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The Trigger that caused a thousand emotions...

Picture the scene, it is a very wet, damp and cold December evening and as Luke Williamson steps up from his seat, his train pulls in to Loughborough train station. Ok, it is not the most picturesque start to life as a Football Manager but, with some hard work and a little luck, surely there was room in this beautiful game for another Coach.

Complete with his U.E.F.A ‘B’ certificate in hand however, tonight is celebration night and all thoughts of what session to put on for Loughborough Dynamo the following day is put on hold…

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The Trigger that caused a thousand emotions...

Picture the scene, it is a very wet, damp and cold December evening and as Luke Williamson steps up from his seat, his train pulls in to Loughborough train station. Ok, it is not the most picturesque start to life as a Football Manager but, with some hard work and a little luck, surely there was room in this beautiful game for another Coach.

Complete with his U.E.F.A ‘B’ certificate in hand however, tonight is celebration night and all thoughts of what session to put on for Loughborough Dynamo the following day is put on hold…

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The Drunken Bet…

It is 10.45am and with the alarm buzzing for the 4th time, Williamson leans over to switch it off with the regret of the previous night still ringing in his ears. Still smelling the alcohol on himself, he sits up and gives his eyes a rub before squinting to see some markings on his wall.

‘I can’t remember last night that much but surely I would recall that’ he thinks as he stares bewilderedly at the apparent 4-3-3 formation scribbled on his wall. However, trying not to stress too much, Williamson jumps up to take a shower. Passing the landing area, it takes a second glance to realise that once again, there are scrawling’s on the hall way wall. Phone numbers to be more precise. After walking into the bathroom, he checks back on himself to read some of the names and numbers.

“Peacemaker7???†he confusedly reads.

Once it the shower, he realises where the name is from and with it, confusion really sets in…

Back in 2001, Williamson, a then rooky at this coaching lark, was on a Sports Psychology Course in Glasgow. Whilst on the 4 day course, between lectures, seminar’s and endless lagers in the evening, Williamson got to know a veteran player and coach Stuart Redmond, aka Peacemaker7.

With Forfar close to his heart, Peacemaker7 was a good player in his day and more importantly, itching to help teach others. Now, a few years on and without much contact with Peacemaker7, Williamson was about to become somewhat reunited with the former Forfar man.

After stepping out of the shower, Williamson stands still for some 5 or 10 minutes pondering the previous night. Ok 5 or 10 minutes might seem like a long time, but when a writer needs to emphasise a point somewhat, there are few better ways of portraying thought so deep.

As attack verse defence is pulled to pieces and worked on for the next few hours of his ‘about to be busy’ ordinary life, Williamson decides to stand back and make a call.

“Ayup Peacemaker7†the still-confused coach greets after Peacemaker picks up.

“Oh, you phoned to apologise ya cheeky g!t?†the Scot remarks.


“last night! How hammered were you exactly?â€

“A-erm-hmmm Why?†Williamson asks nervously.

“The bet was interesting and funny at first mate, but after the 6th call, I was bored and very tired†he chuckles before moving on. “Anyway fella, how are thingsâ€

At this point Williamson has two options.


<LI>Move on, make pleasantries and wish his Scot friend a farewell and best wishes prior to Christmas

<LI>Ask what on earth he is talking about? Bet? Calls? Ideas?

However, as he is about to take things further, Williamson spots an opportunity to stop-step in-and coach. (If you are a Qualified Coach you’ll be bored with this stuff but you’ll know my meaning).

“Peacemaker, listen, I’m caught up, can I call ya in an hour or two mate.â€

“Better than that Luke, I am down your way tomorrow for a game against the England under 15’s, maybe we could meet up?â€

“Yeah sure sounds good, gotta dash pal†and with that Williamson hangs up and coaches his full back who is still not grasping why he needs to pull wide from a goal-keepers ball.

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Loughborough University - England Under 15’s verse Scotland Under 15’s

December 15th 2004

As Williamson watches on in a dull second half, England fall 2-1 to a Scotland side coached by Peacemaker7. Ok, the guy isn’t managing the side but you could argue he is the guy behind the scenes.

Williamson checks his phone, again checking his call register from his drunken night. 16 calls could be bordering on stalking if it wasn’t for the focus being aimed at football.

With tactics spot on, England struggle to break down Peacemaker7’s Scottish side despite several substitutions and as Williamson walks down the club bar, he greets his old friend with much bitterness over the fact he has saw an England team fall to defeat to the friends from North of the border.

“Before you say a word, I would have beat your lot if I was in charge of that lot†Williamson smiles in reference to the England side he has just watched.

“Haha course you would mate, how the devil are ya?†Peacemaker7 shakes Williamson by the hand and smiles full in the knowledge that coaching a national side, whatever the level, wins you respect from those around you.

“I am good thanks, dull game though, and this weather!†Williamson looks up to the cold skies with a freezing appearance despite his training jackets and warm-looking joggers.

“Fancy a cuppa?†and with it the pair walk up into the bar.

“So just how many calls was it?†Peacemaker says with a amazed chuckle.

“Too many for that time of night, I am so sorryâ€

“Ahhh it’s ok. I didn’t mind. All sounded loads of fun though?†he says suggestively.

“Well that is just it. I ain’t got a clue about any of it.â€

Dissecting the story, piece by piece, however could complicate things much more so but with it, the pair enter into what would end up leaving them with little tolerance, energy or spare time.

“So I am going to form a club?†Williamson poses.

“Aye, it would appear so wee man. But who was the fella you had the bet with?â€

“Just a fella I did my U.E.F.A ‘B’ with. Lad called Flipsix. Top man by all accounts. I had loadsa shyte all over the house when I woke. Tactics, names numbers, names of towns…†Williamson is interrupted.

“Aye you would have, you had it mapped out bit by bit when you spoke with me. First you was getting loads names together. You text me saying I have 20 or so who’d be up for it!†Peacemaker7 again laughs. But now neither are sure whether it is laughing at the thought of a drunken fella trying to form a football club after a drunken night or laughing at the thought that this idea is a genuine one.

“So how much was this bet?†Williamson, not uncommonly, looks bemused at this question from Peacemaker7. So a short phone call later and Williamson is now a wee bit worried, for want of a better Scottish word.

“£10,000 is a lot Luke, surely this isnee a real bet.â€

“Well, erm, you see Flip, he’s quite keen on this sorta thing. It was his mate of a mate who dared that Gorman fella to find loadsa Gormans. He has been aching to have a go at a similar venture but it appears he’s dragged me in on it.â€

The evening winds on and the conversion drifts to Chelsea, Forfar, England and Scotland. The pair sl@g off other coaches who have done poor jobs which could have been done better…by Peacemaker7 and Williamson of course. And generally the conversation moves so far away from THE BET that both guys forget the immature idea’s and discuss plans and roles for the future.

It’s a pleasant evening, with a couple of beers enjoyed and eventually the offer of staying over at Williamsons to for the evening. No guy can turn down a evening of more beer, football talk, FM2006 and Pro Evo. After all, it also means Peacemaker7 can stay for a game tomorrow evening down at the local all weather pitch.

“Ahh, the legs can’t take it much longer Lukeâ€

“I’m sure they could do another season or two if you wanted†Williamson says with a wry smile.

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New Years Eve 2004

It is 7pm and with Luke Williamson settled for the evening, nothing can interrupt his quiet, but cosey evening with the Mrs. Jonathan Woss is on the BEEB and there is no £15 entrance fee to watch it so as far as Williamson is concerned. It’s a plan.

Before the truly sh1te programmes come on however, the phone rings.

“Hello†Williamson says very slow and uninterested. After all, he’s spoke to the family, he’s done all the necessaries. So who could this be?

“Hello, I am so sorry to bother you this evening but I have been given you number by an aqaintant. I was told to call you urgently. â€

At this point, Williamson takes his confusion to a new level.

“Sorry, who gave you my number and what’s so urgent.â€

“Flipsix3, he told me that the money was in place and I just needed the say so from yourself and you to sign the documents?â€

“What fecking documents†Luke rants. Not usually the aggressive type off the pitch, calls like this appear all too normal for a modest Midlander coach.

“Look mateâ€, Williamson continues, “It’s New Year and at the minute, I am in no mood for messing about. Get in touch in a day or two and we’ll talk more thenâ€

“No, no, no, no†begs the mystery caller, please, I am desperate. Flip will buy with your word given to me. He told me to tell you to remember the bet and remember time is ticking.â€

“Oh Jesus Christ…â€

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The Bet, The Fears and The Money…

In 1999, a Leicestershire chap from Kirby Muxloe came into a nice cash prize. Never one too gamble on the lottery, Dave Solomon was bought a ticket as a novelty gift for leaving his job for bigger and better things.

Now don’t tell the guy who bought the ticket for him but it was a winner. Not £10,000,000 or anything. But it was enough. Just under £3.5 to be more accurate.

Now despite the begging of Kirkby Muxloe 88, Solomon decided against investing in his local side and instead invested in stocks, shares and his own pleasurable future. Three coaching courses later and much free time, Solomon, better known as Flipsix to his mates, was a U.E.F.A ‘B’ Coach boozing with Luke Williamson on a night out.

Now not one to make accusations but it was rumoured that Flip was a keen eccentric sort. Practical Jokes? Hmmm perhaps. Stupidly outrageous bets with intent on seeing them through? Definite.

On that fateful night in the build up to Christmas, it was suggested in phone calls that followed that several ‘rules’ were set for the outrageous bet. Basically, after far too many lagers, Williamson, in a Mourinho-esque style manner, boasted he WAS the finest, unclaimed Manager outside the Football League.

“Fu(k off†Flip screams in hysterics. “What makes you think you are?â€

“I don’t think, I know!!!â€

“Yeah yeah, prove it? You can’t. HAHA next†Flip screams. And the bouncers look over to the pi$s heads in the corner with one eye on kicking them out.

“I’ll prove it, tell me how. I will prove it all, I am the best†Williamson boasts.

Hours later, the pair on watching re-runs on Chelsea verse Man United. You know the one, Poyet brace, Sutton, Morris and Henning Berg with the Own Goal. 5-0, what a game! But still the pair are talking. Most of it is **** but still talking non the less.

“Ok, so we agreed?†asks Flip

“hang on, let’s grab another beer†Williamson utters as he walks to the kitchen.

“We’ll build a side from nothing yeah?†Flip asks.

“Yeah, easy!!!†comes the obvious answer as Williamson starts texting on his phone.

“And you have to take a side into the football league, with no money?â€


“And what? Say three seasonsâ€


Despite it sounding as easy as 1-2-3, on reflection, the flaws in the plan are clear for all to see. No money, in this day in age? Wages etc? Just couldn’t work. On top of that, getting a side in the Pro game in 3 seasons? First you gotta get into a position that is feesable. Not just anyone can take a club within touching distance of a football league can they?

This, however, is where Williamson was to learn he could. Millionaire Flip has, unlike Williamson, spent hours thinking of the bet, which was set at a fee of £10,ooo. He kindly re-adjusted the rules and without telling Luke, began to put the wheels in motion.

Despite his effort, call after call left him with rejected offers to take over small clubs. Ideally, Hinckley United would have given the bet some reality. Could they reach the pro game in 3 seasons? No doubt. But they were already going places and Flip could never conjure a package worth looking at for Hinckley.

So what was next was to prove the fella had imagination and guts.

“Hi, Mr Roberts, thanks for returning the call earlier†Flip begins, “So you are 100% positive that the English FA can’t reject a side even if they are from the Scottish FA and not the English†He poses.

“Well it will be difficult Mr Solomon. But a man of your wealth’s can do it!†and with it, the adventure was born.

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January 4th 2005

Leicestershire, Midlands Cup Competition, 5th Round

Holmes Park, Whetstone, Leicester

With football once again the setting on a soaked Holmes Park pitch, Williamson is spectating from the small tin stand at the Leicestershire & Rutland Football HQ.

On something of a scouting mission, Williamson is keeping an eye on Michael Pilcher who is representing the Derbyshire FA side. At the age of 17, Pilcher was a commanding centre half at this level but after doing bits of work for Notts County; Pilcher could be a highly recommended name despite his late development.

As Pilcher clears up another attack from the Leicestershire side, Williamson once again receives a call.

“Mr Williamson, how are you, Mr Carter speaking, we spoke briefly New Years Eveâ€.

“Ahh how are you? Look I am sorry about the other evening. Stress had built up and this and that…†as he is about to continue.

“Well Mr Williamson, I respect you and will not mess around. Mr Solomon has put together an offer but says it rests on your willingness.â€

“Willingness for what?†Williamson enquires.

“Willingness to take over the side. The place is there in the Conference North if you can see off a Play-Off game come July time.â€

“You’ve lost me.â€

“Well Mr Williamson I am owner of a Football club quite simply and we are folding at the end of the season. Finances have been poor and things are no longer working. The players can’t give up enough time you see. If you want to win, you need to be at least Semi-Pro.â€

With time, Williamson learns from Mr Carter that Solomon has put an offer in for a football club and as part of the dreaded bet, he has left it on the plate for his fellow coach to take over and take the so-called gauntlet that has been laid down for him.

With the call ending, Pilcher rises high to head home from a corner and help Derbyshire see off Leicestershire 2-0 with little under 10 minutes remaining. As the rain begins to thump down somewhat heavier, Williamson leaves the car park with added interest.

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January 7th 2005

Yew Lodge Hotel, Kegworth, ten minutes from East Midlands Airport

“I’ll put your wages in for one season, the bet of £10,000 still stands but this way, you have an opportunity to prove it!†says Flipsix3.

It’s an attractive offer of course and Williamson is more than tempted. Flip continues;

“If things are not working out after that, we’ll draw a line under it and leave it there.â€

With that simple assurance, Williamson signs on the dotted line and agree’s with Flipsix that it’ll be an adventure if nothing else. As the pen finalises the deal, Williamson sits back and starts to take a sip from his cup of tea before Flip intervenes;

“Oh and the club has to be based in Fort William.†He mumbles.

“Right, where exactly is that. I know the name.â€

“Scotland of course.†Flip smiles before adding “Fort William is the largest town in the west Highlands of Scotland and is the commercial centre of Lochaber, an area renowned for magnificent scenery with an important history.â€

“Flip have you quoted that off a bleeding website or summat.†Williamson sternly asks.

“Well yes actually. Good wasn’t it? I can’t wait. We leave tomorrow to check things out. I knew you’d sign so I booked me and you into a hotel up there. Inverlochy Castle.†Flip looks much more enthusiastic than Williamson. “We have to play some side in May or July. Some play-off tie sort of thing. If we win, the side has the opportunity to enter the Conference North.â€

“How’s that work then?â€

“Well†explains Flip, “I got a lawyer to check it all out. The clubs profile is all good and that. But the SFA have no places for the coming season to apply whereas the EFA does. I did some research. Don’t worry, our application has put is in pole position. One problem though. We need a squad and the present lot who are seeing out the season aren’t really up for it anymore.â€

Flip continues to explain how his lawyer used a little law he discovered when looking into the introduction of both Swansea and Cardiff into the English game. It sort of enabled clubs from Scotland and Northern Ireland to use loop holes to get into the English game, as and when the opportunity comes.

So life was going to begin with a massive game and Williamson and Flip appeared to have just months to assemble a squad good enough and willing to put their time and effort into making the club a success.

“If you are as good a manager as you suggested Luke, you can easily motivate lads to get involved.†Flip knows this will wind Luke up somewhat but with his mind games already in place, maybe he can fuel Williamson into making a dream a reality.

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The start of something new…

Fort William AFC, situated at the base of Ben Nevis, is an old, worn down club. Sheltered stands consist of thin wooden planks nailed together unconvincingly. If health and safety officials could be bothered, they’d probably shut the place down but with new owners moving in, gradually and finally, the people of Fort William appear keen on what will happen with their humble town.


The Oban Times

January 17th 2005

English investors have promised to bring “something new and exciting†to the town of Fort William after paper work was finalised over the sale of FW AFC. Former owner, Mr James Carter is believed to have sold the potential of the club more than anything with an investment team determined on turning the club Pro.

Town’s folk have met discussions with mixed emotion after it was said that the club may be renamed but after such a cloudy and poor history over recent season, many locals feel the club needs to be revamped to move forward.

An investment has initially been made to construct a new stadium with plans already under way and it is believed that the new stadium will be situated within the mountainous setting in a bid to try and intimidate opponents who’ll eventually come here.

Last night, a spokes person on behalf of the investment team said:

“My clients will put in the time, financial clout and energy to make this town have a successful football club. Plans are already underway for a new stadium and a search for new players is ongoing with the current staff at the club holding no future with the side.â€

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January 20th 2005

With plans rushed through, accepted and put into action, suddenly the fairytale idea was taking place. After a round of Golf at the fabulous Traigh Golf Course, Williamson and Solomon walk to the local pub to begin discussing plans more thoroughly.

“Ok, this list that you made was it just the drink or was it good.†Flip asks when recalling the drunken night in December.

“It was Ok. Peacemaker7 gave some good names too. But if they are up to the job I am not sure. It was basically a list of lads I’ve worked with plus a few of Peacemakers. Why what you got in mind?â€

“Well if we have a kitty, we could get our lads, for the first season at least, to go pro. Lets give ourselves the best chance of going places. With your tactical knowledge and clout and contacts and so forth, my cash, I really actually think we can do this.†Williamson ponders for a second as he gazes over the local loch.

“Well firstly, we need Peacemaker in on this. He’ll be just the job. It sort of extends our contacts by 3 already and he’s a good lad.â€

“Who else was on your list then? We’ve got the cash, we need to go on a serious mission for players and so forth?†enquires Flip.

“The list?†Luke reaches into his pocket for the piece of paper which has more scribbles than a schoolboy’s notepad. “Here we go…â€

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23rd January 2005

Williamson signs the papers for his new PC from the delivery bloke and walks into the hall way to find Flipsix3 already opening the boxes. Flip is tearing away like a child at Xmas and after half an hour or so, the pair finally seem to have it all in some working order.

Once again it is a cold, damp evening but now Scotland provides the backdrop for the duo who, after a week or so in the Loch region of Fort William, have bought a place they can call their HQ. Peacemaker is on the first flight out the following day and then the real fun can begin.

As the internet is finally up and running, Williamson e-mails an old colleague who is presently working with Michael Pilcher (King Mike) down at Derbyshire County FA.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">

Hello Gibbo,

hope you are well fella. Just wondered what the latest with young Michael Pilcher is. Saw him down at Leicester a few weeks back and must say he looked sharp. Coming on well. If you get chance, could you enquire about his availability as last I knew, Derby were letting him go. I am looking at brining him with me too my new job. Anyhow, speak soon,

Luke Williamson


With that done, Flip begins to make a start on writing up contract offers and arranges a meeting with the local building society and banks to set-up accounts and so forth. With that in place, Flip sets out limits on what the club will be able to afford in terms of wages, signing on fee’s and staff fee’s. All in all, the club looks in good shape from day one however and Williamson’s plans to prove himself as the best boss outside the Football League are well underway.

With Williamson himself, set to play as a Player-Boss under the name of Okkas, Peacemaker pondering over a Player/Assistant offer and Flipsix3 up for a swan-song season or two in his career which is set to re-ignite, the guys agree that to make this thing possible, they need a playing squad of at least 20.

During that evening, with take-aways ordered and phone bills mounting, Williamson makes what is set to be his first positive phone call. For somebody actually thinks the idea is a great one and not only that, he is willing to turn down a chance with Hinckley United to make it happen.

“Hello Matty, how are things fella?, it’s Lukeâ€

“Lukey boy, ayup. Yeah good good. What’s the story?†says an chirpy Matt_no_7.

Matt Warner as he is officially known, at the age of 21, Matt is a exciting young player who, due to injuries, saw his chances of going pro dashed a few years back after persistent knee injuries. But, with 2 seasons without injuries under his belt at Midland Combination League level, Matt is another who is now qualified as a coach, thus meeting once upon a time with Williamson.

“So you’ve got a proper managers job?†says Matt in a surprised but excited tone. “That is awesome.â€

“Cheers Matt. Listen, if you are interested in getting involved, why not come and see us up in Scotland. We can put together some sort of deal for you and see how things goâ€. But with that, Williamson has killed several conversations due to people having not enough faith in a ambitious task.

Matt_no_7: Matt Warner

Born in Leicester in August 1983, Warner enjoyed a bright start to his footballing life with lots of potential starting to bring results by the age of 13. After trials with Northampton Town in 1998, Matt suffered a series of injuries which saw his chances of going pro ruined.

However, in recent years, Matt_no_7 has begun to produce the form at Combination League level which saw him push close for a YTS deal and despite interest from Hinckley United, Matt’s future was still set to be decided.

A Loyal and composed player, Matt’s biggest notable attribute is his ability to show boat at the best, and sometimes worst, of times. A attacking midfield man who can also play up top, Matt is the type who likes to get stuck in when needed although his fair approach has won him many admirers at non-league level.

A tall forward player, Matt posseses a fair amount of pace and can finish well but has a lot to learn in terms of defensive work and movement from set-pieces such as corner.

Matt is a massive Leeds United fan and see’s Alan Smith as one of his favourite players despite the England man now plying his trade at Manchester United.

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The Oban Times Michael Jacobs reports

25th January 2005

After the hugely surprising take over of Fort William AFC, changes are already underway to make the club a huge success. Dave Solomon, the main man behind the cash at the new club, released a statement yesterday explaining:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">

“The club are please to announce that as well as jobs being brought to your beautiful scenic area of Fort William, we can ensure we are doing everything in our power to make this club a success on the pitch as well as off it. My business partner and the new manager of the club to be, Luke Williamson, has already brought in Matt_no_07 for FREE whilst we are discussing terms with several other players about our plans for the 2005/2006 season. We are in the unfortunate position where we have to assemble a squad from scratch whilst having little time for putting our side together but with a Play-Off game coming up in May and a tough pre-season to follow it, we feel we can take this side somewhere given time.â€


Planning permission has been granted by the local council meanwhile for work on the new stadium to begin and the new owners are welcoming locals to contribute ideas and names for the new ground, targeted for a August opening.

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January 29th 2005

With early indications proving that life will be tough in building a squad to locate themselves in Fort William and call the Scottish town ‘home’, Peacemaker7 and Flipsix3 decide that a trial session may be the way to move things forward. A weeks worth of trials is announced to the public with Glasgow, Edinburgh, Gateshead and Leeds all targeted, Williamson feels his time would be better spent down south following up players he has worked with in the past.

With this decided, Peacemaker7 agrees that this venture sounds to exciting to turn down, and once he see’s the plans for the new stadium, he can’t grab his pen quick enough to sign a player/assistant role.


Although primarily a Coach now that he is classed as a veteran at the age of 33, Scot Stuart Redmond, better known as Peacemaker, is an attacking style coach who can slot well in as a left midfielder himself.

Born in Glasgow, Peacemaker is a keen follower of Forfar Athletic and will thrive in his new role as he possesses the confidence in his own ability to take a club such as this forward.

With age against him in terms of playing, it works in his favour from a coaching point of view with wise head allowing him to see the game from a whole different approach. But Peacemaker is very ambitious. Many close to him would question if he could handle being a number 2 but in the circumstances, he should settle well in a club which will be a huge novelty for the time being.

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February Trials bring slender hopes

February 7th 2005

With the first few days going well in Glasgow, Flip and Peacemaker feel they have an overall quality that is impressive but not enough who stand out of the crowd. Despite this, the pair decided to invite several players to join the club for a training week in March with the view of maybe using one or two players as final squad members.

Meanwhile, on his travels down south, Williamson meets up with KingMike and Matt_no_7 to discuss deals with the pair and arrange when they will commence their deals up north.


Otherwise known as Michael Pilcher is a young, commanding centre half from Derby. At just over 6ft, he holds a commanding presence in both the air and on the ground and uses his pace well to cover his back four adequately.

A big fan of Crystal Palace, King Mike is a composed central defender who possesses heading and tackling amongst his strengths. But stamina is a major concern although going pro can improve this dramatically.

Very loyal, King Mike is certainly a worker and not a slacker and has been something of an unsung hero in previous sides. At the age of 18, the potential is there for this young ball player to turn into a top rate defender and Williamson has noticed this talent although his development has been somewhat late.

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The trip down South

February 8th 2005

Whilst heading down South, Williamson ties up the deals for both King Mike and Matt_no_7 whilst Peacemaker and Flip report on the lack of major talent but impressive all round ability.

“I’m heading down to Southend tonight. There is a trials night for Southern clubs so may be worth checking out one or two lads. I’ve been given a name or two from a contact†Williamson explains.

“Ok fella, but we need to step things up I think. What you reckon to getting a trial going further south?†asks Flipsix3.

“Could do I guess. I just think the lads with the real potential will be out there for us to find rather than kids off the street.â€

With this, Peacemaker3 returns to the new Fort William HQ with the gaffer heading to the southern trials night. Upon his arrival, he instantly recognises a few faces in the coaching staff organising the evening and goes over for a chat.

“Steve, anyone I should keep and eye on?â€

“Ahh Luke, how are you? Yeah one or two lads actually. Didn’t expect to see you down here though. Heard a few rumours lately. Is it true about your new job up in Scotland?â€

Clearly rumours have begun to spread and with this, Williamson is shown profiles for a few young players on show that evening. Of the faces, one in particular looks to be a big prospect with interest from Luton Town and Hemel Hempstead confirmed in reports. But once again, the player in question is what you may call damaged goods. With a history for ankle injuries, Williamson is gradually learning that these types of players may be the ones that are available.

At the age of 16, David Smith, known as SDaveS is a strong holding midfield man with a knack for being in the right position at the right time. Instantly Williamson see’s he is strong on the ball as well as aggressive in a tackle and the kid looks to have some bit which could prove worth having in lower league football. But surprisingly, for a lad labelled a defensive minded player, the youngster can also play a little. He strokes the ball around as though he is head and shoulders above the rest whilst he never seems to put in anything less than 100% despite his history of injuries.

After the session, Williamson walks over:



“I’m Luke Williamson, must say, impressed with your display there kid…â€

“Thanks sir.â€

“Look, I’ll cut to the chase. I am not from a big club. In fact, we are talking conference level but I am keen on taking you on. You look the part. Here is my card†Williamson passes over a small piece of paper with his details on.

“Cheers, I just want to be play football to be honest and the offers have slowed down of late. I’m guessing you’ve read the profile?â€

“Yes, course, but we see you as a potentially good player who’s been unlucky with knocks. Not all players are destined for injury after injury you know.â€

With that, SDaveS smiles appreciatedly before enquiring…â€Where’s the club based?â€

Williamson laughs…â€Well!!!â€

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Wheels In Motion…

February 9th 2005, 6.30am

Flip gradually opens his eyes. Squinting at the clock on the wall, his subconscious chooses to ignore the thunderous banging on the front door of the house. Flipsix, you see, has dosed off, some 3 hours previous, sat at the desk of the computer writing up general meaningless rubbish which normal people would dream you’d need to sort out to run a football club.

The thuds at the door continue however and eventually, Flip’s eyes open just enough to let in daylight and some normality.

“OK OK I’M COMING!!!†he yells. Walking over very slowly to the front door however, the banging continues. Thud, Thud, Thud!

“We have to get a Fu(king key cut you lazy g1t†Williamson angrily moans brushing straight past the slowly opening door and past Flip.

“15 bl00dy minutes I’ve been out there! Have you seen the weather?†Someone clearly is in a foul mood. “And you take all the time in the world to open a door.†Williamson slams his bags down and turns to look at Flip. Asleep on the sofa however, Williamson realises that it’ll remain a one way conversation before spotting he left a figure stood in the door way.

“Oh, Sorry pal, come in, ignore me. I’m in a mood.†Williamson suddenly sounds much more calmed.

Peacemaker7 walks down the pine staircase into a warm looking front room. But the previous nights work seems to have over taken things somewhat with paper work littered left, right and centre.

For a moment, Peacemaker looks confused at Williamson, staring for a split second at the new face in the house.

“Oh sorry Peacemaker, I wake you?†he asks the obvious. “Meet SDaveS.â€

“Yes you did. Hello Dave. You our latest signing?†Peacemaker couldn’t sound less interested if he tried and with it, SDaveS is nervous to respond.

“Don’t be shy Dave,†Luke nods “You are in†adding a smile.

“Erm yes, guess so…†and with it he offers Peacemaker his hand. The pair shake and Williamson switches the computer on before showing SDaveS to his room.

“You can stay here for now. We are sorting some digs out for the squad as a whole though.â€

- - - - - - -

By mid-day, Flip appears to have regained consciousness and Peacemaker trudges through the front door with SDaveS after what appears to be massive shopping trip. Williamson felt the pair could do some bonding on a half hour drive to a local health store but, with what appears to be Sainsbury’s bag, they look to have chosen another option.

With a pot of tea and numerous packets of jaffa cakes on the go however, the morning…or rather mid-day, seems to promise productive work. Flip drives to the local train station to pick up and old friend who’s going to help sorting some accounts details for him whilst Peacemaker receives a call or two from agents regarding unattached players.

“Luke, that’s was a chap from Woking. He’s got us two lads coming up in the week to meet us and give us chance to see what they are likeâ€.

“We need some practise games arranged if you are inviting lads up here. Ever thought about that.â€

Meanwhile, Flip returns around 3pm, friend in tow.

“Afternoon lads. Like you all to meet Raptor…â€


Other than being Dutch and having a real love for Groningen, Raptor is something of an unknown quantity with No Profiles available on him. However, he has a sound business mind on him and instantly makes good working relationships with the guy. In fact, so good, within hours, Williamson suggests making him some sort of board member.

“Pick a title Raptor…†Williamson suggests.

“Director Of Football. We Dutch like this term, yes?â€

“Director Of Football it isâ€


Born in 1988, SDaveS, or David Smith, will undoubtedly feature as one of the youngsters squad members for the newly formed club. Growing up in the home town where Sol Campbell made his name, Welwyn Garden City failed to produce a club suitable for the ambitious defensive midfielder despite a clear talent.

With a decent build and physique, SDaveS holds a useful range of passing abilty and Can create from deep although he prefers not to try to take players on.

Likened to Roy Keane by previous pundits at youth level, Smith has hopes of progressing into a top notch player if injuries allow him the time. He is a composed and wise headed player for such youth and will be expected to command a place at this level if the club succeed in their play-off hunt.

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Agents and their talk

“My client will require a 3 year deal, plus wage rises and a signing on fee of around…â€

“Hold your horses mate. Not sure who you think we are but we make the offers ok. If you guy wants to come up and meet with us and we can take a look at him, otherwise, no deal.†Flip is adamant.

“No Mr, you don’t understand. My client is in Israel at the moment. He needs to know how interested you are?â€


“yes, he playing for Israel Under 23’s†the broken voice explains.

“Ok, look, send us a video or an email or summat or other. We’ll talk more after that.†Flip says but is already sounding like this is a interest likely to peter out.

Whilst Flip finishes his conversation on the phone, Williamson and Peacemaker are out on the local training ground with several hopefuls along with one or two faces who’ve already signed. Raptor, Peacemaker and Williamson are joined by King Mike, SDaveS and Matt_no_7 who make the numbers up for a 6v6 game.

Despite the cold conditions and the mix and match training kit, the session is an enjoyable one with some good touches from one or two of the trialists. A young Woking fan from Edgware in particular looks very sharp and comfortable on the ball meanwhile, not looking one bit out of place.

After the session, Williamson sits down with MaccaSAFC.

“So why you not got a club son?â€

“I don’t know. I am playing at decent level in local leagues but no club took interest since I was 15. I decided to further my education and football lost out because of it.â€

During the next few days, the players on trial are welcomed to Fort William HQ but it is clear from an early stage that few will remain there. MaccaSAFC however will definitely not be leaving if the guys have anything to do with it.

“He looked good Flip, very good†Peacemaker says.

“Really? Nice one. Signing him up then Luke?â€

“Well there is no rush. He’s told me there is little interest. Let’s see how he settles in once we have a few more players on the scene.â€

Elsewhere in the HQ, sharing a room with Macca is Supa Playa, also a Woking fan from Woking himself and Sam_015. Concerning enough though is the fact that all three are primarily defensive midfield men who can slot in at centre half too.

“Where are all the attackers gone?†Flip asks Peacemaker….

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The Lochaber News

February 14th 2005

After a positive start to life as a business, the new owners of Fort William AFC, have pleaded with locals to come forward for trials for next season. The current squad, with only two strikers on the books are set to leave in the summer for local rivals Moidart FC, the avenues of new striking talents seems limited.

Williamson, the player-boss, is to register himself as a player and will be likely to feature as a forward with lack of signings appearing more likely with each day. Just 13 weeks from now, Fort William AFC will have to register their side for the town biggest footballing date but as of yet, plans to build the squad look bleak.

Local sports writer Peter Russell suggested:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> “The club is a major unknown quantity and players worth their salt are not going to leave clubs for an unknown future in the lower ends of Scottish footballâ€


But Raptor, newly appointed Director Of Football hit back at these claims stating:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">

“In Williamson we have a fine manager who has plenty of backing from his team of staff. These guys are putting their all into this scheme and any player who fancies making it in the game can find himself in the right place at the right time if they cross paths with Williamson.â€


Meanwhile, the club have been linked with a deal with Aberdeen in a hope to bring in young players to gain much needed first team experience. Both clubs however have refused to comment on reports.

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SKY SPORTS NEW – Digital 408

February 25th 2005

Dave Jones reporting:

“Now to news North of the border and whilst Celtic and Rangers continue their current form with each other in the SPL, Fort William AFC have taken radical new steps for the purpose of forming their future.

New club owners from Leicestershire have announced that the club are breaking all ties with the present regime with contracts all ending this coming summer. It appears that the new management have their minds set on building up a squad from scratch whilst using Fort William AFC position with the SFA and opportunities with the EFA to try and short cut their way into the Football League.

An English FA statement confirmed today that

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">

“We can confirm we have received an application from Fort William AFC to enter the Play-Off which they had provisionally applied for in 2003 and will be given a play-off berth at the end of this season to try and win a place in the Conference North†</div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now we have on the line for us Luke Williamson, the new soon-to-be boss of Fort William; Luke how are you?

Williamsonâ€Well thanks Dave, yourself?â€

Jones â€Yes thanks, so plans for next season are well underway?â€

Williamsonâ€Yes, it appears so, we are currently working with a small group of players who we like the look of and are searching for new players each and every day.â€

Jones “Great stuff so do you still plan to play yourself?â€

Williamson “Perhaps, we’ll see though. I’d rather get players in who I can’t justify starting myself ahead of as we’ll have a much stronger squad.â€

Jones “So, rumours that players are hard to sign is a myth or do you feel that because of the low key nature of the clubs past, the name alone isn’t enough to attract players.â€

Williamson “Maybe but this is a massive venture for myself and the team behind the take-over and our aim is to take this club as far into the football league as possible. Young players are what we are aiming for at present. I’ve brought one or two in and I believe as times goes on, there will be more and more players willing to take a step down for such an exciting era for this town.â€

Jones “So you see the town as something that will definitely gain from the situation? Many feel that you’ve took an opportunist chance and basically used Fort William for the prior application to join the EFA.â€

Williamson “For sure, we understand why people say this and to some extent, it is the reason we ended up here. But the town will not be short changed. Jobs will be created and we hope the town will finally enjoy a successful football club.â€

Jones “Excellent stuff. So expectations wise? What are we looking at? 3 year plan?â€

Williamson “No not at all, we will play it by ear to be honest. Until we actually play in whatever division we may end up in, we cannot see how well our lads will fare. I have full confidence in my staff and the players we have at present thoughâ€

Jones “Nice to hear Luke, On a more personal note, you must see this as your last chance to make it as a player?â€

Williamson “As I said, hopefully, I wont have to be in the side week-in week-out. That’s my ideal scenario. I am a coach first and foremost. That is where my career lies.â€

Jones “So, has the club got anyone else in their sights at present?â€

Williamson “it would be foolish for me to start spilling our plans. How about you though Dave? I hear you are planning to train for this Sky One programme, we’ve heard you can play a little?â€

Jones “I’m not sure about that. But I can be called up at short notice I guess. Anyway, thanks for your time Luke and good luck with thingsâ€

Williamson “Your welcome Dave, take care…â€

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The Obdan Times

February 29th 2005

Yesterday, several new arrivals were confirmed at Fort William AFC for next season despite the present squad playing out the remainder of their contracts. Raptor, the clubs new Director Of Football confirmed he was bringing fellow Dutchman Chris de Brujin (WLKRAS) saying:

“WLKRAS is a top notch full back who will bring some composure and work ethic to a young and naïve side. I have worked with WLKRAS in the past and the player will sign a 2 year deal this afternoon following a medical.â€

On top of this, WLKRAS added: “I am delighted to sign for such an exciting club. I have assurance from Raptor that this club can achieve big things and this is a great step for me.â€

WLKRAS follows recent signings such as SDaveS, Matt_no_7, King Mike into the club with others set to sign within the next few days.

- - - - - - - -

Elsewhere, Fort William HQ starts to become somewhat crowded with so many players on trial that two further houses have been rented down in the Glen Nevis region. Of all the players on show however, MaccaSAFC is the only name consistently on the management’s lips.

Despite this, players continue to roll in although Williamson demands that the standards cannot be lowered in order to find players. That same evening however, Williamson watches an interesting DVD featuring footage of a young keeper from Jerusalem.

“Hey flip†shouts Williamson, “Come look at this.â€

Featured is an energetic and light footed keeper who looks to possess a wide range of attributes needed for a keeper at this level in England.

“Looks good†Flips concurs. “Says here in the notes that he is a Coach tooâ€

For a few short minutes, the guys ponder and decision before Raptor is asked to make the call to bring in the bright youngster named Binny.



Born in Maasland, Holland, WLKRAS, better known as Chris de Brujin is a hard working full-back able to apply himself on the right and left. A team player, WLKRAS had previous experience playing for Raptor at non-league level in Holland.

Loyal and aggressive, with a likening to Bixente Lizarazu, WLKRAS possess the ability to get up and down well and is eager to make progress at which ever club he plies his trade.

Despite his full-back roles, WLKRAS could slot in a central role when needed with strong positional sense and an excellent marker. WLKRAS can also pose a threat from set-pieces being strong on the air.


Rob McClurey (MaccaSAFC) is a strong and speedy centre half who can also adopt a holding role in a midfield. Able to create from deep with great tackling ability and good distribution.

Rated highly at regional league level, MaccaSAFC is strong at the height of 6ft1 and is in the mould of a John Terry style player. At a young age, MaccaSAFA had trials with Feyenords feeder club after a successful trial abroad and used his experience in Holland to better himself as a player.

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The Business Times:

March 1st 2005

Fort William is the host of a new, exciting project in the World of Football with the cash of David Solomon providing a re-generation programme in the mountainous region of Ben Nevis.

The new stadium, as plans reveal, will be a 20,000 all seater stadium situated in the base of Ben Nevis, giving a scenic back drop from within the ground which also is situated near a grand loch.

The building work has begun after plans were finalised and accepted by the local council and a state of the art training complex, partly funded by national lottery cash will ensure that the club can build on the future by coaching local talent.

The ground will adopt a traditional square structure to the stands whilst two corners pieces will mould into the mountain side ensuring no balls with by lost at that particular end of the new stadium.

Plans also include an attached complex which will entertain the clubs visitors with a Hotel chain set to invest in the feature once again bringing jobs to the area.

The stadium, from the outside, will be given a traditional, natural yet modern look ensuring the views are not ruined whilst the inside will place a Forum Blue impression on the fans mind with the stands planned to be touch-close to the pitch allowing the 20,000 fans to feel as though they are part of

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Trialists come in to show their worth.

March 3rd 2005

Fort William again became the location for a trial-marathon with unattached players from all over the UK flocking to join the newly revolutionised club. Manager Luke Williamson carried on with his busy schedule, signing players in time for the big play-off game in May.

With a number of holding style players on board however, Williamson and his assistant Peacemaker7 have been urgently pleading for a top attacker or two to come forward.

With a newly opened training centre in full flow, Williamson watched his staff working hard with a group of youngsters on the 3rd and spotted several players immediately who looked to have some promise.

Elsewhere in the town, Israeli youngsters Binyamin Radomsky (or Binny) arrived in town to meet up with Raptor and Flip to sign his deal that will see the goalkeeper strike a two-year deal with the club.


Born in March 1982, Binny, a qualified coach also, started a career in the regional leagues in Israel whilst forming a big reputation at youth level. A very well rounded keeper, Binny possesses great reflexes and handling ability whilst he is a steady individual who doesn’t find him self wanted positionally.

An ambitious player, Binny is a composed youngster who grafts to better himself. Locally however, Binny struggled to make the grade with Maccabi Haifa and being something of an unsung hero, he failed to push his way back into the professional game.

Radomsky is an attack minded coach whilst being very demanding and autocratic in style. He has the potential to become a top goalkeeping coach and works well with youngsters too.


Sam Turton, born in September 1980 is a…yeah you guessed it, holding midfielder or centre half. Born in Salford, Sam_015 is a strong player at 6ft2 and possesses great marking ability and a strong head. Likening himself to Paul Ince, Turton had various trials as a youngster with Manchester United, Bolton and Bury.

Sam_015 has a wise head on fairly young shoulders whilst he can sometimes let his aggressive nature get the better of him somewhat. Turton will bring more grit and determination to a side which already has it in abundance and will soon find himself tackling his way through the football leagues.

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Somebody is knocking at the door…

March 14th 2005

With trialists still filling most of the rooms around the Fort William HQ and various properties owned in the town, Williamson is not panicking to bring in players to quickly.

However, on the morning of the 14th March, Peacemaker7 is woken by a knock at the door at 7.45am. Towering over him as he opens the door, Peacemaker7 looks up to see a very tall pair in the form of Daz the Imp and Hell Hath No Fury.

“Hello, heard we might get a game here?†Daz asks.

“Come in ladsâ€

After putting the tea and coffee on, Flip, Raptor and Williamson join the lads in the lounge area for an early start to a day full of training down the road. With witty conversation far from the household however, it is clear the early start is not what all expected. Daz and Hell Hath are both shown to a top floor bedroom which was vacated by some failed trial boys and as the pair walk upstairs, the management team cannot refrain from likening the duo to Saints striker Peter Crouch.

“He’s a tall bleeder ain’t he?†Flip suggests.

“Which one? They are both bleeding huge. Like two Peter Crouch’s†Peacemaker7 laughs off. “Still doesn’t mean they can’t make it at that height does it? Look at Crouch.â€

The comment comes at a time when Crouch is playing fairly well for a struggling Saints side. Raptor adds however:

“Yes but that type of football player shall never play for a top club! Say Manchester, Chelsea or Liverpool!!!â€

Despite their height, the pair do well on their first day with the basic squad. Youngsters from Scotland on trial make up the numbers but Daz and Hell Hath No Fury are keen to impress and Daz in particular is sharp and up for the challenge.

“Looks a neat forward player don’t you think?†Flip asks Williamson.

“Not bad at all, get him some deal struck up this tea time mate.â€

With Daz on form and Hell Hath No Fury looking bright too, it means they will soon be added to the list including:


<LI> Luke Williamson – Okkas

<LI> Stuart Redmond - Peacemaker7

<LI> Matt Warner – Matt_no_07

<LI> Dave Solomon – Flipsix3

<LI> Chris de Brujin - WLKRAS

<LI> Rob McClurey - MaccaSAFC

<LI> Sam Turton – Sam_015

<LI> Binyamin Radomsky - Binny

<LI> SDaveS – Dave Smith

<LI> King Mike – Michael Pilcher

<LI> Darren Fowler – Daz The Imp

<LI> Micahel North – Hell Hath No Fury

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Setting up nicely and I like the way that my own playing talents are remaining a mystery until the day, undoubtedly, that I tire of the shabby efforts of all the youngsters and decide that my monetary input grants me the right to play myself as the defensive "beast" icon_wink.gif

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Train to somewhere?

March 18th 2005

It’s a fairly nice day in the Midlands and Luke Williamson, along with Flipsix3 are making their way down to Stamford Bridge for the evening. The pair are booked into the Chelsea Hotel with a meeting arranged with Chris Waddle, ex England International. Flip, tapping away on his lap top, Williamson busy in a coaching manual and generally, far too many people on the train to give the pair space.

As Williamson shows Flip a new looking drill which may be useful with the youngsters, he receives a tap on the shoulder. An eager, a desperate looking youngsters, quickly sits alongside Williamson as the table space becomes cramped somewhat.

The youngster grins wryly;

“You’re them aren’t you?â€

“Erm, we are who?†Flip asks. It suddenly dawns on the pair that they have another hour or so left on the train and there is a strange bloke now chatting to them.

“The guys from the news, the footy guys!â€

“Well if you mean the guys who are up in Scotland then yes.†Flip says with one raised eyebrow.

“I knew it†the stranger proclaimed and duly he disappeared.

It is Williamson biggest gripe about public trains. The fact that any strange person can approach you and try and make conversation. Suddenly, however, both spare seats at the table are taken again as the ‘stranger’ returns with what appears to be a friend.

“You are them aren’t you?†asks the second strange chap.

“Well your mate has just told you that so it isn’t exactly an observation is it. Course it is! Can we do anything for you?â€

“Me and Simon. We are just what you need.â€

For a brief few seconds, the group sits in silence before the train announcer declares that they have arrived in Luton. Considering there options, Williamson feels tempted to jump off and just catch the next train heading the same way whilst Flip thinks a cab to SW6 may be better.

Now you are obviously wondering why, being a rich lotto winner and a professional coach in the duo, these chaps are on a train. Well, for the romantic ones of you, where would the fun be in the pair just travelling down south in their own motor. Besides, Williamson doesn’t drive and Flip, as a character, would be much keener on the idea of doing research on a train. Admit it, you all see fella’s on the train with laptops out thinking what on earth they could be doing. The truth, more often than not, is they are opening word documents and trying to be creative with their empty, lives. However, Williamson and Flip have something to be creative about. Scouring the search engines to find unattached players, Flip is enjoying his day on the net whilst Williamson enjoys nothing more than looking at coaching philosophies, manuals and theories.

But back to the journey. Williamson, as much as possible, is trying to not encourage the two guys sat at their table. But when one mentions that they know a former coaching friend of Williamson, suddenly interest arises.

“How do you know Graham?†asks Luke.

“I was with him at Chesterfield in the late 90’s†says the young chap.

“Sorry, so you can play a bit then. Tell me more?â€

“Well I played for Chesterfield and Luton at youth level but I wanted to concentrate on my studies a bit so I ended up playing semi-pro.â€

As the guys continues, he reveals a few facts about himself that sound very interesting. A midfielder, who had spells with Bath, Kings Lynn and a brief stint at Kettering, Stuart Joseph Warner, otherwise known as ArjenRobben, was highly rated at non-league level. So much so, that as they talk, Flip looks him up on the latest version of Football Manager on his lap-top.

If the FM database is anything to go by, all you have to do is look at the potential reached by some former young stars in the real world to know this game has it all covered.

“So you? What’s your story?†Flip enquires about the 2nd stranger who had first approached them.

“I’ve just been released from Wycombe. My deal was cancelled due to money. I wasn’t to fussed as they weren’t giving me much chance.â€

“Well look lads,†Williamson starts, “we are in London this evening and around for the weekend, but if you are both interested, you can come up and see us in Scotland.â€

This is sure to test how much a player wants a deal but without another word spoken, ArjenRobben and Simonh1979 leave the table and thank the pair for their time.

“Back to my book then…â€

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