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anyway of training composure other than training players shooting???

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Not really. In FM terms I think 'composure' only really applies to a player's calmness, focus and perhaps confidence as they take a shot on. The name makes it sound like something you'd want a defender to have as well, but as far as I know it only reflects a striker's ability to prevent a rush of blood and panic when he's one on one with the keeper

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How can you train composure?

Make him sit infront of a beautiful girl doing a dirty dance and don't allow him to respond?

Just joking. IMO, composure is important for both strikers and defenders.

However, concentration and decisions is more important for defenders.

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Compusure can't be trained, it's a mental stats an naturally improves when your player grow up.

Of course some players don't improve at all.

By the way, it's true that composure is vital strikers, but defenders have great benefit from that skill too.

They will simply be less prone to give away the ball when under pressure.

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it really makes you think about FM and how far people have gone into coding the match engine when the composure stat is natural and cannot be improved by training, some players's composure can increase and others cannot

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Composure can be used in any walk of life, it's not just about shooting, a boxer in the ring can have composure.

It's mearly a term for an individual to stay calm under preasure, it's very important for defenders to have this at top level inlcuding Golie's and strikers..

All the top player sin the world have it regaurdless of where they play..

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