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Awards in Editor


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Couple of queries regarding the Awards in the Data Editor..

1) Why is the Award Date blanked out? Is there any way to "un-blank" it cos i wanna set the release of the awards (such as the Ballon D'or) to be accurate as per real life. Presently, it is awarded on 1 Jan yearly, which is not the case in real life.

2) What is the Announcement Date for? I realise that it is reflective of real time. Eg, if today is 13/12/08, that is what is shown, but tmr, the date changes to 14/12/08. Simply, it mirrors the real life date set in my computer.

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The Award Date becomes active if you set the award to "On Specified Date". However, I don't know if that means that the award is then given to the player who plays best on that specific day. That sounds stupid but it is in the same set of options as "Of the Year" and "Of the Month" etc.

I suspect that the announcement date is the one you would want to change to have the award on the right date, leaving the previous menu at "Of the Year".

I think (I'm not sure) that the displaying of the current date in you system settings is a error in the editor, as it would make no sense for the real world date to have anything to do with the editor dates. It does a similar thing on the club records pages.

The lads at SI don't seem to bother with this forum so I wouldn't hold your breath for an answer from them. Sorry I haven't got any concrete answers for you, but maybe one of the more experianced editors here can confirm what it all means.

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