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The FM editor wishlist


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3 things I'd like to see in future editions of the editor .....

1) Search for Unique ID

2) Search ranges for Uniques ID's

3) Search players by division

that's it for now :D Anyone else got any suggestions for useful things to be added?

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- Search for players Currently Injured

- Provide us with the ability to select what categories we want on searches, its easy enough to edit in the EditorColumns file but most dont know of this

- Future loans!

- Player stat presets

- In game editor released too? Mebbes

- Recent changes tab

- Multi select ie make Ctrl + mouse click work /o\

- List All option so that when you do a player search for like Injured Players you can hit List All and they all appear down the side, as atm you have to click them one by one >.>

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If I hadnt of found that tick box I wouldnt of even attempted a No Injury DB :D

When you search atm it shows all the past injuries too, so when removing its a bitch, but if it showed injuries from the start of the game it would make it so much easier for Transfer Updates and Specialist DB's

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If I hadnt of found that tick box I wouldnt of even attempted a No Injury DB :D

When you search atm it shows all the past injuries too, so when removing its a bitch, but if it showed injuries from the start of the game it would make it so much easier for Transfer Updates and Specialist DB's

See I said you weren't explaining yourself properly :D

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It does work. It only doesnt work on Player/Staff but they would be removed if you removed all staff too I'd imagine, even if that fails you can just manually release them and theres only like 3 employed Player/Staff's in game

No it does not work. With Polish league for example.

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