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Space between defence and midfield problem

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My ass man is constantly nagging about "The space between our defence and mifield is far too big and can be exploited". It also seems to be a fact that several of the oppositions goals towards me is shots from about 20 meters. I play with two central midfielders, one with a barrow and the other with a farrow. How do I solve this?

Another thing is that he nags all the time about my goalie "misplacing many of his passes straight to the opposition", any way to change this?


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Its to do with your mentality.

If for example you're playing 4 4 2, have your defensive-minded central midfielder on the same mentality as your centre backs and your deeper lying forward on the same mentality as your attack minded central midfielder.

Obviously fullbacks and wingers fill in the gaps in-between, and there shouldnt be a gap between the lowest mentality and the highest mentality of more than around 7/8.

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The thing that really bugs me is that messages like this don't seem to go away during a game no matter what you do, because the supposed solution is so unintuitive and ignores most other responses. I played two defensive midfielders, tried adjusting the defensive line and the mentality, and nothing. It's the same for when your AM says that somebody isn't used to closing down as much as you are asking, and when you set it on the absolute minimum, he still says it.

I think it's best just to ignore the AM altogether.

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