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don't you feel quilty for using another persons tactic?

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we are the manager after all, i know it's good, especially for struggling managers (like myself) to go and get advices, but to download a whole tactic, and then just use that... when the results start pouring in, do you still get the same satisfaction then it they where your tactics??

Being managers, obviously the tactical aspect of the game is the most important thing for getting success, way more important then your shrudness for a good purchase, or your man management skills. It's possible to get to europe with a team that belongs to the championship, if your a magical tactician. Actually, having good tactics seems to be more important in this game then they are in real life, where you can get much more out of players with just inspired motivating and high team spirit. If not so, then how can you explain maradona being the head coach of argentina for christs sake!

So anyway, my whole point here is, that with the tactics being by far the most important aspect of making a succesful career, then honestly how can you live with yourself if your just using a tactic one of the geniuses here in the forum has created. He who created the tactic should then get all the credit for all the titles you'll win, your merely the assistant manager, or one of those sporting directors who controls the clubs tranfer market (like dennis wise & derek llambias in newcastle).

I myself, too after getting too bad results for too long, i 'sold out' and downloaded a couple of tactics from the forum, so if i'm having a go at someone here, i should be having a go at myself more then anyone. But when i started the next match with those copied tactics, i noticed that i lost my soul for that game, my excitement, which still excisted despite my constant failing, had gone. And even if i where to embark on a 7 game winning streak, i doubt that i would get any more excited, for as long as i'm not the one behind the winning formula. I've learned my lesson. I prefer to get sacked with my own tactics, then to win the title with someone elses. What i will try to do is to take something from the tactics, see why do they work rather then how they work, and if i can figure out why his tactics work, then i can make my own tactics work. And i'm sure there's many out there whose doing the excact same, but for those who don't even try, and just continue playing with other managers tactics; why do you bother??

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never used one and never going to use a downloaded tactic. but it's your game and you can decide how you want to play it.

i find TT&T forum quite boring place these days becouse of download tactics threads. serious lack of quality discussion.it's a shame some exellant posters are not visiting these place anymore.

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No why would I.

Many managers base their Tactics on the styles of their Favourite managers etc.

I doubt many people Download and use without tweeking. Tactics much be tweeked to accomidate different things.

For example: If your Wingers are rubbish, but your MC's are brilliant, you would change to favour you strengths.


If you are drawing 1-1 with 5 mins left, and you need to win, a more attacking approve is needed.

Tactics must change to respond to the stimulas.

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I feel guilty if I use someone's tactic because the motivation (to keep playing this game) is to be succelful because of me!

But I admit that I have experimented/tweaked other people's tactics with FM09 because I have had big problems creating a decent tactic for myself :-/

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Oh, i'm far too unexperienced in these forums to know how :D

But abramovic said is all true, now that i have already ''crossed the line'' and downloaded some tactics, i will try to learn as much as i can from them.

But seriously have to adjust them to fit my own ''way of playing'', and to accomodate my own players strenghts and weaknesses.

Anyway it's a personal question, the matter of using other persons tactics basically just depends on how good you are, how much time you have at your disposal, your motivation ect...

I am awful, i have a fair amount of time to tweak and adjust small things, ultimatly i want to come succesfull with my own terms, and willing to fail horrible a few times on the road. Also i've acknowledged that i need to learn from someone else in order to get to the right path... (but not by 'copy and paste' type of managing)

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never used one and never going to use a downloaded tactic. but it's your game and you can decide how you want to play it.

i find TT&T forum quite boring place these days becouse of download tactics threads. serious lack of quality discussion.it's a shame some exellant posters are not visiting these place anymore.

Yes you are right.

The thing about discussion about tactics is there is never a right answer.

One manager may say that man marking is better but the other will say that zonal marking is better.

Or short passing with quick tempo is not conflicting etc...

The list goes on and on.

I think this is why that the discussions have died out.

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Yes you are right.

The thing about discussion about tactics is there is never a right answer.

One manager may say that man marking is better but the other will say that zonal marking is better.

Or short passing with quick tempo is not conflicting etc...

The list goes on and on.

I think this is why that the discussions have died out.

is there a right answer about anything in real football even life in general? no, of course not...

but i guess you're right, just plug'n'play. and don't forget to tweak a little. :)

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no tactic is successful for everyone and in fm09 it's even more realistic now, in fm08 there were a few tactics that worked wonders for every team but in this version that's been removed. tweaking is the way to go

what if you aren't a creative person? then how do you muster up an idea on how to create a tactic

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Not at all. Like any other game, you're always looking for an edge. And in real life, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Finding a tactic that suits your players is the first thing -- even a "super tactic" -- and I'm a compulsive tinkerer, so I've been known to play with formations that I've seen and adapt them to certain players and situations.

As long as you aren't cheating by editing player ratings or replaying matches to get good results, I have no problem with admitting that someone else has an idea that is better than mine. The game IS for enjoyment, after all.

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never used one and never going to use a downloaded tactic. but it's your game and you can decide how you want to play it.

i find TT&T forum quite boring place these days becouse of download tactics threads. serious lack of quality discussion.it's a shame some exellant posters are not visiting these place anymore.



Why not, some of the pro's focus on making topics on how to get the best of there players? I mean, say you have Rooney. What tactics could you use to make the most of him? What movements should he be instructed to take? etc..

That was all of us noobs (ME), have an idea basis for starting to tweak our own tactics to get the best of our players. Also keeping in mind what other tactics we have to give players that can utilize other players, bring them in to the game etc..

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