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I can't do it!!! Please don't ignore, I need help!

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I just can't! The more I read the TT&F thread and the more I read the tactics bible thread the WORSE I do on the game! Months of stress and despair, all for no reward. I thought I would have got it by now, what am I doing wrong? Please please please somebody help me before I go insane.

This is how I play the game, if you can spot where I'm going wrong can you please explain it to me?:

Tactics wise I'm just using the tactical templates from the TT&F wizard. I made 6 - three 442 role thoery presets (attacking, standard and defensive); as well as three 4-3-2-1 nike defense presets (Attacking, Standard & Defensive).

To set up for matches I look at the odds and scout reports. If I'm at home I play 442 and away I use 4-3-2-1. If odds are close I use standard, if I'm comfortable favourites I use attacking and if I'm up against it I use defensive. Then I adapt the selected preset depending on the scout report ie- defensive line deep if he says they have fast strikers, push up if they like to pass ball or have arial threat but don't have quick strikers, slow pace if they like to counter attack and untick my counter attack box, quicken pace if they like to play slow.

OI - If the scout picks a dangerous striker ball to feet I close down often, tight mark, weaker foot. If I see someone who has poor bravery stats I go in hard on them.

Pitch size - I've tried a few times to take this into account but it just ends in disaster, I seem to confuse and contradict myself with it. Eg if I'm playing on a long pitch do I play quick becuase the pitch suits direct football or do I play slower to allow time for my team to get up the pitch so I don't isolate my striker? On a wide pitch when I'm not favourites do I play narrow or wide?

Going into games I then change the player instructions presets so that I don't ask them to do anything they aren't capable (ie for wingers if they have poor dribbling skills I reduce run with ball from often to normal and take CF off people who don't have high creativity attributes).

Tweaking in game - I use the match stats during the game to see where I should tweak. If I'm having loads of possession but no shots I play quicker, if I have hardly any possession I go slower and if they are having loads of chances I go more defensive (I only go more attacking if I'm chasing the game in latter stages of the match).

Teamtalks - I let AssMan do the majority of the teamtalks, I only interfere if he says disappointed when we played well.

This is how I'm currently playing the game, with very little success at all. I lose almost every game except for the odd game which I draw. I hardly ever win. I play well a lot but don't score and concede stupid goals then my morale goes down and soon enough I'm losing heavily. I am very very disillusioned with this game now. I've played loads of saves and never got past christmas becuase I can't cope with losing all the time. Teams I've played as - Burnley, Morecambe, Chesterfield & Harrogate Town. Now I know that none of those are brilliant teams but they should be doing a lot better than I can manage with them.

So, can anyone help me?

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Regarding not playing past christmas - in my last two saves it's been January of the first season before my ass man said my team was properly gelled. So that'd be a start, assuming you've been the same.

OIs? Some like them, some don't; I don't. I'm just using close down keeper until I patch, to try and rule out keeper assists, and it doesn't give me poor results. It might be good if you did that until your tactic started working - just keeping it quite simple/less for your players to think about.

Formations? You're using two that are quite different. Personally, I would use one until the players gel, and then if need be create another that is quite similar - maybe 442 and 4411, just as similar examples.

Teamtalks? Do them yourself - the ass man is ok at giving them based on the current match, but sometimes you might like to praise someone individually where you wouldn't normally (and so your ass man wouldn't), if his mentality is poor or sliding the wrong way i.e. ok - that's only one match away from poor. Why not get that back up to good with an individual teamtalk? Your ass man wouldn't do that.

TT&F? I like it, and I'm moving more towards using it more fully. But for the moment I'd advise using a KNAP tactic to get your confidence back up. One thing I really don't like with TT&F is all the man marking - zonal on everyone, tight on the back 4 and central midfielders, and man mark a player you feel you need to via the tactics screen, not on the OIs.

Hope this helps mate, I've been where you are, and dare say I'll be there again. Just try and keep it simple.

EDIT: A KNAP 442. I don't think the others are suitable for ungelled or poor quality sides, if I remember correctly.

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Regarding not playing past christmas - in my last two saves it's been January of the first season before my ass man said my team was properly gelled. So that'd be a start' date=' assuming you've been the same.

OIs? Some like them, some don't; I don't. I'm just using close down keeper until I patch, to try and rule out keeper assists, and it doesn't give me poor results. It might be good if you did that until your tactic started working - just keeping it quite simple/less for your players to think about.

Formations? You're using two that are quite different. Personally, I would use one until the players gel, and then if need be create another that is quite similar - maybe 442 and 4411, just as similar examples.

Teamtalks? Do them yourself - the ass man is ok at giving them based on the current match, but sometimes you might like to praise someone individually where you wouldn't normally (and so your ass man wouldn't), if his mentality is poor or sliding the wrong way i.e. ok - that's only one match away from poor. Why not get that back up to good with an individual teamtalk? Your ass man wouldn't do that.

TT&F? I like it, and I'm moving more towards using it more fully. But for the moment I'd advise using a KNAP tactic to get your confidence back up. One thing I really don't like with TT&F is all the man marking - zonal on everyone, tight on the back 4 and central midfielders, and man mark a player you feel you need to via the tactics screen, not on the OIs.

Hope this helps mate, I've been where you are, and dare say I'll be there again. Just try and keep it simple.

EDIT: A KNAP 442. I don't think the others are suitable for ungelled or poor quality sides, if I remember correctly.[/quote']

Thanks for that, a few good ideas for me to try there. First of all though, what's a knap tactic? To be honest I've never used OI before, only been trying it recently because I'm getting pretty desperate now. I've only been using the 4-3-2-1 recently as well, mainly for the same reason! I'll try switching back to 4-4-2. I've always wondered about the marking too as I never used man marking in previous versions and only changed it when I started struggling on FM09 and the TT&F wizard told me to use it. I'll try and play past Christmas too but I can't promise anything because I'm a terrible loser. That's also why I'm hesitant to do my own teamtalks, I'm too trigger happy with the hairdryer treatment! I'm just struggling to comprehend the game at the moment, I don't fully understand how it works or what I'm doing therefore I get confused and contradict myself. I don't like to be fluid either, I like to have a rigid Plan A, Plan B and Plan C which probably doesn't help.

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KNAP - go to Tactics forum and you'll see downloads from him. Get a 442 one and read the thread too, it'll help you pick one and adapt it if you need to. The only thing I'd say is if your opposition is playing a AMC (or two), man mark (not tight) him with your MCd. Set up your own set-pieces too. Other than that it should be good to go. For a quick start, if you like, PM me your email and I'll send my own adaptation of Knap; but after a little while you'll really want to make your own tweaks.

I think you're right to stay away from OIs, but each to his own as they say.

You really need to consider your level of squad gelling - squad>assist advice>get team talk feedback, then it's the second sentence. I'm in my second season with Genoa, and it's only just said 'good level of understanding' in January again, despite only 2 summer changes. What does happen though, in the first season it was poor then developing, then good level. Whereas in the second season it started at blending well. But even when it says that, I don't think it's too good - I think you should give whatever you're doing a chance until hal a dozen games after 'good level of understanding'.

Teamtalks? It's really hard not to blast the team when they're playing like cabbages, but you're just making things harder for yourself. The striker you spent ALL your money on in the summer, and couldn't finish his dinner? - you really need to keep him focused; no point negging him out.

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This is the reason I find this game frustrating.

It's hard to bear sometimes mate. But I could play devils advocate and say 2-1 from 4 CCCs versus 1 doesn't seem too unrealistic, and that although you had all the possession they played a good defensive game, marshalling your players where they wanted them and restricting you to long/snap shots :rolleyes:

Any roads it doesn't help the OP much LOL.

EDIT: BTW, has the Kilmarnock takeover went ahead and did they get any cash??

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It's hard to bear sometimes mate. But I could play devils advocate and say 2-1 from 4 CCCs versus 1 doesn't seem too unrealistic' date=' and that although you had all the possession they played a good defensive game, marshalling your players where they wanted them and restricting you to long/snap shots :rolleyes:

Any roads it doesn't help the OP much LOL.

EDIT: BTW, has the Kilmarnock takeover went ahead and did they get any cash??[/quote']

No sign of it yet, The Teddy Bears did get a takeover but no extra investment at this point!

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