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Mentality Question

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may sound a silly question, but im under the impression that if you are giving mentality settings to each player in your tactics that the team mentality in team settings wont come into affect. Am i right or wrong??

i think im right but would like some feedback.


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may sound a silly question, but im under the impression that if you are giving mentality settings to each player in your tactics that the team mentality in team settings wont come into affect. Am i right or wrong??

i think im right but would like some feedback.


Yes you are right. However if you look at it from another point of view...

For a standard tactic you would want your defensive players to have a defensive mentaility

midfield with a standard mentality

forwards with attacking mentality

Thats why it is better giving individual player mentalities

I also reccomend that you read the TACTICS THEOREM 09 (Y)

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Yes you are right. However if you look at it from another point of view...

For a standard tactic you would want your defensive players to have a defensive mentaility

midfield with a standard mentality

forwards with attacking mentality

Thats why it is better giving individual player mentalities

I also reccomend that you read the TACTICS THEOREM 09 (Y)

Not really.

I think you should have a look af tactics theorem 09, TT&F, in fm-britain, as well.

You got both midfielders with a more defensive mentality, than the backs, for instance.

So it has nothing to do with the position the player is put, but rather what role you want him to act like; defense, support, attack... :)

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