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Defend A Lead .

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The best approach of Defence is Offence :)

If your more defensive that mean's the more the opposition has the ball & everyone no's that it only takes one chance for the AI to score a goal in FM09

All i would do is, keep the tactic your using but lower the creative freedom, play counter attack and put your defesive line to deep.

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my shut up shop tactic is 4-4-2.

i use 2 strikers to give the oppsition defence something to think about when they bomb forward with their 4-2-4.

2 wingers have forward runs often but low mentality. 2 central midfielders have higher mentality but no forward runs. all back 4 have low mentality and no forward runs.

what i aim to do, is to reduce space, by playing narrow and not too deep d line.

central midfield press the ball handlers first, if the resort to launching the ball down the flanks, i have a double team, FB plus winger. when i recover possession, the wingers are off down the flanks, plus i have 2 strikers to aim for. a lot of times i get a corner or a free kick in their half, to waste more time.

try it out.

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I feel the best way to shut up shop is to get as many men behind the ball as possible at all times, keep tight and narrow and make sure you keep the ball as much as possible but if in doubt get it out.

I play also one striker up only when shutting up shop to just run down every ball and he seems to put pressure on the defence so they punt long balls which my 9 man bus in front of goal clear easily

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Slower Tempo

Narrower Width

Higher Time Wasting

Reduce FWR for fullbacks & wingers

Tick Counter Attack

Less Free Roles

That might help.

These are the kind of things I do, but usually without the counter attack. Add in reduced TTB as well. The idea being to retain possesion and not take risks. It's not a "backs-to-the-wall" defensive tactic, but one that can essentially "kill" the game: nothing much happens for either side when you're using this. Then maybe switch over to an ultra-defensive (low mentaility, not FWR or TTB, maybe reposition players etc) one for the last 5-10 miuntes when the opposition go all out.

I wouldn't use it if I've got a 1-0 lead against a side which seriously outclasses me, but against opponents that are close in ability, or ones I'm much better than, it can work.

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I hate the ME right now...

I had a good 2-2 away against Portsmouth - in the 85th minute they switched to a 4-2-4 and WITHIN A SECOND LATER THEY SCORED TO 3-2!!! And a second later again, after their goal, they switched back to defend their lead :@

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