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Personality difference between tutor and learner

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I've had a quick look around to see if there is a thread which caters to this but I couldn't see exactly what I wanted. What I would like to know is what personalities are compatible with each other in this context? I quite often get a message after a few weeks of tutoring that the two players couldn't work together because they have such a huge personality difference. Are there certain personalities that don't mix. My latest problem came with a determined player tutoring an ambitious one

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When I ran tests on this for FM08, the message about huge personality difference was random, there was no pattern. Sometimes I would edit two players to have exactly the same personality (by use of a save game editor), and still there was a possibility that this would happen. I do not know if this has changed in FM09.

So I still choose tutors on the basis that IF tutoring succeeds, THEN it is going to be beneficial for the youngster (because successful tutoring is not always beneficial, e.g. when the personality of the tutor is worse than that of the youngster).

So how do we judge personalities? I have made this guide:


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