only 45 minutes before the match we recieve a call from Jamie Dolans agent,He tells us that Swansea have offered his client a contract as an assitant manager.Dolans agent makes it clear I will have to raise my contract offer to have a chance of getting my man.I decide that we offered him good terms and tell the agent that the first offer still stands.I am hopeful that Dolan will pick to stay in Scotland instead of moving to Wales.

Slightly more people turned up for this friendly,112 was the final figure we got.The game was so boring that I doubt much of them seen our 92nd minute winner from Bavidge.It was a scrappy goal scored from a corner that couldn't be cleared and apart from that there had been no real chances at goal.Even though we won 1-0 the main thing is we got a good work out and we have no injurys,Its lucky we have no injurys as we have only 17 outfield players in the whole squad.

After the game I go back to the office and it dosn't look like we will hear about Dolan tonight but I have a feeling when we do hear it will be bad news.I finish up the day by making a little shortlist of players for the scouts joining tomorrow to check out.

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Wednesday 14th July 2004.

In the morning I welcome our three new staff members to the club and let them meet the people they will be working with.I leave our new coach Bob Gray in the hands of assistant Paul Mathers as I need to run through a few players for the scouts to view over the next few weeks.I give them a list of three attackers to look at as we are in need of another striker,The players I want viewed are Craig Dargo(Kilmarnock),Steve Hislop(Caley Thistle) and Steven McGarry(Ross County.)

While looking at the transfer list I spotted Jerome Vareille on a free transfer,having remembered the guy from his Kilmarnock days I thought I'd make the offer of £0 to Airdrie United for his services.You have to wonder why they are trying so hard to get rid of him but we need a striker and one for free sounds good.I also offered Alex Williams a season long loan deal,The Morton player was going to be a scouting target but sources say that Morton want to loan him out for the season.I will take this opportunity to try and get him to the club to run a better eye over him.

Still no news on Jamie Dolan,I will have to start looking at alternatives soon as the longer it drags on the quicker the season approaches.If I haven't heard anything by friday I offer another coach a contract.

The assistant informs me that everybody responded well to training today and also stated that the players seem to like our new coach,which is always a good start.I ask the assistant if he thinks this squad could see us promoted this year,He pauses for a minute and then tells me what I wanted to hear he said no!

I don't want a yes man he told me what he really thought,It looks like me and Paul will get on fine together.His main concern was the same as mine we have an older squad who are going to feel the pressure of playing a full season.I'm not against older players far from it but we need to be sensible and get a few players in for back up as all our central defenders are over 31.

In the next few days I will work with Paul and concentrate on what we really need to make sure the defence stays fresh all year round.I say I'll work with Paul as he's the assistant but he also happens to be our keeper too so it would benefit us as a team to have people our keeper could trust infront of him.

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Saturday 17th July 2004.

After a few hard days on the training pitch it was time to find another option for a coach.There is still no word from Dolan or his agent.I make a few inquirys and I'm given the name of a Dutch coach who might be able to do a job for us.I phone Luit Zwaneveld up and he sounds very intrested,I speak to him for 30 minutes and after that conversation I offer him a 3 year contract and tell him to think it over.

After our last few days on the training pitch all the players are starting to get there sharpness back,We have a friendly tomorrow so we can put what we have done in the last few days to the test.

At the end of the day I ask my assistant if he found any good defenders that are available.He had found a couple but none of them were central defenders,I have took on board the couple of names he has given me and will look at them after I sort out a central defender.

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Sunday 18th July 2005.

Just before we take to the field against Brechin we get the news we've been dreading,Jamie Dolan has agreed terms with Swansea.I was expecting this and did make efforts to get someone else in so I'm not too disappointed.

This is our only away friendly of the pre season.Brechin should give us a good run about as they are a division ahead of us,plus it will be good practise for taking on Morton in the challenge cup.The players look fit and ready for the game and I expect them to be more physical in this game than they were in the last friendly.

The team gave a spirited performance and won the game thanks to another Bavidge goal.We showed that extra bite I was needing and deserved our 1-0 win.Everybody managed to get onto the pitch so it was a good trip all round.

During the long trip home we have a few drinks and a game of cards to wind down.I recieve a call on the mobile to let me know that Alex Williams has joined Boston United for 10k.It comes as a bit of a shock as I didn't even know another club was after him.I try to forget about it but It's hard as I thought our striker situation could have been sorted.

I tell the lads before they leave they can have the whole day off tomorrow,It will give me a chance to look for some suitable players to bring in.With two players rejecting offers today it has set me back slightly but hopefully we can get a few faces in before the season starts.

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Monday 19th July 2004.

With all the players off I have a free day to have a look at some players that are availible for transfer.We are in need of a central defender and a striker but since the scouts are already looking for an attacker I'll keep my search to central defenders.

Before I can do anything regarding players I recieve a call from Luit Zwaneveld who has agreed to be our coach.Our Genral Manager goes to meet him from Aberdeen airport and take him through to his hotel in Peterhead.Since none of the players are in today I arrange with Luit that I'll meet him later on in his hotel once he's settled in.

I have a quick browse of the players on the transfer list and find two players that catch my eye the first is 20 year old Ian Brown who was released by Raith Rovers at the end of last season.The central defender looks like a player that could push for a first team place right from the start.The other player was Doncasters David Morley.The player is listed for 2k so I offered 1k as any money saved is better for me.

I go to meet our new coach and run him through what he'll be doing at the club and show him my ideas.He has ideas of his own that he puts to me and just from speaking to him I can see he knows alot about football.After spending a few hours in his company I can see it is going to be an asset to have someone like this at the club.

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Tuesday 20th July 2004.

Everybody is back into training today and the spirits are high after a day off.I let everybody know we have a game against Aberdeen on thursday so its back down to the hard work today.I give out the sessions for the day and leave the assistant to take the training.

I have a look at our remaining friendlys and I notice we play Clyde in our last friendly,The problem is it's only 3 days before the challenge cup game against Morton.I decide to call the Clyde manager and cancel the friendly.With another friendly being called off because of the challenge cup it means Aberdeen will be our final pre-season game.

After speaking to the Clyde manager the secratary informs me that Jerome Vareilles agent phoned so I phone him back right away.It seems Jerome wasn't happy with the basic wage offered,I tell the agent I'll speak to the board about it and get back to him.

I have £800 left in the wage budget but the board only offered me £160 to give Jerome,Surely the board would increase this amount to let us get our man.

How wrong could I be the board thinks they have been good giving me a £160 and refuse to increase it.So much for the chairman wanting to go forward only 10 days in and he won't even let me spend money we have!

I phone back Jeromes agent and tell him I can only offer him bonuses on top of what I've offered,He says he will speak to Jerome but not to hold out much hope.It looks like It's back to the drawing board.

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Thursday 22nd July 2004.

Our last friendly is tonight then the real action starts so we will be looking to give a good account of ourselves against our SPL opponents Aberdeen. It's a 7.30 kick off so it gives us the whole day to get a few training sessions in.

After a mid-day training session I run them through what I expect of them in tonights game, I have a full squad to pick from so everyone should get a run out.

As the game fast approaches I notice that we could be looking at our highest attendance of the season here, with only 10 mins to go there is a reported 3900 in the ground only 100 short of full. With a crowd like this behind the players its a chance to get a morale boosting result.

The game didn't go as planned though Pasquinelli(13), Severin(18), Tully o.g(40) and Mackie(64) all scored as Aberdeen dominated the game and won 4-0.We really built ourselves up for this one and we took a big fall. After this performance it's clear to see that we need improvements if we want to go forward. I tell the lads after the game not to let it get them down too much as Aberdeen were very good on the day, I can see it in their faces that they took it hard though.

I let the assistant know that he will take training tomorrow as I really need to step up my search for players. It's now time to go home and reflect on my first managerial defeat I'm sure it will be the first of many though.

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Saturday 24th July 2004.

As I get into the office I recieve a note from the secratary, It informs me that David Morley does not want to join the club and he has pulled out of negotiations. It is another blow as it seems getting players in is going to be harder than I thought.

A phone call from Ian Browns agent also informs us that he won't be joining us either. I liked the look of this defender but he has decided to go to Spain instead. It's starting to look like no one will join us.

I did find one or two players yesterday but I won't meantion any names just now as the players will end up rejecting me anyway.

With a week to go until the start of the season it's time to push the lads to the limit in training so their ready to take on Morton next week. It looks rather unlikely that we will have any new players at the club before then but we are always hopeful.

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Wednesday 28th July 2004.

There has been nothing but rejections in the transfer market so I've just spent the last few days working with the lads we have. I thought we needed a few new players in but it dosn't look like it will happen as even players from the same division as us are refusing to come for more money than they are on.

I have made a little dossier of the players I have and by the looks of it we will have to go through the season with only these players.


Paul Mathers 34 :- Will be the first choice keeper this year, managed to do well in the friendlys we've had and I hope he can continue the good form he's shown in between the sticks.

Ross Buchanan 23 :- In an ideal world I would release him now but we have no one else so it would be a good idea to keep him at the club for the time being.


Mark Perry 33 D RLC :- He has showed in the first few friendlys that he can really hold the defence together , I will make Mark captain of the team as he's a wonderful example to follow.

Shaun McSkimming 34 D LC :- Having played in all friendlys its clear to see that playing a full season is going to be hard for him, Knowing him he will want to play in every game but I think he will need a few games off here and there.

Robbie Raeside 32 D C :- I can't see much options but to play Robbie in the centre with Perry. I was hoping to get another defender in as Robbie lacks a bit of pace but I know Robbie won't let us down as he's got all the experience needed for this division.

Ian Good 26 D/DM L :- Came on as a sub in most friendlys for McSkimming, I was going to give him a try but McSkimming will need to rest throughout the season so there might be a bit of rotation involved.

Craig Tully 28 D/DM C :- Was involved in all the friendlys but I think Raeside edges out Tully for the first team place, Tully might sneak a game until a right back is signed though.

Allan Youngson 19 D/M L :- Came on as a sub, Failed to impress in a position we have too much players in. Transfer listed for 1k.


Bobby Duncan 21 D/AM L :- Has impressed in pre-season and I expect him to be a big part of the team this season.

Jamie Buchan 27 DM RC :- Another great performer in pre season should be another big player in what is our strongest area of the park.

Clark Bain 19 M R :- Hasn't impressed in pre season and has been rewarded by being placed on the transfer list.

Graeme Stewart 22 M RC :- Most likley a sub this season but he will get the chance to impress during the season as he never let us down coming off the bench.

Scott Robertson 19 M C :- On loan from Dundee, Played in all friendlys but he will be hard pushed to get into the first team as he is not much of a team player. I could look to sending him back to his club.

Richard Shand 19 M C :- Another that hasn't impressed and will be allowed to leave the club once we find a buyer.

David Hagen 31 AM RLC :- Had a good pre season and will be a starter in the first team, He has alot of experience and will hopefully chip in with a few goals.

Kieth Gibson 23 AM RC :- Didn't really show anything special in pre season but will be a first choice pick at the start of the season, It will only take a few bad games for him to lose that place though.


Craig Campbell 20 F RC :- On loan from Ross County, I would send him back but we only have two other attackers so it's not a very good idea. He will play as a sub at the start behind the other two.

Martin Bavidge 24 S C :- The lad has an eye for goal and when a chance comes his way he tends to take it, He walks into the first team as first pick and hopefully he will repay my faith in him.

Scott Michie 20 S C :- The other first choice striker, Although he will have to pull his finger out if he wants to stay there as Campbell will easily replace him in the team.

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Thursday 29th July 2004.

There is some great news after thinking we would start the season with no new players we have managed to get a player in on trial, Danny Ogunmade was a player the scouts gave us that had been released from Ross County, He has agreed to join us on trial and will go straight into the squad to face Morton on Saturday. He is a 20 year old left winger that I think could fit in at the club,we will run our eye over him for the next month.

From the good news of signing a player the bad news of a four week injury, The physio informs me Iain Good strained his ankle ligaments and needs to be sent to a specialist, It means Iain will be out for four weeks but as he was just cover we hope we can get by without too much bother.

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Saturday 31st July 2004.

The season kicks off today with the challenge cup first round against Morton. The players are looking forward to the game and so am I.

We are without Bavidge for the game so Craig Campbell takes his place in the first team, The only other missing player is defender Iain Good who is out for 4 weeks.

As the game approached I started thinking that our friendlys against Liverpool and Aberdeen were bigger occasions. Only 519 people turned up for the game against Morton but that would not put us off.

The game started slowly with both teams happy to settle down to the pace of the game. With both teams happy doing nothing David Hagen scored a fantastic 30 yard drive in the 23rd minute to put us up 1-0. We were looking good for our lead but were forced to make a change as Campbell came off Injured, Bavidge was put on in his place even though he is carrying an arm injury.

We managed to go in at half time up 1-0 and I tell the lads to keep it up as they are not giving Morton much chances infront of goal.

The score stayed 1-0 until the 80th minute.

We were looking comfortable at 1-0 but Michie made sure of the win by scoring from a Bavidge pass.It was a great performance all round but we need to do that every week when it comes to league games.

Peterhead 2 (Hagen,Michie)

Morton 0

Peterhead team:-Mathers,Perry©,McSkimming,Raeside,Tully,Gibson(Stewart 51),Duncan,Buchan,Hagen,Michie,Campbell(Bavidge 24).

Morton team:- Coyle,Collins©,McCulloch,Greacen,McCluskey,P.Walker(McAllister 18),Thompson,Millar,Maisano,Weatherson,Hawke.

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Game info:- (A bit late but better late than never.)

I'm using a patched up version of Football Manager 2005 on small data with the following leagues running:-

Scotland(All leagues), England(Conference north/south and above), Italy(Serie B and above), Spain, Holland, France and Portugal(Top leagues only.)

This story will hopefully all be in the form of a diary from the perspective of me Barry Gunn about the highs and lows of my managerial career.

Good or bad comments are always welcome.Good comments are more welcome but if it's constructive critisism I can handle it,Honest.

I don't think there is anything else to add so all thats left to say is I hope you enjoy reading.

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Cheers spav, There was a bit of inspiration from your RKS Radomsko diary. icon_smile.gif

Sunday 1st August 2004.

Most of the players are off today but I ask the lads who picked up knocks in the last game to come in first thing in the morning to get checked over by the physio. With the small squad we have the last thing we need is players out for a long time.

We had three players who came in Keith Gibson, Jamie Buchan and Craig campbell.It was good news for Buchan and Gibson as they were sent home after a quick check and told they would both be back in action in a few days.

It was not so good news for Campbell who needed a trip to hospital to confirm he had a fractured wrist. It means Campbell will face a month on the sidelines and leave us with only two fit attackers for the start of our league campaign.

After hearing the news of our injurys I go to the office to wait for news of the challenge cup 2nd round draw. When the news comes I am pleased with the draw we got, We managed to get a home tie against Ayr United. Ayr are a division ahead of us but having already gave them a good beating in pre-season they will be more worried about the game than us.

With all the staff now away home it gives me a chance to look for some players to bring in. With only two fit attackers we really need to get another one in.

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Monday 2nd August 2004.

The morale is quite high today in training after the win against Morton. The only problem is it's now two weeks before the first league game so we need to try and keep the morale up. The plan is to arrange a friendly at the weekend against local opposition and if all goes to plan we should beat them by a few goals to keep the spirits high.

The good thing about having two weeks until the season start is I can find a few players for our problem positions. It looks like I'm going to have to start panic buying soon, I have a feeling we will see a few poor players coming in. If I had a bit more than £160 to offer players for wages I could have one or two half decent players, Its the boards desicion though and I have to respect that.

The odds from Ukbetting.com made me laugh when I saw them, Gretna have been made rightly favourites but 4 teams have been placed on evens including us. I know the bookmakers don't like losing money but I think putting 4 teams on the same odds is ridiculous. I suppose it shows how close all the teams are in the division.

After the odds were released I recieved a phone call from the local paper the Evening Express. The question I'm asked is if I think I can win the league, Thinking of team morale I say yes I think we are more than good enough. The only way I said this is in the hope that it might get the players and fans going at the start of the season. Realistically we need three or four players in to be up there, and I will be working hard to get them in before the league games kick off.

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Tuesday 3rd August 2004.

The Queens Park boss Billy Stark phones me first thing in the morning to ask me about right midfielder Clark Bain. He offers me 1k for the transfer listed player. The bid is a good offer for the player but due to injurys I have had to turn Starks offer down.

With another handful of players rejecting to join Peterhead and instead going to play in the non-league its getting fustrating in the transfer market.

With seeing how difficult it is to get players I have decided to offer our trialist a three year contract. Danny Ogunmade has not really had a chance to impress yet but with it being so hard to get anyone in we have offered him a contract now.

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Saturday 7th August 2004.

A slow week for news so it's meant quite alot of time on the training pitch with the lads. We are looking sharp and can't wait to show our skills on the pitch. Since the league games don't start until next saturday I managed to arrange a friendly against Buchanhaven Hearts. It should be a game that will give the lads a run out and let them get a few goals to keep the morale up.

Before the game we recieve news that we have made our first signing of the season Danny Ogunmade has agreed to join the club on a free transfer and will be a good addition to the squad.

The game against Buchanhaven Hearts didn't go quite as expected, We won the game 3-1 thanks to goals from Gibson, Michie and Stewart but Bavidge one of our two fit attackers was red carded for a silly tackle. It leaves us only one attacker for the season opener if he gets suspended.

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Sunday 8th August 2004.

With no injurys picked up yesterday the players have all got the day off. As I get into the office I find a note on my desk from the secratary asking me to phone Clyde manager Billy Reid. After I speak to him for 10 minutes I'm happy to be told that Liam Fleming will join us on loan for the rest of the season. He is a 20 year old attacker and is a welcome addition to the squad, He is not the greatest of players but at this point in time beggers can't be choosers.

There has still been no news on Bavidge being suspended for his red card so we are hoping he is free to play in the first game of the season. If he is free to play it now means we have three fit attackers to start the season after our loan signing.

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Monday 9th August 2004.

On monday it was heads down in training as this is the final push before the start of the league campaign. We need to make sure the team are all fit and ready to go. I think they will be but that dosn't mean I won't push them hard.

Tuesday 10th August 2004.

After I get the training sorted out for the day I head up to the office to see if we have any messages. There is a few messages of bids accepted and news of another new signing. A few players have been offered contracts but due to our lack of money I doubt they will come.

The news of another new signing is a welcomed boost, It is another attacker but I think now we have what we need upfront to see us through the season. The player is Steven Hampshire from Brechin City. He looks a decent enough player for this division and he could be looking at going straight in to the first team. We paid 1k for his services but I hope he will repay that transfer fee by blasting us to promotion.

As I take a look at the shortlist of players I drew up I can see it's now more of a longlist so before I scrub all the players off thats rejected me I thought I'd run through a few of the names for future referance :- Hislop, Dargo, McGarry, D.Holmes, Hay, McPake, P.Holmes, Hutchinson, Vareille, Bernard, Browne, Gold, Galloway, Jack and Swift. That is only a handful of the rejections that I've had but we have signed a few players now so I'm not too bothered.

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Wednesday 11th August 2004.

With a few new signings in the team I take the lads on a day trip to try and get the team spirit up. We all head to the golf course to have a day out and hit the bar for a few drinks afterwards, It's a good day for everybody and the new guys look to have settled in quite well.

Thursday 12th August 2004.

It's on to the training field again today for an all day session, Granted there will be breaks but very few . We will be looking to give 110% on the training pitch today after the treat they got yesterday.

Friday 13th august 2004.

The morale is quite high on the training pitch and if the daily papers are anything to go by the East Fife dressing room is pretty pumped up for tomorrows game too. The East Fife Manager Jim Moffat sent me a message in the papers telling me his side fear no-one and they expect to win in our league game. I phone the paper that he made this comment to and asked if I could add my own bit and have it printed tomorrow morning before the game. With all agreed I tell the paper that this will be one of the games of the season and we are completely ready for it. We will go into the game tomorrow looking for a win and we plan on getting it too.

After all the paper talk I was so excited I nearly missed a call about another player who has agreed to join us. Carl Thywissen is a defender who can play full back on either side. He was snapped up for free from East Stirling and although he's not great he will probabaly get his fair share of first team apperances. He joins in time to go into the squad for the East Fife game.

With that signing I think we now have a sqaud capable of challenging for promotion. We have back up for most areas of the park and I can go into the first game of the season a very happy man.

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