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Fulham, UEFA Cup

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Got Fulham into the UEFA cup in my 1st season somehow. Sold Aaritalo for 20 million to roma. My team as of now is:

GK: Niemi/ Rybka/ Corradini

LB: Mattock/ Lescott

CB: Breno/ Ignasevich(sp)/ Nasuti/ Hobbs

RB: Ratinho/ Moritz Volz/ Abenzoar

DMC: Flamini (Loan)/ Araujo / Formigoni

Attacking Midfielders: Piatti/ Wijnaldum/ Mihelic/ Simao/ Bullard/ Anton Sosnin/ Kewell

Strikers: Stancu/ Zarate/ Bendtner/ Healy/ Kamara

Also: Chris Baird/ Davies/ Davis/ Bacinovic/ Seol Ki Hyon/ Bouazza/ Lomski/ Doudin/ Malul/ Austin

My assistant manager Marcel Desially says I don't have enough strength in depth to achieve what is expected (continental qual)... any suggestions as to where I can strengthen? My squad is pretty young I was htinking perhaps some experience, but I'm out of ideas really, I've already overhauled the entire squad.

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Hmms, it should be your second season now right?

Not sure if I'm right, but i guess you lack real quality players right now.

Don't get me wrong, there's potential in your squad. Players that will turn out great (Stancu, Wiknaldum, etc).

Would suggest you try to make the most out of the squad you have right now. Save the 10 million for the next season and perhaps get a real quality striker up front (Depending on your tactic. FS/TS).

Stancu's still young and try not to give him too much pressure otherwise he wouldn't develop fully.

Play your cards well and outsmart your opponents tactically. You'll probably end up with UEFA cup qualification. Champions League still seems far and will most probably drain your squad which will result in a poor run in the premier league.

As always, take it with a pinch of salt. I may not be right =\

Good luck with Fulham =)

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Yea thats pretty much right. Think I will save the 10 mil, no reason to buy players who are no better than the ones I have now. Hopefully Simao will have a good season linking up with Bendtner, I've had Bendtner before and he is class.

Mihelic is showing real quality already, not sure if I will be able to keep him. Piatti too is showing real potential.

My priority for next season is a top quality DM and a Striker to play off of Bendtner, and perhaps some full backs although without fail I find it realy difficult to get class fullbacks.

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