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It really is a joke

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I tried my tactic from 08 a new similar tactic that worked very well pre season and all the "top" tactics here.

IThey dont work

Ive replayed mancity as arsenal over 10 times now and ive only won onvce, its like im programmed to lose even though i have superior team and better odds.

the match engine is corrupt

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Imagine how ridiculous the game would be if all that ever mattered were drop-in tactics. You say you have a superior team...based on what? Are you sure your superior team actually fits into any of the tactics you have tried? Squad gelling? You do know that it takes quite a while for players in your squad to consistently adapt to any particular tactic right? It can take half a season or even more!! Who did you play pre-season? There are a number of factors that go into you winning a game or not.

The ME is not perfect but it is certainly isn't corrupt.

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look at arsenal now in real life - they've lost against 'inferior' opposition...i've played man city in the game and they seem to pack the midfield to try dominate position, and then with robinho they always have a chance of scoring...being favourites isn't a conclusion that you'll win and sometimes the opposition play above themselves, or your team gets cocky, coz of this

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the match engine is a brilliant piece of engineering to take all the tangible factors in a football game while intermingling the all important luck factors as well. great stuff. this version is even easier to correct tactics, as the ass man points problems out swiftly.

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The only tactics which work as they should is any tactic with 2 wingers and 2 strikers. Use the game's default 442 Attacking and 442 Defensive and you will see. You'll start winning away matches more easily and everything.

I had to give up my 4132 tactic which worked great for a while and switch to those.

The thing is, that the 9.2 match engine makes teams go very narrow when they do not have the ball (your width setting has nothing to do this since this is only for when you have the ball), and so there is a ludicrous amount of space on the flanks, which you TOO have to make use of to prevent yourself from being handicapped.

Also, playing with a lone striker will handicap you because the one-on-one sucks, especially if your striker is not coming at the goalie from an angle. So you need to use two.

It really is very poor at the moment, and very tactically limiting, and it's only a matter of time before more people realize this.

But if you want success, or rather, to get relief for your frustration, go with the default 442's.

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If I may ask, what specifically did not work with your 4132 tactic? I can offer countless arguments why I think it didn't work which has nothing to do with the fact that it was '4132' per se, but I'd really like to know what your take on it is.

The only tactics which work as they should is any tactic with 2 wingers and 2 strikers. Use the game's default 442 Attacking and 442 Defensive and you will see.

Untrue. I use a tactic which is absolute miles away from any kind of 442 formation, both in shape and function and just ended a 22 game unbeaten run in the EPL, of which 20 of those games were won. Moreover, I play only that one, single tactic home and away and never rely on any kind of defensive type of gameplay at all, even against top-class teams away.

The thing is, that the 9.2 match engine makes teams go very narrow when they do not have the ball

I am not sure I understand correctly, but are you saying the ME makes your team go narrow when not with the ball or their team? If the former, untrue, since you can easily designate wide players to "stand off" which becomes a great advantage for when you get the ball back. If the latter, so what? That is even more of an advantage if you do play wide and does not matter all that much if you play narrow yourself since by default there is then acres of space for you to play in that is never occupied by anyone.

Also, playing with a lone striker will handicap you because the one-on-one sucks, especially if your striker is not coming at the goalie from an angle. So you need to use two.

Untrue as well. I play a lone striker and never augment him under any circumstances. In his (the position's, since I rotate) last 10 games, he has scored 14 goals and assisted a further 4, including 3 hattricks.

It really is very poor at the moment, and very tactically limiting, and it's only a matter of time before more people realize this.

More untruth. What would you consider to be NOT tactically limiting? How about I tell you that I play a tactic without a Central Defender (!!!) that is still defensively sound? Or that I have every player except the Sweeper, (yip I play with one of those too) including the Goalkeeper on Often Forward Runs, yet my team is hardly ever caught out of position in a way that concedes goals? Or that I play Winged Forwards with mentalities lower than that of defenders? Or that I do not employ any kind of man marking system? It isn't the ME that is tactically limiting, it is the imaginations of people to transfer real world thought into the gameworld.

But if you want success, or rather, to get relief for your frustration, go with the default 442's.

Just my opinion, but frustration is trying to play a defensive, counter attacking 442 setup when you are told to do so narrowly with a slow tempo. It defies all logic and inevitably leads to frustration.

You have to remember that 4132 or 442 or 118 for that matter are not tactics but merely positional frameworks, which are meaningless themselves. It is how you adapt your players specifically to positional frameworks that matter. For example, you can play an attacking 442 system with 'wingers', but it is not going to do you any good if those same wingers are slower than trees growing. Yet, you can play the exact same 442 system with wingers in which the winger 'role' is not one of "run forward and cross" but that of "close down opponents and tackle them into the ground and when you nick the ball off them pass it directly to the playmaker in the middle of the park", the latter which is ideal for 'wingers' devoid of any pace but pretty good in certain other areas.

Once more, the tactical ability of the ME is not perfect but will always be limited if want to program it via a few pre-conceived ideas.

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If I may ask, what specifically did not work with your 4132 tactic? I can offer countless arguments why I think it didn't work which has nothing to do with the fact that it was '4132' per se, but I'd really like to know what your take on it is.

It just ground to a halt after a season where it was great. I won the quadruple. Tweaking it here and there didn't help, and I already mentioned what I think the reasons are. Suddenly, the other teams were scoring for fun, and all the goals came from the flanks. I had more shots, more CCC's and could hardly score. I started to use the 442's and guess what? I got less shots and less CCC's but put them away more than the other team lol. What would that tell you, if it happened to you?

Untrue. I use a tactic which is absolute miles away from any kind of 442 formation, both in shape and function and just ended a 22 game unbeaten run in the EPL, of which 20 of those games were won. Moreover, I play only that one, single tactic home and away and never rely on any kind of defensive type of gameplay at all, even against top-class teams away.

I'm happy for you. You think that's realistic though?

I am not sure I understand correctly, but are you saying the ME makes your team go narrow when not with the ball or their team? If the former, untrue, since you can easily designate wide players to "stand off" which becomes a great advantage for when you get the ball back. If the latter, so what? That is even more of an advantage if you do play wide and does not matter all that much if you play narrow yourself since by default there is then acres of space for you to play in that is never occupied by anyone.

Makes my team go narrow. What is up with your accusations of untruth? When I'm telling you what I'm seeing on my game? I even got my fullbacks to man mark the wingers and still they came in narrow, practically ignoring them. Also, the 3 MC's should move sideways depending on which flank the other team is attacking through, but they don't. All the other teams did against my 4132 was to run with ball down flanks. That's it. Defensively, this game sucks at the moment.

Untrue as well. I play a lone striker and never augment him under any circumstances. In his (the position's, since I rotate) last 10 games, he has scored 14 goals and assisted a further 4, including 3 hattricks.

What formation are you playing? And more "untrue" lol. Why can't you say "that's not the case for me?". I have no problem with a lie being called a lie, but to speak about untruth when I'm just telling you what I have experienced, makes you the liar (false accuser) doesn't it?

More untruth. What would you consider to be NOT tactically limiting? How about I tell you that I play a tactic without a Central Defender (!!!) that is still defensively sound? Or that I have every player except the Sweeper, (yip I play with one of those too) including the Goalkeeper on Often Forward Runs, yet my team is hardly ever caught out of position in a way that concedes goals? Or that I play Winged Forwards with mentalities lower than that of defenders? Or that I do not employ any kind of man marking system? It isn't the ME that is tactically limiting, it is the imaginations of people to transfer real world thought into the gameworld.

And more "untruth". Sigh. You have just admitted you use winged forwards you goof. So much for you using a shape miles away from what I was getting at (2 wingers etc). The reality is that real world thought has NOT been transferred to the ME successfully EXCEPT for a few shapes/tactics. In one game Man Utd got a player sent off, and they changed formation. They only had ONE MC, no DMC, no AMC. They had four defenders, one MC and two wingers, and two strikers. You would have thought that I would have just dominated through the middle and got a goal what with 70 minutes to go. But no. Their ludicrous formation somehow doesn't matter and they dribble down the flanks, full-backs don't tackle, and they score twice.





Take a look at that. Would YOU choose that formation if your team were a man down with 70 minutes to go? You think that's real-world? So there I was, expecting to see my team easily playing down the middle in the Key Highlights, and what happens? The only highlights I see are them attacking down the flanks. LOL.

So in my last two games against Tottenham and Bolton away, I play a 424 just for the hell of it. All throughout the entire matches. I win both matches 1-0. Are you kidding me? They don't even score one goal when I'm playing all-out tactics for the 90+ minutes? And I dominate possession?

You have to remember that 4132 or 442 or 118 for that matter are not tactics but merely positional frameworks, which are meaningless themselves. It is how you adapt your players specifically to positional frameworks that matter.

Yes sir. Would winning the quadruple make you think that you had adapted your players to those positional frameworks well enough??

Once more, the tactical ability of the ME is not perfect but will always be limited if want to program it via a few pre-conceived ideas.

I think it's the ME that is just a few pre-conceived ideas (like you have about what I'm doing and saying), and to get the best out of it, you need to play a certain way. Because ultimately, your tactic will stop working unless you use wingers and two strikers (or one big target man striker).

Since you're using non-real world stuff like using mentalities lower than that of defenders for your winged forwards, etc, why don't you face the fact this ME sucks for those who employ common sense?

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Firstly, I realize that I might have come over a little strong. The thing with the "untruths" was just a way of speaking. I did not mean any offense.

It just ground to a halt after a season where it was great.

You are not the first person to mention their team grinding to a halt after a while so I believe you when you say it happened to you. I have no clue why it happened and have no evidence whether it is a ME problem or not and that is all I can reasonably say about it to be fair.

You think that's realistic though?

Realism in terms of results in this game is a function of probability. Someone mentioned elsewhere on these forums that if you take the x number of years the EPL has been going and multiply by x games per season (and whatever formulas you have to add in, I am no maths guru) you can at some point arrive at x number of variations. Regardless of that, not so long ago Chelsea ended a HUGE run of being undefeated at home and a few years ago Arsenal went unbeaten a whole season. I went 22 games, nowhere near a full season, and when I did finally lose it was a 4-2 hammering away from home against a pretty weak team...so yes...it is VERY realistic. As for the single tactic...I can think of at least one club in the world that does just that.

You have just admitted you use winged forwards you goof.

Fair enough. I suppose I was trying to be clever. I should have said I use wingers in the FL and FR positions, i.e. players that are usually deemed strikers (FC really) that are accomplished at playing AMR and/or AML too, hence 'winged forwards'. These are the only players able to play in the FL/FR positions properly. I apologize for not making myself clearer.

You would have thought that I would have just dominated through the middle and got a goal what with 70 minutes to go. But no. Their ludicrous formation somehow doesn't matter and they dribble down the flanks, full-backs don't tackle, and they score twice.

Firstly, you would have to forgive me making assumptions about your specific tactics since I don't have a lot to go on and am really just taking a stab at the following. Nevertheless, you suggest (at least that is how I read it) that after the change you were bombing through the middle hoping to take advantage of their own man show as MC but that all you were seeing was their wingers bombing the other way with the ball. Is that more or less right?

and then ... Actually no. It is generally accepted (the reason for this is purely mental in the majority of cases) that a team playing with ten men CAN BE more difficult to beat than the same team on the same day playing with 11 men. (This has been shown to be the case irl many, many times). Moreover, all bets are off when the same team, now one man down, simply cannot lose to you. Maybe you two are rivals. Maybe they are in desperate need of the points in order to secure a CL spot or an FA cup victory or whatever. Maybe the coach has been promised the sack if he does not shape up. Maybe a particular player is playing for his life and as such is doing just that. Maybe the team talk was such that your opposition simply will not die and your players on the other hand were complacent. This was Man U you were playing against after all...arguably one of the top 5 clubs worldwide with millions and millions of fans (and no, I am not one of them)...for sure they could beat anyone on any day with ten men under a particular set of circumstances.

And no I would not choose that formation but that does not matter because (1) I can see the logic behind such a formation given certain players and certain circumstances and (2) disregarding logic for a second, it worked and (3) the result of the game you played was pre-calculated. The fact that one of their players were sent off was probably one of those 'random events' that opened the door for you, so to speak. You then made changes and the ME re-calculated the end result. Unfortunately for you the combination of your changes and whatever other factors were not enough to change the end result. Do you know what the 'Turing Test' is? I guess the thing people fail to realize in the end is that the concept of "artificial intelligence" is a very big misnomer since there is no such thing as AI. The tactical side of this game is a computer program designed to make you THINK that your actions have direct consequences and as long as you believe that you are, the so called "AI" is working perfectly. The fact that I know this game pre-calculates results and still play it as if I do not makes it all the more remarkable at how successful it is in passing the Turing Test with me.

Moreover, one time I remember scoring a third goal against Man City (after going one behind in the 1st minute) in half time injury time and the commentary at the bottom flashed ".....HAVE taken the 3 points here today!!!" I saw this quite by accident and thought to myself that it seemed a little premature....or maybe it missed the game QA...or maybe I DID already have the 3 points in the bag since the match was pre-calculated. So I decided to not make any more changes except for the standard half time talk. Lo and behold right after the restart my striker goes off injured and I have to stick in an inexperienced 17 year old I saved for just such a moment. Yet, this must have made the ME re-calculate since moments later Man City were bearing down on my goal. Now up to this point Man City had exactly one shot at my goal, the one they scored with in minute one....but from this point onwards it was pure carnage with City completely outplaying me....me, the team that put 3 past them in the first half...me the log leaders...me playing AT HOME... were reduced to having to fend of 21...twenty one!!!!...shots during the next 34 minutes. Guess what though? They didn't score with any of them. Then in minute 79 I managed a counter attack and put up a fourth. Then they immediately struck back in the 81st minute, which turned out the be the very last shot they had at my goal.

Now the interesting thing I noticed was in how the ME was determined to not let them win. Twice the ball was on its way past my goalie but managed to 'change course' ever so slightly to land up right in the bread basket. They had 6 clear cut chances and blew every single one of them...the list goes on.

Now why did all of this happen like it did? I can think of a few reasons and by process of elimination reach fairly accurate conclusions and all of it had to do with the way the ME pre-conceives the result.

I think it's the ME that is just a few pre-conceived ideas

On second thought, I concede to you (refer above). However I somehow doubt it is limited to 442 and its cousins. Since you were asking, I play a 3-4-3 (or else...1xsweeper, 1 each of FBR/FBL, 1xDMC, 2xMC, 1xAMC, 1 each of FR/FL and 1xStriker)

Since you're using non-real world stuff like using mentalities lower than that of defenders for your winged forwards

Why is that so non-real world? I can assure you I have tried to create my tactic as close as I could to something I could envision in the real world. It is in 'how' I have done this that I took creative license with the tactical setting. The mentality slider is mis-named. It should have been called "mentality and positioning" because that is what the slider does. So thus: (here is an example of tactical complexity in the ME)

If I want my wingers to be in open space out wide as part of a general quick counter-attacking game I would position them up the field beyond MR/ML (the reason becomes apparent). Since they are positioned near the offside line it becomes difficult for the opposition to let their fullbacks roam towards my goal. Yet, they do this anyway since overlapping fullbacks is one of the prime ways in 442 in which to bolster attacks. Whenever that happens, my winger is now sitting in open space, hugging the touchline, near the offside line. So I have passing set to "use flanks". Now if my defense is good enough to intercept or clear the failed attacking attempts made by the opposition, the connecting player would then search out the winger...which he does almost every time since there is very little chance of the pass failing. However, I do not want my wingers to just bomb up the field down the touchline and pump in crosses because (1) I would be caught with a lack of numbers and (2) my striker won't be too successful in connecting headers. But wait, my wingers are lightning fast so it does make sense letting them run down the line....what to do?? Simple...if you set the mentality way low (this has an attacking benefit I am going to describe but also a defensive benefit that requires some further tweaking and a lot of lateral thinking) the wingers won't just run all the way down the line but will run SOME way and as things turn out, that some way would put them in front of the offside line (if they are fast enough) at which point they usually stop running and search out a pass, either (1) laterally in front of the now advancing striker to run onto, who as it turns out is also quick and cannot be caught offside anymore, or failing the striker getting into a good position, (2) diagonally back to the AMC running forward behind the striker, or the AMC failing to get into position (3) straight back to the fullback. (There are more options but those are the key ones I want). (1) leads to one on one situations which stand very good chances of scoring goals whilst (2) would turn the play into a grouped counter attack, whilst (3) would turn the play into "keep possession and start over".

I would not call that 'non-real' world, I would call that 'making my team play the way I want them to by using the tactical settings to their full potential'.

Again, if you were offended, I apologize.

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Im with Gaffovski on this.

For a start, the game and player physics are all wrong, the ME is a catalogue of errors and any true football officianado would spot it immediately!

One of the most blatant and easy to spot, is the ball over the top. If you watch the game the defender is facing the opposing goal, whilst the striker is facing his opponents goal. If the physics were correct, the striker would have to see what was going on on the pitch, he cannot just keep making runs without looking back to see if the ball is in fact being punted over the top, unless he has eyes in the back of his head? PLUS the defender would be anticipating the punt and could position himself to prepare for it, actually giving HIM and not the opposing striker, the advantage.

The way it happens in FM(which is why it happens way too often) is that the striker, blind to what is going on behind him, makes his run, whilst the defender who should know whats coming, has to then turn 180 degrees to start chasing the striker and the ball, when in reality he would be positioned ready to make the run and not at the last second having to spin around.

Just think about it?

To make matters worse, the striker(AI) with often far inferior pace and accelleration, somehow manages to always outpace the defender, even with the ball at his feet to control? and 99times out of 100, gets his shot away without a defender getting anywhere near him?

It gets even worse, because then you look at your d-line and marking settings and find your d-line is set just a few notches up from deep and you are not employing man or tight marking, yet somehow your back four is hovering around the halfway line?

Its farcical!

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I'm basically clinging on, trying to find the little bit of the good in the game that will keep me playing?

I have been this way for some time now, i dont want to over dramatise it, but that is the way things are.

As well as all the player physics and other ME problems, there is still that sense of games and results being "fiddled with" as a solution to massive overachievement when the game becomes too easy.

This was a quick Arsenal game i was playing, testing a few tweaks i'd made to a tactic i'd been using with West Ham



Look at the last three games, we were unbeaten in the EPL up until then and had still not secured the league.



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This is an example of one of those games and how we lost, this was almost identical to every game in which we lost or dropped points.

The Everton game saw Yakubu completely outpace Toure for his goals and against City, Robinho struck a 60 yard chip to win that one in the 95th minute.

We lost in the Semi og the FA Cup on penalties against Blackburn after missing sitter after sitter during the first 120 minutes and lost 1-0 in both legs of the C Cup Semi v Liverpool despite dominating.

Same with CL Semi v Inter.



Van Persie also finished with the worst shot/goal ratio of ANY striker in the whole division, he would simply not score from a tap in?



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Well the game is a joke now compared to what it used to be. Back in the day CM was pure fun and epic win.

Ofcourse we coulnd't see all the errors the ME made then, but it didn't matter as it felt like a good footie management game. At the moment I don't even use 2d or 3d because it's a shambles and SI plus the fanbois know it.

I think wwfan and Millie said over on FMB in one of your threads a while ago said the 09 engine would be ohh so realistic and much much better than it ever have been. They even wrote TT&F which game engine wise is decent, but have nothing to do with real football which I thought the game should represent. I guess they are ashamed of themselves these days. With all their claims going unfulfilled.

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Well the game is a joke now compared to what it used to be. Back in the day CM was pure fun and epic win.

Ofcourse we coulnd't see all the errors the ME made then, but it didn't matter as it felt like a good footie management game. At the moment I don't even use 2d or 3d because it's a shambles and SI plus the fanbois know it.

I think wwfan and Millie said over on FMB in one of your threads a while ago said the 09 engine would be ohh so realistic and much much better than it ever have been. They even wrote TT&F which game engine wise is decent, but have nothing to do with real football which I thought the game should represent. I guess they are ashamed of themselves these days. With all their claims going unfulfilled.

Yet another criticism of how TT&F has nothing to do with real football without a modicum of reasoning explaining why this is so. I think you'll also find the majority of posters agreeing that the ME has moved on in leaps and bounds as well. If your method of playing FM is as lazy as your reasoning and argument, then perhaps it is no surprise that you fail to appreciate it.

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Yet another criticism of how TT&F has nothing to do with real football without a modicum of reasoning explaining why this is so. I think you'll also find the majority of posters agreeing that the ME has moved on in leaps and bounds as well. If your method of playing FM is as lazy as your reasoning and argument, then perhaps it is no surprise that you fail to appreciate it.

It's not football. Now stop with your silly arguments about me being a lazy FM player. I've played this game much longer than I care to remember and have enjoyed many versions of the game. Some much more than others. The last two editions have been pretty much unplayable. 08 got somewhat playable after the second patch.

As for 09 so far what I've seen is defenders being outpaced by players with 8 acceleration and 8 pace. when the Defender have 15 and 15 for an example. I've seen strikers miss CCC after CCC game after game.

I've seen Defenders who are great in anticipating and positioning themselves been blind sided by over the top balls numerous times.

The match engine is very bad and you know it wwfan. It might have gotten better than before, but it's still very far from presenting a game of real football. For that to happen it needs a lot of work in both tactical instructions to the players. and positioning of the players on the pitch to happen.

Wibble wobble was somewhat the pinnacle of the game tactically so far. Ofcourse it was to good as you could really twist everything tactically your way. But a light version of it, where players Mental attributes came into play whether they took up that position could really be a good thing.

Anyways about the TT&F I'm not trying to take anything away from you. But in real life you don't Ro0. you don't go 6-7-8-9-10-11. you're either attacking or defending or if the coach have faith in you he'll let your judgement decide if you go forward or not when having the ball. I like the principle game wise but as far as football goes it's a non starter.

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As for 09 so far what I've seen is defenders being outpaced by players with 8 acceleration and 8 pace. when the Defender have 15 and 15 for an example. I've seen strikers miss CCC after CCC game after game.

I've seen Defenders who are great in anticipating and positioning themselves been blind sided by over the top balls numerous times.

These are just two of about 20 to 30 blatant errors in the ME, i could write a 12 page essay on fullbacks alone.

This is nowhere near the best ME since the 2D was brought out, you really would expect it to get better with each release, but its just not the case.

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just a suggestion to all those who can see all these glaring mistakes in the match engine and every other facet of this game......ask to become testers for the next version and maybe between you all FM 10 will be the most perfect management simulation there has ever been

and im sorry if that sounds patronising as i dont mean it to be

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I play the game in key highlights something that really annoys me in near enough every game is that if your winning at the end of the first half you will see highlight after highlight for the opposition in the second half. If your losing at half time the game will speed through without highlight no matter what tactics i change.

I think i've played every copy of CM/FM since it came out got to say this copy is giving me the least enjoyment all down to the matchday experience.

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I know why you're struggling. You're only playing with 10 men...


Sorry, but that was the Man Utd formation I faced after one of their players got sent off. Not mine. :-)

"In one game Man Utd got a player sent off, and they changed formation. They only had ONE MC, no DMC, no AMC. They had four defenders, one MC and two wingers, and two strikers. You would have thought that I would have just dominated through the middle and got a goal what with 70 minutes to go. But no. Their ludicrous formation somehow doesn't matter and they dribble down the flanks, full-backs don't tackle, and they score twice."

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This really is a joke!

Just played against reading away (I'm Man United), managed to score 1 from 7 F.CKING clear cut chances. What a howler! He really should've hit the back of the net! He should've scored. So just the usual f.cking b.ullshit...

Earlier against Lyon played a 2-2 draw, with them having 2 clear cut chances and us 6... Ridicolous piece of f.cking s.hit this game is

And the endless stupidity you see when you actually watch a match in full....... Now it is either that ppl at SI are just so damn s.tupid f.ckheads and this is what they call football or they just don't give a rats ass....

Because IRL Evra is not carrying the ball out of the pitch 11 times... I counted... Should I cry or laugh???

Corners.... The other stupidity... At every second corner the ball leaves the pitch before it reaches the near post... Happens with the AI too, but it's just f.cking b.llshit really.... (Talking about players with corner taking 15+ of course)

Same with crosses from byline... Every second is leaving the pitch before even reaching that f.cking near post... (crossing 15+, needless to say)

Utter disgrace

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