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Core i7 Processor

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Has anyone tried running FM09 on an intel Core i7?

Getting a new machine in January with one of these little guys calling the shots, and wondering if anyone had any experience...

I know it's a bit early in their lifecycle, but you never know, someone round here might have one.


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I got to be brutal and say that FM is such a slug it wouldn't be worth buying a high spec box to play it on.

Dual core, 2 gigs of ram, DX9 gpu.

Anything else is a waste of money tbh ..

have to agree here going from single to quad makes a difference but i'm guessing dual to quad will not be much better for FM

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Well the simple fact that even the "poorest" I7 puts the best core 2 to shame is pretty much reason enough to get one if you are building a new rig.

Having said that, looking at custom pc#s latest isssue if you get the I7 you will need one of the new motherboards designed solely for it as it is larger than your regular processor in physical size and needs a larger holder.

DDR 3 memory as well, and a new cooler that fits it.

Custom PC's basic rig using it cost £650 odd, (and thats without taking the Case, hard drives, optical drives, keyboard and mouse or graphics card and monitor into the equation) but calling it basic is an insult as its a beast.

Plus the actual processor itself is as good as the core 2's for overclocking so you are as well getting the cheapest one and overclocking it.

My core 2 is OC'd from 2.8 odd to 3.8 and running fine.

If i had not have upgraded in November (when i had no idea Intel was brining out the I7) i would not have hesitated in buying an I7 now.

As it is, ill wait till christmas next year.

Hope that helps.

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  • SI Staff
Has anyone tried running FM09 on an intel Core i7?

Getting a new machine in January with one of these little guys calling the shots, and wondering if anyone had any experience...

I know it's a bit early in their lifecycle, but you never know, someone round here might have one.

Whilst we don't have one in the studio ourselves (yet), some benchmark tests have been done on the processors and it makes a big difference speedwise, even when compared to quad core tech. The more threads/cores, the faster the game will be in many areas of it's processing due to the way the game is coded.

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Whilst we don't have one in the studio ourselves (yet), some benchmark tests have been done on the processors and it makes a big difference speedwise, even when compared to quad core tech. The more threads/cores, the faster the game will be in many areas of it's processing due to the way the game is coded.

Sweet. Cheers Miles. Looking forward to January even more now :D

Any word on if/when you guys will be getting hold of one?

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well you can tell its a bragging post if you have one,otherwise, why make this thread?

Dumb? Playing dumb? The latter is more likely.

I hope.

ummmmm... eh?

I understand all those individual words, but not in that order.

I was interested to know if anyone had run FM on an i7 machine, since I'll be getting one in Jan - as I clearly stated in the original post.

Bragging post? :rolleyes: Hardly. Better things to do with my time tbh. It was a request for information, as the effect different processors or types of processors have can vary wildly from program to program, so I was looking for anyone who actually HAD knowledge of the i7's and FM

Good effort though.

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you would be supprised at how many people on here seem to buy a new machine soley to play FM...

it is faintly disturbing, you're right :D

sadly, I was left with little choice (both FM and general life-wise) after my 5 year old machine gave up the ghost - ironically the day after FM was released :D

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Just to add though, the more lagues you play the less responsive your game will be in between games, even when not processing. This is something i have noticed as i have a 50 league game and 15 league game and i can see the difference between them.

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In theory - yes lol

I play Assassins Creed as well on the same resolution with high detail - no problems there.

I just don't understand how it can be lol Hopefully someone can come with the golden answer.

I can see the difference between one league and 30 leagues. But at the same time i get the same lag and jerkiness at random times. Fixturedays for sure, but also just random times in between. Regardless of the amount of leagues.

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I was hoping I would get a Xmas present from Intel, but no such luck!

Football Manager is always the best selling game at this time of year, I'm sure you can afford to buy yourself one!

Although I've always thought buying the very latest components just to play games is a sure fire way of admitting you are the very definition of what a true nerd really is. But you're a game developer so you are probably exempt from that notion

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I was actually wondering the same thing, so a top thread topic this be! ;)

However since some people with quadcores are having difficulties with this game right now, which should be better than a dual core for a 'processor' game which is FM, I wonder if having a 920 will really speed things up or if it will actually slow it down?

Maybe it's better to wait and see what the patch will change in this regard, unless you are getting this for other reasons than FM alone. If it doesn't, you might as well wait untill next year's game at which point the new generation of this processor should be out which would be more power efficient, and should have much cheaper motherboards as well.

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I was actually wondering the same thing, so a top thread topic this be! ;)

However since some people with quadcores are having difficulties with this game right now, which should be better than a dual core for a 'processor' game which is FM, I wonder if having a 920 will really speed things up or if it will actually slow it down?

Maybe it's better to wait and see what the patch will change in this regard, unless you are getting this for other reasons than FM alone. If it doesn't, you might as well wait untill next year's game at which point the new generation of this processor should be out which would be more power efficient, and should have much cheaper motherboards as well.

I'm fairly crazy, but not quite crazy enough to buy a £1200 computer solely to play a £30 game.... Even if it is FM ;)

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well you can tell its a bragging post if you have one,otherwise, why make this thread?

Dumb? Playing dumb? The latter is more likely.

I hope.

anyway, running 50 leagues on mine in 3rd season and still running fast with 'just quadcore' :p

running 50 leagues? by the 10th season your saves will take.... 10minutes & your prosseses... 1\2hour lol.

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Well I am using a an AMD x2 6000+ (3.11ghz x 2), 2 gig of DDR2 800 and an HD 3850 and I can run 20 leagues or so but only ONE on full detail or it crawls (and lags the ui) so bad it becomes unplayable.

Combine this with the shocking ME in this release and the overwhelming UI lag on match days I lost interest weeks ago. ;)

I'm waiting until the game is finished before continuing my career .. :thup:

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  • 5 months later...

Yes bringing the thread back from the dead but didnt want to make a new thread and be accused of "bragging" :p

I usually play on my laptop (dual core, 2GB RAM) but have an i7, mobo and DDR3 RAM coming in the week and would install it on my rig if it ment I could run much more leagues, if the difference is significant anyway.

Also what are people's experience with overclocking them, I couldnt quite stretch to the extra £40 or so for a new fan, but intend to overclock with the stock fan, the processor is a 2.66Ghz so I'm thinking 3Ghz at the most and 3.7-4Ghz with a Zalman fan?

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