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Boosting Finances


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For last year's Football Manager game, someone produced a database that gave a cash injection to all English, SPL and Welsh Premier League sides. This was done I believe with an EDT file that boosted the figures, as looking at that database from last year it has a file called BOOSTER.EDT that contains the updated figures.

Now looking at that file, it has three different figures which I think represent Balance, Reputation and Stadium Capacity (or expansion cap, I'm not sure which).

I'd like to possibly produce a file like this for Football Manager 2009, but I had a quick question: I only want to boost the Balances and not the rep and stadium cap/expansion, so if I wanted to do this, do I just need to include the one figure for each team in the file, or do I have to include all of the figures if i want the file to work correctly (i.e. do I still need to include the rep and stadium figures even if I don't want to boost them for the file to work correctly).

Also, if this file hasn't been produced for 2009 yet, would anyone like me to post it here when I'm finished.


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For last year's Football Manager game, someone produced a database that gave a cash injection to all English, SPL and Welsh Premier League sides. This was done I believe with an EDT file that boosted the figures, as looking at that database from last year it has a file called BOOSTER.EDT that contains the updated figures.

Now looking at that file, it has three different figures which I think represent Balance, Reputation and Stadium Capacity (or expansion cap, I'm not sure which).

I'd like to possibly produce a file like this for Football Manager 2009, but I had a quick question: I only want to boost the Balances and not the rep and stadium cap/expansion, so if I wanted to do this, do I just need to include the one figure for each team in the file, or do I have to include all of the figures if i want the file to work correctly (i.e. do I still need to include the rep and stadium figures even if I don't want to boost them for the file to work correctly).

Also, if this file hasn't been produced for 2009 yet, would anyone like me to post it here when I'm finished.


Please this sound intresting I didn't see it for last years game. Good luck.

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