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FM Genie scout


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asking people for money is a complete disgrace genie and against the spirit of a community... you could have placed a link for donations on your application just like the other.... The only thing you will get form this is piracy to get the full genie scout... what a shame

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You know this is a really great responce. What you all mean is, "genie I love your program and your work, but I feel you SHOULDN'T be compensated for it. Genie, give it to me for free or I am going to steal it." People after NYGreen was hired by SI and genie took it over we (or at least I) were fairly certain that this was in his oppinion a opprotunity to perhaps get in with a large company programming. For him to ask for some compensation for his work is not a huge surprise. I don't mind people saying that $10 is a lot for the program, because I think it is a bit high, but I do not mind paying it as I have used his program in the past too.

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is this the free version or a hacked one with all the PA, CA etc... ?
I'll be a good boy and pay.

But what ticks me off is the "we never intended this tool to be used to cheat, so we removed the ca/pa"

Not a direct quote, site is down =) But I thought bullocks as I read it atleast :)

can you let me know how quickly you get your 'key' ?

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So does the fact that this guy works hard off his own back to provide something that makes your life easy count for absolutely nothing?


If you was in his shoe would you charge people for using your programme? no? cos I wouldn't.

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The Program is wonoderfull, I have paid the 10 dollars (for crying out loud, its two draft beers) happily, and received my key to hours later.

I must say that people being so unhappy about this beats me. 10 dollars... Come on!

How many hours have this guy put into this, maybe for his own enjoyement, but mostly for ours. And you are insulting him. If you dont want to but it, no one is forcing you...

Eugene, thanks for making a software that I can use, maybe 10 hours a week for a year for 10 dollars... (52 X 10 = 520 hours, that means I'm paying 0.02 dollars per hour, seems like a fair deal to everyone).

I feel sorry for you, you check this website twice a day to see whether the software has arrived - then it arrives (finally) and you are too cheap to pay 10 dollars...

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can you let me know how quickly you get your 'key' ?

yeah m8, will do.

Got it instantly almost. Got a mail with payment confirmation. Then a lil while later, few minutes I checked my mail, and it was there. Though it says that it was sent at the same time as the confirmation mail for the payment.

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List index out of bounds when loading it up (318767143)

When selecting a saved game to load, 'Access violation at address 00405E32 in module 'FMGenieScout.exe' Write of address 00000004'

I also sent a dump file that it had generated.


Mate the only way i've found of overcoming the problem is to re download it every time you want to use it then it works. Bit of a nuisance i know but at least you can still use it on your saved game

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It works, even though the site shows as offline. The direct link to the download works. But the confirmation mail I got, says that I will recieve the key within one day. :/ or quote: "In A ONE DAY you will get a key that activates your copy of FM Genie Scout 2009"

the In A ONE DAY confused me ;-)

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^ You can use the e-mail service provided from your ISP.

If only I knew that address.

I used my work one in the end for the customer information part and then my gmail address for the other part, I'm really hoping that the key gets sent to my gmail account as I won't have access to my work one 'til Monday.

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I realise this question doesn't entirely belong in this thread but:

Is FMRTE (for FM09) out yet?


if so, any recommendation on the easiest way to obtain it will be great.


Thanks. By the way -

Complete access of Genie Scout for the price of a couple of lunches? how can you complain? :)

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do you realice that some of us, fanatics of fm09 dont live in the US//UK and U$D 10 is much more than what it seems for this kind of application??

i also think that charging for a program like this is against the spirit of comunity.

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Also think about all the people, outside 1rst world countries, that wont be able to use the program even if they wanted to pay becouse they dont have the means to pay over internet.

The game is played in many countries of southamerica.

its a shame the way things have gone, always becouse everything is about money money money... im sure many of the users of genies scout have donated, but its not enough for such a simple program, now more money is needed.

a comunity isnt like that.

just my opinion.

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This is disgrace and I believe illegal as well. There are tons and tons of mods that are much bigger and complex than this little nothing and modders would never think of charging others for their work. Simple thanks, great mod etc is all they hope for. If he say it cost him so much time and effort, maybe he shouldn't make it at first place.

Those things are made for community to enjoy, not to squeeze money from them.

That genie thing , i believe, is based on Nygreen's scout engine and licence says that in order to use it, you have to release source code. So far, no source code, just a fee for work he didn't do entirely himself.

Additionally, doesn't EULA states you can't get financial gain of this game witout consent from SI or Sega? I'm not sure, but thats how it usually works.

So, is he gonna share his profit with Nygreen, or people who translated it?

Sure I don't have to use it, but I can voice my opinion and show my disgust when someone gets greedy. There are always people to clap, no matter what scum other would come up with.

Besides, donation is voluntary, however if you want to search CA and PA you HAVE TO pay. Just deceitful wording to cover his greed.

There are free scouts available, I wonder why would someone pay when you can get basically same thing for free. It's CA and PA that's mostly people wanna use it. Other crap is just something extra to toy with. But hey, your money, spend it away.

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Eugene, thanks for making a software that I can use, maybe 10 hours a week for a year for 10 dollars... (52 X 10 = 520 hours, that means I'm paying 0.02 dollars per hour, seems like a fair deal to everyone).

Would you be willing to pay 500 dollar? Thats just 1 dollar per hour...

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I can't believe people are blasting Genie for asking to get paid for the full version... Come on the guy has spent months of his sparetime creating the tool. I'm pretty sure he will quit creating this magnificent tool, because everytime he does something he get blasted by a lot of selfish unthankfull prats in this forum. If some of you don't like that he is takin $10 for the full version, why don't get your act together and create your own tool, the framework and gamecode is already released by Dr.Bernard.

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I can't believe people are blasting Genie for asking to get paid for the full version... Come on the guy has spent months of his sparetime creating the tool. I'm pretty sure he will quit creating this magnificent tool, because everytime he does something he get blasted by a lot of selfish unthankfull prats in this forum. If some of you don't like that he is takin $10 for the full version, why don't get your act together and create your own tool, the framework and gamecode is already released by Dr.Bernard.

Magnificent tool..., lol. There are always brainless prats who applaud any scam you can come up with.

Hey, as I said, if it was so hard to make maybe he shouldn't do it. People make much much bigger mods for games, spend much more time on them than Genie and don't even think of charging for it.

Second, maybe he didn't entirely do it himself. I beleieve the code is based on Tom Nygreen engine, plus there are people who translated it. So is he sharing his money with them?

Besides I don't have to create my own, there are already free scouts available. And authors are happy to give them to us for free of charge, unlike that greedy character.

So, if you don't like criticism of your magnificent tool, get you act together and create your own website where only clapping is allowed.


When was he blasted before? How is he blasted everytime he makes a scout? It's first time he's really criticized? Aren't you going little bit overboard?

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There are a few flight simulators out there that are top class, 1000 times better than Combat FS.

It's a completely new game.

Both games are free to download.

Is this little scout better than an amazing working flight sim?

PS I sell my 4.7GB pictures folder for a tenner

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Magnificent tool..., lol. There are always brainless prats who applaud any scam you can come up with.

Hey, as I said, if it was so hard to make maybe he shouldn't do it. People make much much bigger mods for games, spend much more time on them than Genie and don't even think of charging for it.

Second, maybe he didn't entirely do it himself. I beleieve the code is based on Tom Nygreen engine, plus there are people who translated it. So is he sharing his money with them?

Besides I don't have to create my own, there are already free scouts available. And authors are happy to give them to us for free of charge, unlike that greedy character.

So, if you don't like criticism of your magnificent tool, get you act together and create your own website where only clapping is allowed.


When was he blasted before? How is he blasted everytime he makes a scout? It's first time he's really criticized? Aren't you going little bit overboard?

I just looked at when you signed up, that do excuse your ignorance.. It's not the first time he gets blasted. Because people that were around last year know he took a hell lot of blasting when he worked on the FM2008. Point two if you don't like the tool why do you complain about having to pay..just don't download it. Thirdly if you don't think there is a lot of effort making these tools again why don't you try to make one yourself.... Well your excuse I don't have to because of the other free scouts, well then as I said why don't you stop moaning and use one of those free tools. I'm pretty sure you don't have a clue about how much time making a tool takes, and how do you know that the other programmers use more time creating their tool sthan Genie? Fourth. Even if he got the code from Nygreen, that was the 2006 code and the code has changed a lot since FM06. That was the reason he never was able to make a full 2008 version, as it took time to figure out the code.

You see Marty, you are the type of person that this forum doesn't need. The one that doesn't appreciate the programmers use their free time to create tools for the rest of the community. The effort they put in make us enjoy the game more, and they do not under any sircumstances deserve balsting because their tools don't fit the exact expactations to a few around this forum. AT the end they don't have to release their tools and if they stopped, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like that at all.

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Magnificent tool..., lol. There are always brainless prats who applaud any scam you can come up with.

Hey, as I said, if it was so hard to make maybe he shouldn't do it. People make much much bigger mods for games, spend much more time on them than Genie and don't even think of charging for it.

Second, maybe he didn't entirely do it himself. I beleieve the code is based on Tom Nygreen engine, plus there are people who translated it. So is he sharing his money with them?

Besides I don't have to create my own, there are already free scouts available. And authors are happy to give them to us for free of charge, unlike that greedy character.

So, if you don't like criticism of your magnificent tool, get you act together and create your own website where only clapping is allowed.


When was he blasted before? How is he blasted everytime he makes a scout? It's first time he's really criticized? Aren't you going little bit overboard?

First off from my understanding Genie had to start from scratch this season due to engine changes ect. Also, to assume that he is obligated to give his work for free is crazy. If someone wants to do so then that is their decision, but doesn't make it something that must be done. Basically others this season give you options, if you want to use another scout program for free, then do so. If you want to use genie without all the features, then do so. If you are like me and believe that the man deserves compensation for his work (guess what I wouldn't do a bunch of accounting for a community I was a part of and not charge), then do so.

For those of you complaining, think of your job for a moment, would you put in 100, 200, maybe even 300 hours on doing something just for a pat on the back? I have stated previously IMO he saw this as a opprotunity to potentially get into FM programming (like NYGreen). That obviously hasn't happened.......

Now if someone wants to complain of living in a country where $10 US is a lot of money, that is fine, but we have to assume that everyone came up with about $50 US for the game. Most people who play this game can come up with the money, it is wheather they deam the quality of work to be worth the time they put in to earn that money.

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The excuse of hardwork does not justify that it makes pay an utility linked to a game of which he does not have the right. Option donation is comprehensible but tie down options to make use is intolerable on this community. If some people begin now, in which state will be the community in next months ?

Imagine that one have to pay for the faces packs ? Logos ? Skins?

Would you find excuses in all this?

Finally, nobody asks them to spend hours on these programs. It must be a passion first of all, and not a means to make some money.

(sorry for my english, I must have used an automatic translator to help me)

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This "debate" is completely ridiculous and unnecessary. It's his work, he can choose however he wants to distribute it. If SI have a problem with him charging for it, they can go after him. If you don't want to pay for it, then don't. He has made a tool that many people seem to want, why not try to make a couple bucks off of it?

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The excuse of hardwork does not justify that it makes pay an utility linked to a game of which he does not have the right. Option donation is comprehensible but tie down options to make use is intolerable on this community. If some people begin now, in which state will be the community in next months ?

Imagine that one have to pay for the faces packs ? Logos ? Skins?

Would you find excuses in all this?

Finally, nobody asks them to spend hours on these programs. It must be a passion first of all, and not a means to make some money.

(sorry for my english, I must have used an automatic translator to help me)

Don't assume that he was doing this out of passion, it is probably not why he initially started. As I have stated before his ambitions were probably to become recognized by SI (like NYGreen was) to potentially get a job with the company. Also if someone made faces packs, logos or skins that were of the quality to charge for it, then they should be able to (plain and simple). The fact is that these are much easier to do than a scout of editor and many more are avaliable is probably the reason no one will ever be successful at selling these though.

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I just looked at when you signed up, that do excuse your ignorance.. It's not the first time he gets blasted. Because people that were around last year know he took a hell lot of blasting when he worked on the FM2008. Point two if you don't like the tool why do you complain about having to pay..just don't download it. Thirdly if you don't think there is a lot of effort making these tools again why don't you try to make one yourself.... Well your excuse I don't have to because of the other free scouts, well then as I said why don't you stop moaning and use one of those free tools. I'm pretty sure you don't have a clue about how much time making a tool takes, and how do you know that the other programmers use more time creating their tool sthan Genie? Fourth. Even if he got the code from Nygreen, that was the 2006 code and the code has changed a lot since FM06. That was the reason he never was able to make a full 2008 version, as it took time to figure out the code.

You see Marty, you are the type of person that this forum doesn't need. The one that doesn't appreciate the programmers use their free time to create tools for the rest of the community. The effort they put in make us enjoy the game more, and they do not under any sircumstances deserve balsting because their tools don't fit the exact expactations to a few around this forum.

First of all, what does has to do with anything when i sidned up? You are apparently lacking of arguments when you pick on this.

Second, you apparently don't read my entire post and then you jump to critisize me. I don't feel like repeating myself over and over, just read my previous posts and you'll have the answer to your mutter.

How can you be sure what I can do or not? Is it crystal ball that tells you that, or bad dreams?

As to time spending on mods, take a look at those see yourself how much time it take to make those. Those are like new games, everything is redone, the mods are huge, unlike that little nothing you defend with your life. If you knew fraction about making mods as I do you'll realize it takes much more time to make them. And they are free.




Its a tiny sample of whats going on there in modding community, which you apparently have no clue about.

Third, so now people releasing facepacks, logos, skins etc should start charging as well since it takes their time and effort.

Maybe you should hang out around moders to see how disgusting it is to charge for the mods that are done for community.

So maybe you see yourself thats it is people like you who are not needed here, who come against spirit of modding community.

Besides who wasn't able to do scout for 2008, Genie or Nygreen? Seems like you have no clue what are you talking about. Genie released scout for fm08, Nygreen didn't cause he had a good reason for it. Either way you seem lost in your mumbling.

As i said in my previous posts, i have rights to voice my opinion about greed, if you dont like it, don't come here. I'm not alone here who is disgusted with Genie. So, either live with it or be gone.

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Im sure his name is Michael Nygreen and the structure of FM has changed dramatically since CM Scout so its a totally different application. Also if I looked on google for a tutorial on how to do something then implemented my version would that then mean I cant sell my version? Eh no!

If he wasnt so sneaky and allowed everyone to build their hopes up then people wouldnt be too bothered.

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He has made a tool that many people seem to want, why not try to make a couple bucks off of it?

By the way, I'm not sure he can if the name of his tool has the name 'FM' in it

CM? Nygreen released scout for FM07, not CM.

I think he released a CM Scout in CM 2003/04.

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First of all, what does has to do with anything when i sidned up? You are apparently lacking of arguments when you pick on this.

Besides who wasn't able to do scout for 2008, Genie or Nygreen? Seems like you have no clue what are you talking about. Genie released scout for fm08, Nygreen didn't cause he had a good reason for it. Either way you seem lost in your mumbling.

As i said in my previous posts, i have rights to voice my opinion about greed, if you dont like it, don't come here. I'm not alone here who is disgusted with Genie. So, either live with it or be gone.

That registratet a short while ago excuses you for that ignorant PS comment you made about this was the first time he was blasted, as it clearly isn't. Second before you blast people for not reading your posts good enough, you should clean up your own backgarden first. I never said Nygreen had released a scot for FM2008, beacuse he never did it's obvuoius. What I said was that Genie never was able to release a full version of the 2008 version... Because as people that have been around here does know, he never came longer than a 3rd beta. Just to let you know a Beta is not a full version.... So clearly you didn't read my post well enough. Third you posting links about other mods doesn't proof that you know how much time it has taken for Genie to develop his tools, as he has spent over a year to get the hold of the code changes SI implemented between FM 2007 and 2009.

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CM? Nygreen released scout for FM07, not CM. It's not not tutorial, he used his engine, not read tutorial, it's a significant difference. He can charge all he wants, but still it's distasteful thing to do.

Again Nygreen did not release a scout for FM2007, that was Genie, Nygreens last scout was for the 2006 version. Man your really not knowing what you're posting about....

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CM? Nygreen released scout for FM07, not CM. It's not not tutorial, he used his engine, not read tutorial, it's a significant difference. He can charge all he wants, but still it's distasteful thing to do.

Yeah I think he made one for FM 06 but even from then there has been big changes and I think it was last years fm when they changed the structure of the saved games, making it harder to parse them.

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That registratet a short while ago excuses you for that ignorant PS comment you made about this was the first time he was blasted, as it clearly isn't. Second before you blast people for not reading your posts good enough, you should clean up your own backgarden first. I never said Nygreen had released a scot for FM2008, beacuse he never did it's obvuoius. What I said was that Genie never was able to release a full version of the 2008 version... Because as people that have been around here does know, he never came longer than a 3rd beta. Just to let you know a Beta is not a full version.... So clearly you didn't read my post well enough. Third you posting links about other mods doesn't proof that you know how much time it has taken for Genie to develop his tools, as he has spent over a year to get the hold of the code changes SI implemented between FM 2007 and 2009.

First of all say it again in english. What language is that?

It's impossible to go through your garble. Are you still referring to my signg up? What does that have anything to do? What are you stupid?

Genie released scout for fm08, either beta or full version, again what does that have anything to do with him charging fees?

I didn't post links to prove my knowledge of modding, get a clue, you seem having problems with logic. I provided links to show you that are much bigger mods that this little nothing. I don't care how much time he spent on his crap. Maybe he doesn't have sufficient knowledge to do it faster. Those mods i showed weren't done overnight, they much bigger than this little scout.

You seem to hang up on same things. That he spent his lifetime to make it and how he was critisized. I don't really give, it's against modding spirit to charge. If you wanna pay, go send him all your money. I don't like the idea however, and i'm gonna say it here, whether you like it or not.

Correction he made scout for fm06, not for fm07, that makes world difference. Now you proved I don't know what I'm talking about.

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This "debate" is completely ridiculous and unnecessary. It's his work, he can choose however he wants to distribute it. If SI have a problem with him charging for it, they can go after him. If you don't want to pay for it, then don't. He has made a tool that many people seem to want, why not try to make a couple bucks off of it?

Not exactly true.

It's intellectual property.

If somebody else before him developed code, then, that person may have the right to receive royalties.

Plus, into how many languages was the scout translated? Seriously? How many? How many people literally "helped" him, or so they thought, believing that it would forever be free and they wouldn't receive a dime? What now, if he is receiving a fair amount of 'dimes'? The translations are intellectual property as well and, in a game like Football manager, with it's incredibly broad userbase, it's an absolute must to have a considerable number of translations.

One of the advertised features is also this:

«The official manual, "Hints and Tips for Football Manager by Marc Vaughan & Nick Habershon" and other sources have been used for the needed materials.»


He's just asking for serious trouble. This is pure bad faith and, legally, that's pretty screwed.

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First of all say it again in english. What language is that?

It's impossible to go through your garble. Are you still referring to my signg up? What does that have anything to do? What are you stupid?

Genie released scout for fm08, either beta or full version, again what does that have anything to do with him charging fees?

I didn't post links to prove my knowledge of modding, get a clue, you seem having problems with logic. I provided links to show you that are much bigger mods that this little nothing. I don't care how much time he spent on his crap. Maybe he doesn't have sufficient knowledge to do it faster. Those mods i showed weren't done overnight, they much bigger than this little scout.

You seem to hang up on same things. That he spent his lifetime to make it and how he was critisized. I don't really give, it's against modding spirit to charge. If you wanna pay, go send him all your money. I don't like the idea however, and i'm gonna say it here, whether you like it or not.

Correction he made scout for fm06, not for fm07, that makes world difference. Now you proved I don't know what I'm talking about.

Again that you just signed up does excuse that you are posting comments that shows that you donot know what has happened here. Again you wrote that he never had been blasted before, when he clearly had... Just let me quote you: "When was he blasted before? How is he blasted everytime he makes a scout? It's first time he's really criticized? Aren't you going little bit overboard?"

This quote shows that you're posting about something you don't have knowledge about, and it's quite amazing that you won't admit that.

Point two yes he released a beta 2008, but my point was that he was never able to realease a FULL 2008 version because SI changed the code dramatically, and it took time to sort the code out.

And finally and as I've said it before, if you don't like that he is charging for the tool, then don't pay for it, use the free tools, but you don't need to blast him for charging. It's Genie's choice..

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I think $10 dollars is extortionate really. If he was going to do this he should've made sure it's easier for people to donate, eg e-mail and card difficulties, and set a minimum of $2 to get the full version. I'd happily pay that and anyone else who originally planned to donate wouldn't feel so forced into it.

BTW this question's been asked several times but no actual answer yet: how accurate is the sale value?

Don't reply saying it can't be done because of the new transfer system, can anyone who was the full version say how many times out of 10 it works? i'd appreciate it :D

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