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Going Global?

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Are you guys finding global/team instrutions are now more effective in FM09 or have I just been lucky?

After farting about with tactic sets and guides from this forum and the 'rule of one' theory I had what I thought was a well worked tactic. However even with this setup I was still only scraping results when my team finally appeared to 'click'. I found I would often dominate possession and create a fair few chances with no end product only for the opposition to then go up and score with their first shot on target :(. Whenever my team did get a result they seemed to fall apart the next game and seemed to draw A LOT, I even had a run of 6 consecutive score draws as Las Plamas. Well I decided, enough was enough and I went 'back to basics'.

Creative freedom went out the window (save for a few smatterings in the midfield), the rule of one malarkey was binned as were the fancy formations, it was back to the old flat 4-4-2. I set up a new game as Freiburg, cleared out some of the gash players and brought in some quality bargains (Osmar & Hugo :)) and I've just gone with a team mentality just above normal deepish D-line mixed passing and a normal tempo. No fancy instructions, the back line keep it simple, one CM has low CF the other is medium etc. Suddenly I've got my team scoring goals and going on a run of form (12 games unbeaten, 10 wins 2 draws), They just put 5 past Mainz away from home and seem to be much more efficient than any of the other sides I have tried. Instead of 20+ shots and only the odd goal I was achieving with previous setups, they are scoring roughly 1 in 3 attempts and seem to be controlling the possession a lot more sensibly. Rather than just pummelling the opposition and getting no reward they now just probe and wait for the right moment to go in for the kill and if I need a goal or want to defend a lead I just tweak the mentality/d-line slightly no faffing about with different tactics or tweaking individual instructions.

I don't know where it went wrong before, maybe it was too much CF, the wrong tempo or whatever but going to team settings rather than individual instructions seems to have cured it. Maybe it's best to keep it simple in this version?

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