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The Amazing Race, CSE edition (competition sign-up thread)

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Welcome to the first (as far as I know) CSE Amazing Race!

This competition will challenge players to cross the globe, taking on leagues in both Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa and also try their hand at international management.

I am looking for somewhere around 16-20 competitors, 16 would be great but I have no problem extending that to 20 if interest so dictates. These competitors will then choose partners, giving us 8-10 pairs. Those that so wish can be randomly drawn together.

These pairs will then have one week to complete the tasks set out for them. Each country they visit will include a Roadblock and a Detour.

One player will complete the detour which is a club challenge. Each challenge differs in some way (well, most do) to the others. While there is a set goal you will be trying to achieve it is not mandatory to complete it. However, failure to do so will increase the chances of finishing bottom and being eliminated.

The other player will do the roadblock which is an international challenge. These challenges are by their nature less diverse (most will have the World Cup as a main focus) but conceivably harder than the club challenges, although they will likely take less time to finish.

Now, the players will choose who goes first on a detour/roadblock but must alternate after that, you can not do two roadblocks in a row unless you have some real life issues that would place you under severe time constraints. Even then I would prefer having a player in reserve or even allowing one player to do both challenges. That bridge will be crossed if/when we get to it.

At the end of each week the last team (read: worst) will be eliminated. I (with help from mr. General Agreement) will decide which team is the last to arrive at the pit stop. I will not be acting as a dictator, if the majority agree that team X is the last to arrive while I think it should be team Y then team X is the last team to arrive. That is unless I sense an overwhelming personal agenda against a team that is clearly not the last to arrive ;)

Last, but not least, here is a signup sheet. Copy the latest update of it and add yourself to the bottom:





















PS: This challenge will not be started in a rush, mid-january at the earliest. However, I'd want players to sign up soon so we can maybe have a bit of discussion on the challenge. Also, there is no point in signing up if you don't foresee yourself completing a season in a week (maybe 10 days if general view dictates). So, if you are quite sure of being able to keep involved and are interested then by all means sign up :thup:

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I'm going to put myself down as 20th. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to afford a new PC in the new year and I'll need one to do challenges. In other words, I'll reserve a space but I'm not getting in anyone's way.

1. Salma

2. Minisav

3. jack.browne

4. Dennisiran

















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1. Salma

2. Minisav

3. jack.browne

4. Dennisiran

5. Lower Leagues Rule
















I have to sign up to this one, my Favourite Reality series, and also the idea I had formulated was to do with The Amazing Race, but good work Icelander, I would be a fan of ten days for a leg. :) But I cannot wait to see what ideas you have.

Also can we add in Yeilds? cause they would be fun :)

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Okay, so after playing around a bit myself I think I'm setting each leg a 10 day deadline. 7 days for some of the league seasons is a bit short, especially if people actually have lives. Yes, yes, I know that's unlikely but I have to make sure it suits as many as possible ;)

Now, we're half way to what I'd like as a minimum participation so I've got a bit more info for those who have signed up and those who might fancy a go:

The Amazing race will start and end in the USA, obviously. I'm thinking that the first challenge, as per the show, should be quite easy. Actually, the only thing I'd like is that players take control of the lowest ranked team and finish anywhere above last place. This represents the fact that the first leg usually involves teams driving to the nearest airport and go someplace else. This part would be open for a week. Only one submission would be needed, so only half of each pair would actually have to play the first week, both are of course welcome to do so.

Now, the challenge as it stands now involves two visits to the MLS (first and last legs), one country in Africa, one in S-America, 2 in Asia and 6 in Europe. It is linear so no hopping back and forth between continents, you go from one to the other. I think it also pretty fairly represents the division in leagues between the continents in the game, leaving an option for another edition of the Amazing Race without revisiting locations.

I will try and decide upon a fair points system before the turn of the year and I'm thinking of some way to incorporate the following:

Limited amount of flights at certain times

On the show teams may find that only half of the teams can catch the first flight, leaving others at a disadvantage.

Different arrival/departure times

On the show each team has to wait 12 hours at each pitstop before leaving. This means that teams keep the same advantage over their rivals when they leave as when they arrived.


On the show a team arriving at a challenge can opt to place a yield on another team. They are then forced to wait there for 30/60 minutes (can't remember). This would obviously be some sort of points penalty on the game.

Points = TimeWhat I'd really, really like is to somehow translate points into time. Ie, teams send in their achievements and I convert them into times. For example:

Team A finishes the detour in style, beating all conditions. They would then have completed it in x hours and y minutes, leaving them more than enough time to get to the airport in time to reach the first plane out of the country.

Team B, however, only finished two of the three condiditons, leaving them with only a 66.7% chance of catching that plane so they might have to wait an hour for the next one (-x points).

At the moment I'm a bit too tired to properly explain it but it all sounded do-able in my head :D anyone inclined to help with the logistics is more than welcome to send me a pm :thup: Also, I'd love it if I could possibly do proper write-ups of each "episode", make this a really good competition for the neutrals to read

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Now, we're half way to what I'd like as a minimum participation so I've got a bit more info for those who have signed up and those who might fancy a go:

All these ideas sound excellent and I love the thought that time is calculated on a points basis, its a great way to go about it. And the conditions would obiviously relate to what each challenge involved. So I take it each Episode would be one season? Or could there be multiple seasons in each league depending on the challenge? Either or would be cool. I am sooo looking forward to this one.

Also how exactly are we going to make the pairs?

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Each leg of the race is one season/one competition. At least that's what I'm thinking now, might be two international competitions in some cases, though. I'm hoping to stick to only one club season, however, due to the fact that two seasons might be getting upwards of 70-80 or even 100 games in some cases.

Pairs will either be drawn at random or by request. However, I'm thinking of making some forced kinds of pairs. Anyone who watches these kinds of shows will know that you can always find:

The gay pair

The best buds forever pair

The brothers/nephews pair

The sisters pair

The old couple pair

The blonde chicks pair

and some others I'm forgetting..

This could lead to some minor roleplay in the season summaries, for the benefits of the non-participating and of course the pairs involved

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Well, I do have quite a busy social life aged 17 (beleive it or not haha!), so not always time to play, although i do stay up at ridiculous hours to play at times like now! Ive got threw 2 seasons on my Margate game in about a month, although I could go quicker than that, so actually I might be able to join.

If only it started in Feb I definatly would, but Im going to put my name down anyways mate if thats alright, I should be able to keep up - Im just a bit inconsistant, some weeks im with friends literally every night of the week and it could be difficult other weeks i am less busy so would be able to get through it quick.

Ill join though, I should be able to keep up. :thup:

1. Salma

2. Minisav

3. jack.browne

4. Dennisiran

5. Lower Leagues Rule

6. Tommyh_16

7. Jayatsena

8. KLH84

9. Mark Snellink




13. Steboyuk






19. Cardiovascular


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Forgot about that one :D

"yeah.. so, it wasn't really working that well in our natural environment so we've decided to take part in this extrememly stressful competition to see if it helps us love each other more" :D That's pretty much the last thing I'd do if a relationship wasn't working

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I am more than willing to postpone the start of this until the start of february if it means better participation :thup: It would also give me more time to figure out the finer details of how this will be executed.

If it doesn't start for a while, you can count me in :thup:

1. Salma

2. Minisav

3. jack.browne

4. Dennisiran

5. Lower Leagues Rule

6. Tommyh_16

7. Jayatsena

8. KLH84

9. Mark Snellink

10.Liam Ferguson



13. Steboyuk





18. JSalter

19. Cardiovascular


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1. Salma

2. Minisav

3. jack.browne

4. Dennisiran

5. Lower Leagues Rule

6. Tommyh_16

7. Jayatsena

8. KLH84

9. Mark Snellink

10.Liam Ferguson

11. gers51


13. Steboyuk


15. Dark_Telepath



18. JSalter

19. Cardiovascular


Looks like a great idea1 :thup:

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Think I'm just gonna put it down as the 1st of february for now, unless something happens to change it. With 10 on the right end of the list and 4 more on the list I think it's shaping up nicely for a good competition when it gets under way :thup:

If you are postponing until Feb, I am a certainty and I will most happily be your partner! :thup::D

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TS? The Starter? Or am I missing something here? :D

Anyhow, as I've said I have chosen the destinations and am now on the verge of beginning research and figuring out logistics for this. I want this to be fun for those who participate and not too straining on anyone, especially me ;)

I am going to try and figure out how to make it a little bit random without being biased, taking into account accidents like flat tires or cab drivers getting lost. :thup: I can almost guarantee someone will feel hard done by when they get eliminated but such is the nature of these competitions.

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If we have say 10 days to complete the bigger leauges then count me in!

1. Salma

2. Minisav

3. jack.browne

4. Dennisiran

5. Lower Leagues Rule

6. Tommyh_16

7. Jayatsena

8. KLH84

9. Mark Snellink

10.Liam Ferguson

11. gers51


13. Steboyuk

14. Marky Mark!

15. Dark_Telepath



18. JSalter

19. Cardiovascular


Somthing like the A-Leauge would be good for a 'short leg' in the race, as they have quite a short season (and also salary caps)

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