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Help from SI?

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Just wondered with the fact that alot of people seem to be struggling with this game, whether it would be in SI's best interest to produce some sort of basic tactics guide to give us some assistance?

I fear that alot of people (some I already know of) will just get fed up and lose patience with the game if the frustration continues.

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I appreciate that alot of work was put into that thread, however I was thinking something actually from SI and more simplified, where we know 100% the info they're giving us is fact, which cannot be the case with that wwfan guide.[/QUO

Use the hints and tips guide in the actual game:p

Thing is, you are not going to win the league with Stoke first season with a wonder tactic, thats just how the new ME is designed... Way more realism... Also other factors as morale, team-gelling, team-talks ect are more important than ever, and if you get it wrong, your tactical apporach is pretty much useless.

However, if you got all this down, and still struggling with Manu, Inter or whatever, well then its time to use your head...

Tactics are pure logic for the most part, and the TT&F is a great guide, and the default tacs are great templates. You must however tweak them too suit your team/players... Pick the right formation, and the right tactical approach. Learn how to use a set, it's the only way to acheive consistancy, and belleive me you will. Learn how, and when, to use diffirent tacs and you will overacheive, GUARANTEED!

wwfan's guide are theories, but they do work, trust me... Just a matter of your own managing. Think it's to much work and to detailed, buy fifa manager instead!

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I won't buy FIFA Manager at all and people like you who irritate me. I've been playing this game since the very first version back in the Amiga days and it's give me so much enjoyment over the years, no other football management game even comes close.

But you have to look at the facts, alot of people are not enjoying this game and its mainly due to the over-complicated tactical system in place. Thats all we ask for is a better implementation of the tactical system that doesn't require hour upon hour to get the hang of. Maybe you have the time for that and in that case thats good for you.

I just want the enjoyment back, not having to read a bloody 50 page document just to be able to implement tactics properly. Even IF all of the information in wwfan thread is accurate, this would be redundant if SI, either made the tactical system better and more user friendly or gave us better documentation on the current system.

So before the likes of yourself comes out with the "go and buy FIFA Manager" just realise that not everyone is like yourself and the frustration comes from the game being agonisingly close to a fantastic game!

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there's no need to study the whole TT&F page by page. it's good if you read some of it, especially parts where you strugle tacticaly. it's defently worth reading but you could easyil play the game using your past FM (if your good at understanding the ME) and real life knowledge.

i dount even Paul could make better stuff...wait a minute didn't you get manual with the game? ;)

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Yes and I guess the fact the game is so unrealistic can also be solved by reading over 100 pages of stuff?. A team that kick 3 goals in 2 minutes, kicks goals from 35 out when the player who kicked the goal has long shot rating of 6? Or how about the goalkeeper kicking long and straight not the head of a striker for a goal?. Or how about those miracle crosses from wingers who have passing and crossing at 7 or something straight onto the head of a striker who has jumping and heading stats of 8 against defenders who are 15+ for heading and humping?. I hate it when the fan boys come on here and say it's you tatic, this game is simply crap.

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Yes and I guess the fact the game is so unrealistic can also be solved by reading over 100 pages of stuff?. A team that kick 3 goals in 2 minutes, kicks goals from 35 out when the player who kicked the goal has long shot rating of 6? Or how about the goalkeeper kicking long and straight not the head of a striker for a goal?. Or how about those miracle crosses from wingers who have passing and crossing at 7 or something straight onto the head of a striker who has jumping and heading stats of 8 against defenders who are 15+ for heading and humping?. I hate it when the fan boys come on here and say it's you tatic, this game is simply crap.

seriously, if you were visiting these forums for longer you would know i was the last person to be called a fan boy, eventhough i've been playing this game since mid sixties...

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Mitja not calling you a fan boy mate. Just some of the people on here, come on here and abuse you and generally carry on like they know it all. This game is just unrealistic, I mean how many times in a game can we have goals for 35 out? And that too from players with low long shot stats. I doubt miracle goals happen in every game in the real world. And I also doubt teams can kick 3 or 4 goals in the space of 3 minutes to snatch a miracle victory all the time. The ME is stuffed up pretty badly, I don;t mind working to win games but if you can't do that because the AI seem to press the must win button and all of a sudden you have conference league sides playing like Brazil it's a bit of a joke.

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