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Player [X] looks as though.......Help!

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Has anyone any ideas on what to do about the following?

Player x looks as though he is used to playing at a higher tempo.

Player x looks as though he is used to playing a more direct role than today.

Player x looks as though he is used to closing down more than today.

I have tried doing the obvious, increasing closing down and increasing passing to more direct but to no avail. I'm not sure what action to take about the higher tempo, individually. I have similar problems about the other individual player comments made by my Ass. Man. during the game. It seems to me that you can't do a lot without altering the team instructions and that will unbalance the team.

I am finding it quite easy to get the team passing and possession right but am still having some difficulty in getting the shooting right. In spite of having all players bar one on rarely for long shots, my players still shoot from long range. All assistance gratefully accepted. Kind regards.

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Don't worry about it, usually happens on new signings as they need time to get used to your tactics and play style. It will go away eventually depending on your players adaptability.

As for long shots you can consider lowering creative freedom but again they will shoot eventually because sometimes they 'decide' that is the best thing to do for ex, all the passing options marked etc. Also if the player has shoots from distance pref move you can't do anything he will shoot no matter what you do except telling him to unlearn it.

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Don't worry about it, usually happens on new signings as they need time to get used to your tactics and play style. It will go away eventually depending on your players adaptability.

As for long shots you can consider lowering creative freedom but again they will shoot eventually because sometimes they 'decide' that is the best thing to do for ex, all the passing options marked etc. Also if the player has shoots from distance pref move you can't do anything he will shoot no matter what you do except telling him to unlearn it.

Thanks Jeddite, you're a star!

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