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Moral dilemma e.g. tactics

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I dunno whether to try out tactics i find in this forum cos its kindof cheating but its kinda not.

I already felt a bit weird about searching players that i find in the good player forum, and i would never use a scout or this PA nonsense.

Don't just say "WELL DONT USE THEM THEN" I'm kinda hoping this thread can be a discussion on this topic..

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Do you want us to convince you it's okay to use others' tactics? :p

You obviously can't use any tactics you get here 'straight out of the box', so you'll have to adapt them. Therefore, they are actually your tactics, just with a basis somewhere else, like all tactics. No tactics are entirely original, why should yours be?

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Well, you can use the tactics from the TT&F. They are intended to be JUST reworked preset/default tactics, but relatively effective straight out of the box. Nevertheless, I find that they are available mostly as a starting, more assured place, than the default ones, so you can tick target men, playmaker, screw around with the tempo, passing, mentalities or closing down, knowing that the base upon which you are building is relatively sound.


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I rationalise it like this: a real rookie manager would be going to 'school' to get his coaching badges. Mugging up on the Tactical Theorems is just like that. You're not downloading killer tactics that exploit the match engine or gaining unrealistic information such as you would in the GPG forum or using a scouting tool; in contrast, you're just doing your research like a good student or conscientious new manager!

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My thought is, well why not?

Except of cos if you use these tactic, don't modify and get good results then start bragging here. I suppose you won't ;)

Other than that its fine. Many of the FM series i use popular tactics in the real world and modify and gets some decent results. And its really fun, so why can't you use fellow managers' tactics on this forum, modify and use it! :D

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