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*Official* FM Ess 2006. The Team Of Could Be Legends.


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Peacemaker7:

Good to see the old man is getting a game icon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, I'm pleased for you PM icon_wink.gif

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Half Time Team Talk…

Keeping Heads Up!

“Boys, for 45 minutes, we’ve been the better team. We cannot let a few seconds ruin things for us. Head must remain focused and up for it.†Okkas tells his squad.

“He’s right guys. But the focus has to be on the game for the whole of the game. We switched off when the board went up saying 2 minutes to go. You won’t admit it but there were several of you that did.†Blissett tells them afterwards.

“Dire, Brian keep doing what you are doing. Run at men, push them deep. Matt, Flip continue tracking them runs. Ok?†Blissett demands.

“Mmmm†Matt quietly acknowledges.

“Macca, don’t get drawn out of your position. Let them drop off. Do not go with them. We can do this but we need to remember everything we planned.†Okkas chips in. “Anyone got any problems?â€

OMDave nervously gives the Physio the nod. “I jarred my knee when they broke for their first. I couldn’t get back.†OMDave tells. The physio takes a look whilst Okkas allows players time to reflect themselves.

“It’s vital we don’t panic too guys†Spav calls out. It is a positive comment at just the right time and players look at one another to confirm this is within their reach.

46 minutes;

Within seconds of the re-start, MaccaSAFC is felled just yards outside his own area but with the referee bewilderingly waving play-on, Davis runs at BobBev before rounding the keeper with style and composure.

“Davis, surely it is three!†Tyler comments. But somehow, a ever determined Matt_no_7 battles back to cover his keeper and sliding in at the very last second, scoops a effort off the line with Moor Green claiming a goal.

As all eyes move to the linesman, Flipsix3 collects possession and fires a direct ball down field for Okkas to chase. Controlling the ball on his chest, he nudges the ball past his marker before switching the ball behind him with a neat back heel into the path of Supa Playa.

“Now Supa Playa,... great first touch, he shoots, and it’s there…What an effort from the midfielder.†FM Ess are jumping for joy on the byeline WLKRAS and Bazza warm up.

“But no, the linesman says no!†Andy Gray notices.

“Well I can’t imagine why for the life of me.†Tyler says in amazement. “I can only imagine it is for something he has seen off the ball.â€

On reflection, the reply however, shows Supa Playa battling for space to get onto Okkas’ pass and in doing so, clashes with Petty some 30 yards from goal.

“Well I am not sure about that†Gray remarks.

The clock ticks down.

Chances are few and far between despite the explosive start to proceedings in the 2nd half. WLKRAS replaces OMDave on 55 minutes, shortly followed by the introduction of SDaveS for Flipsix3 who tired quickly.

“the skippers armband has been handed to Peacemaker7†notes Bright whilst he proclaims “It is starting to look more like a one way traffic half for Moor Green.â€

Despite these fears though, FM Ess battle bravely with MaccaSAFC, Spav and Matt_no_7 increasingly impressive in their respective roles.

But with time ticking away, the lack of influence from the attacking trio causes concern and on 75 minutes, Okkas opts to replace himself with a lively Bazza. Something of a veteran at 30, Okkas hopes that Bazza can add some strength to the game in order to fashion out some openings fro his two wing men who, with time, turn more and more into strikers.

78 minutes;

MaccaSAFC makes a fine, perfectly timed tackle just inside the box and with it, enables WLKRAS to set up an attack down the right. However, when Faulds dispossess the full back, danger looms large and with a fine cross delivered from the touchline, Davis must feels that Christmas has come early.

“Faulds…great ball…DAVIS…What a Stop, What an incredibly stop from BobBev†Tyler repeats.

“Incredible stuff†Gray agrees in his Scottish accent. Before adding “Unblievable†in a way that only he and Hansen could.

83 minutes;

And with chances still not appearing to come, Okkas screams at Supa Playa to adopt a strikers role. With Spav, Macca and WLKRAS now adopting a tight nit back three, Matt_no_7 playing a lonesome holding role and Peacemaker7 joined by SDaveS in the centre of the park, Okkas allows Supa Playa the freedom to link up with wingers and lone striker Bazza and it some proves a good choice.

85 minutes;

“Bazza holds off the tackle from Sanders†describes Bright on BBC Sport, “And out of no where, men are scrambling back and Supa Playa sprints through the crowd, latches onto the loose ball and momentarily hesitates before driving the ball across the face of Coates goal into the bottom corner. It was just fantasticly timed and decisive finishing from the play-making midfield man.â€

On the sidelines, both Okkas and Blissett are within the technical area screaming and barking instructions.

“MATTY, MATTY, HOLD, HOLD†Okkas gestures with his hands flat on the ground, suggesting the Leicester man should hold his ground more. But momentum is back with the FM Ess hopefuls and seconds after the re-start, Matt_no_07 breaks from his defensive role, beats Snape, plays a neat one-two with Bazza and drives an effort goal-wards.

Blissett moans however as a kick is launched from Coates all the way too Elmes. Elmes, finds substitute Bridgewater and within seconds of pushing for the 3rd goal, FM Ess are in danger of throwing it all away. But once again, MaccaSAFC is in fine form as he reads the through ball from the substitute and intercepts the pass intended for Davis.

88 minutes;

The fans of Moor Green sing and cheer and generally encourage their side to push for the win. As FM Ess concede a corner, the sideline appears full of panic. Every man but for Bazza is back in his own box, desperate to hold onto anything they have.

“Surely, with just seconds remaining before injury time, surely this is their last chance†Tyler poses. The ball is whipped in and with bodies left, right and centre, Collins rises the highest only to see his effort crash against the under side of the bar.

“Is it, NOOOO, Spav clears and FM Ess continue to fight. But only as far as Faulds.†Tyler shows clear excitement with Faulds set to drive his effort goalwards. But a aggressive tackle from Matt_no_7 saves BobBev from more work and the ball rolls free to Peacemaker7.

“Peacemaker7 now, just slowing things down somewhat.†Tyler says.

“It’s been incredibly hectic Martin. I can’t believe they have lasted the pace.†Gray suggests that FM Ess have ran themselves into the ground.

“Do they have the legs for one last chance before extra time? Does either side?†Tyler hopes for one last dramatic twist.

Peacemaker turns on the ball, shielding from Petty. The major difference in the two halves was Petty became less dominant, but now he had some work to do defensively. And when he brings Peacemaker7 down inside the centre circle, had it not been for MaccaSAFC’s quick thinking, the game could have petered out for extra time.

â€Macca takes it quickâ€

“his team mates wont thank him for that†Gray laughs. But on reflection, perhaps Bazza would.

“Bazza…turns, looks up.â€

“No support†Gray points out. He beats Collins though and now things begin open up.

“Bazza, has Dire Wrangle in support, he finds him….Dire crosses, and now Sanders is stretching…†as sanders stretches to cut out a cross meant for Bazza, the ball spins towards the edge of the box.

“Supa PLAYAAAAAAA - - - - -GOALLLLL, and they’ve done it.â€

The bench goes delirious. Fans, albeit just a few hundred or so, go mental whilst those who were perhaps neutral but putting their support behind The Storymakers begin to get excited too.

“They’ve won it at the death†glows Mark Bright on BBC Sport whilst Okkas and Blissett become even more animated on the touchline. Before you can say ‘get back’, Matt_no_7 and SDaveS have joined the back 3 to create a 5. Dire, Brian and Peacemaker have dropped deep to make a 4 man midfield with skipper Peacemaker7 and Bazza is even struggling not to keep some sort of shape.

93 minutes;

“Petty hits it, and its blocked…Now Snape…cannot find space. Into the feet of Elmes…and his touch lets him down. Petty again….drills it and…and well its safely in the hands of BobBev who pounces on it.†Tyler describes the panic measures from Moor Green.

“And there it is, the whistle goes and FM Ess have ran out 3-2 winner. Now, surely the real story can begin for the Storymakers.†Tyler concludes….

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FM Ess ‘2006’ 3-2 Moor Green

Post Match Analysis;

As the players stroll of the pitch at Stokes Britannia stadium, the young, fresh FM Ess side want to soak up the moment and appear reluctant to leave the field of play. Okkas, Blissett, Waddle and Co’ are straight onto the field however to join the rest of the squad in the celebrations. Okkas insists that each and every one of them goes over to the fans who made the journey from where ever they may have roamed and straight away the songs ring out.




“BRI-AN-OF-NAZ-A-RATH†(To tune of Jose Mourinho)

And immediately, the squad milk the moment. BobBev, especially looks pleased within himself. At the veteran age of 38, he was under increasing pressure to show he had what it took at this level and despite some shaky moments early on, he really looked like a potential match winner in the second half.

Blissett commented:

“All the boys were great today. We made some errors but that is what the game is about and at such a pressure moment type of game, we came good. I am pleased for them.â€

Adding to that, Chris Waddle claimed to be:

“Impressed with the mentality of the players. They never gave up and we caused problems for them throughout.â€


1. BobBev: 8

2. OMDave: 8 injured 55

3. Spav: 8

5. MaccaSAFC: 9

4. Flipsix3: 8 © off 55

6. Matt_no_7: 9

7. Peacemaker7: 8

8. Supa Playa: 8 + 2 goals

9. Dire Wrangle: 8

10. Brian Of Nazarath: 7

11. Okkas: 7 + 1 goal & off 75


12. WLKRAS: 7

13. SDaveS: 7 On 55

14. Bazza: 8 On 75

Andy Gray (Sky Sports):

“They showed grit and determination and on the whole, I’d say a fair result.â€

Ben Petty (Moor Green play-maker):

“It was a great contest and I am sure they’ll enjoy their football as much as we do. I think it was harsh for either side to lose that game but as a player, it was exciting. I just hope we get a chance to get back up there soon. We’re all gutted but on reflection they deserve some credit.â€

Dean Thomas (Hinckley Utd boss);

“I watched the game and it was great for the neutral. But it’ll take something more for them to make any steps next season in this division.â€

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brian of Nazareth:

Awesome write up Okkas! An assist for the first goal!

Top work in goal there Bob and nice finish Supa Playa icon14.gificon_wink.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bemused as to how me and you noly got 7's though! icon_frown.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Macca_SAFC:

\0/ Involved in the winner </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

\0/ Scored the winner!

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Day after the game before;

May 22nd 2005

As the squad arrives back in Fort William on the coach from Glasgow Airport, the squad are ordered to report back to FM Ess HQ for a de-brief and to sign contracts on a full-time basis.

Once all gathered, the players are met with some of the best news they’ve probably ever had.

“Okay chaps, you will all receive two months wages up front as a good will gesture. Any of you needing to work notice elsewhere can do so from this week. You all have 4 weeks of and will report back for training on June 20th. Between then and now, your time is your own but spend it wisely. Those of you with knocks, we need to keep a little eye on them so let us all know where you’ll be spending the next month and we can arrange for physio’s to keep you in check.†Explains Flipsix3, the man who pays the wages.

The mood is great and the excitement is clear. If truth be told, most would rather they just get on with pre-season now.

The Oban Times wrote:

“FM Ess were worthy winners showing spirit and passion that will make them a hit in Fort William.â€

Whilst most of the squad pack to make plans for their respective journeys home, Okkas quietly anticipates some free time alone to build his back room staff up. With Waddle, Thorsvedt, Blissett, Strupar and Palmer all in, Okkas feels his group of back room staff needs to be doubled in size somewhat with some experts in physiotherapy particularly needed.

First and foremost, Okkas arranges for his younger brother, and motivational psychologist Kizz Williamson to get involved in the set-up. Okkas tells Flip;

“he is good that way, he see’s things that don’t normally striker normal folk.â€

Over the next few days, several folk entertain the possibility of coming to Fort William with Okkas holding interviews for both coaching and scouting jobs.

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The Back Room Staff;

Okkas; Luke Williamson - Player-Manager

With days at Notts County as a YTS firmly behind him, Okkas has spent his days working his way through clubs and systems as a coach, manager and bit part player.

A coach who feels he can motivate to a very high level, Okkas’ strengths as a coach are getting the best out of players and pulling their performance to a level beyond their own expectations. In the past, he has been likened to a Sam Allardyce or a Neil Warnock of the lower Leagues.

Whilst working up to his U.E.F.A Pro License and B badge, Okkas plied his trade playing for Scrappy Legends as a Player-Boss and spent the 03/04 season netting 33 goals in 32 competitive games.

But this will be a huge step up for him so only time will tell if he has the capabilities to mix playing and managing.

Luther Blissett – Assistant Manager

Luther was something of an icon in his playing days, being the first black footballer to represent England. And represent he did netting a hat-trick on his England debut in a 9-0 win over Luxembourg.

Plying his trade in the 1970s and 1980’s, Blissett spent time with Watford in an 8 season spell before a £1,ooo,ooo move to AC Milan saw him hit the big time. However, it was reported that it may have been a case of mistaken identity of the Milan scouts as Blissett went onto struggle in Serie A whilst John Barnes, then of Watford, continued to impress.

In his later playing days, Blissett turned out for Mansfield Town, Bury, York, West Brom and Bournemouth before ending his playing days and working in the Media for Channel 4 and Serie A football.

And passionate coach, Blissett will bring enthusiasm to a role that will be very demanding with Okkas expected to be on the pitch as much as off it.

Peacemaker7 – Assistant Manager

Although he is Okkas’ right hand man, Peacemaker will be more often than not, out on the field pulling the strings. Okkas’ right hand man non-the-less, he will work in tandem with him during training and in all off-field activities. But the match-day decisions will perhaps be more a thing for Luther Blissett.

Raptor – Director Of Football

The Dutchman will take a back seat for the first part of the season working behind names such as Otto Baric and Boninsegna. Raptor, with a wide knowledge of development in the sporting context will aim to use his European contacts to bring in players from the continent and use the Dutch philosophy of coaches who like to play the game rather than grind out results.

Otto Baric – Director Of Football and Scouting

The former Croat coach, at 71, will perhaps be a short term appointment in a post that Okkas and Flipsix feel can be filled by their good friend Raptor. But with good contacts throughout the footballing world, Baric is a massive coup for a club of this standard and will also use his coaching skills to help the club.

Mainly as a defensive coach, Baric will also keep a close eye on the youth team and will work in co-operation with the scouts at the club.

Robert Boninsegna – Head Coach

The Italian, at 61, will take a more reserved outlook of the training and schedules used but will be at the very heart of all the decisions and idea’s being banded about. Coming highly recommended from Franco Zola’s agent, Okkas feels that a wise head will give him a traditionalist view of modern football and not allow the club to get carried away with new idea’s and youthful approaches to the game.

Erik Thorsvedt – Goalkeeping Coach

Born in 1962, Erik was considered by many as perhaps the best ever Norwegian goalkeeper, totalling 97 caps in his impressive career. Winning League titles in Sweden with Goteburg, Thorsvedt will be remembered best in England for his days as Tottenham’s number 1.

He won the 1991 FA Cup with the Spurs outfit after seasons with Monchengladbach, Goteburg and Viking. Thorsvedt has to retire from the game in 1996 due to back injuries and had spells as Director Of Football at Viking as well as Goalkeeping coach for the Norway national team.

He possesses a great understanding of his expert area and will give his experience to the goalkeepers in the squad to improve them all as individuals.

Chris Waddle - Coach

Although rejected by Newcastle, Sunderland and Coventry City, the former sausage factory worker came good after a short non-league career with Tow Law Town.

Perhaps one of the most famous left wingers the country has ever produced, Waddle had ability in abundance from his days playing on his local streets in Hepworth near Gateshead.

A former PFA Player of the Year, Waddle spent his best days in England with Tottenham Hotspur and Sheffield Wednesday. But sandwiched between these two clubs, Waddle enjoyed his best success winning three league titles with Marseilles of France in a side that paid £4.5oo,ooo for the tricky winger. Waddle flourished as one of the top players in a side full of stars and unfortunately, will be looked back on as the man who missed ‘that’ penalty for England during this time.

Now very much a rooky in the coaching game, Waddle is an excellent coach of technique, attacking play and set pieces and will be someone for the youngsters to look up to.

Charlie Palmer - Coach

Most famously known for Sir Charlie Palmer Day (Feb 12th) to commemorate the day Palmer netted the winner in a 2-1 win for Notts County over fierce rivals Nottingham Forest, Palmer was an industrious right back with real grit and determination.

A stalwart in the Notts side of the early-to-mid 90’s, Palmer has more recently been Dean Thomas’ number two at Hinckley United after reunited with the former team-mate from the good old days at Notts.

Palmer is great at working with youngsters and has real passion for the game at this level. His all round ability at coaching all areas will be a great asset to the club.

Branko Strupar - Coach

Born in Zagreb in 1970, Strupar went on to represent Belgium through marriage in 1999 scoring 5 goals in 17 international caps. His best days, whilst as FC Genk, saw him win promotion to the top flight in Belgium before netting 22 goals in the 97/98 season, winning Player of the Season and in 98/99, he helped his side win the league title.

Following this, he had a semi-successful stint in England with Derby but injuries hampered his progress somewhat. Now a coach, Strupar is particularly good at working with strikers and movement and will be a welcome addition to the squad.

Allan Leighton - Coach

Leighton joins the club as a coach and will be focused on aiding the development of the younger players as well as working at the clubs newly formed academy. His tactical knowledge is also excellent and at 52, will bring some experience to a young back room.

Denis Holmark – Fitness Coach

The Danish coach will bring an all round coaching approach to the club with no particular expertise but strong in all departments. He see’s his strength in the fitness department and will work with Charlie Palmer to get the optimum performance out of the players.

Adrian Moore – Physio

Adrian Moore will join the club as the top physio, replacing the temporary doctors and physio’s that have kept his seat warm for him.

Giancralo Antognoni – Head Scout

Giancarlo Antognoni will be the main man in terms of scouting. He will be given time to build up his own small back room team but Giancarlo himself will be accountable for all the dossiers, reports and files on opposition, potential signings and interested parties.

Experienced in his job, Antognoni has spent many years in Serie A producing top work for many clubs but has recently opted for a quieter life, away from the limelight as he enters his 50’s.

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The Back Room Staff;

Okkas; Luke Williamson - Player-Manager

With days at Notts County as a YTS firmly behind him, Okkas has spent his days working his way through clubs and systems as a coach, manager and bit part player.

A coach who feels he can motivate to a very high level, Okkas’ strengths as a coach are getting the best out of players and pulling their performance to a level beyond their own expectations. In the past, he has been likened to a Sam Allardyce or a Neil Warnock of the lower Leagues.

Whilst working up to his U.E.F.A Pro License and B badge, Okkas plied his trade playing for Scrappy Legends as a Player-Boss and spent the 03/04 season netting 33 goals in 32 competitive games.

But this will be a huge step up for him so only time will tell if he has the capabilities to mix playing and managing.

Luther Blissett – Assistant Manager

Luther was something of an icon in his playing days, being the first black footballer to represent England. And represent he did netting a hat-trick on his England debut in a 9-0 win over Luxembourg.

Plying his trade in the 1970s and 1980’s, Blissett spent time with Watford in an 8 season spell before a £1,ooo,ooo move to AC Milan saw him hit the big time. However, it was reported that it may have been a case of mistaken identity of the Milan scouts as Blissett went onto struggle in Serie A whilst John Barnes, then of Watford, continued to impress.

In his later playing days, Blissett turned out for Mansfield Town, Bury, York, West Brom and Bournemouth before ending his playing days and working in the Media for Channel 4 and Serie A football.

And passionate coach, Blissett will bring enthusiasm to a role that will be very demanding with Okkas expected to be on the pitch as much as off it.

Peacemaker7 – Assistant Manager

Although he is Okkas’ right hand man, Peacemaker will be more often than not, out on the field pulling the strings. Okkas’ right hand man non-the-less, he will work in tandem with him during training and in all off-field activities. But the match-day decisions will perhaps be more a thing for Luther Blissett.

Raptor – Director Of Football

The Dutchman will take a back seat for the first part of the season working behind names such as Otto Baric and Boninsegna. Raptor, with a wide knowledge of development in the sporting context will aim to use his European contacts to bring in players from the continent and use the Dutch philosophy of coaches who like to play the game rather than grind out results.

Otto Baric – Director Of Football and Scouting

The former Croat coach, at 71, will perhaps be a short term appointment in a post that Okkas and Flipsix feel can be filled by their good friend Raptor. But with good contacts throughout the footballing world, Baric is a massive coup for a club of this standard and will also use his coaching skills to help the club.

Mainly as a defensive coach, Baric will also keep a close eye on the youth team and will work in co-operation with the scouts at the club.

Robert Boninsegna – Head Coach

The Italian, at 61, will take a more reserved outlook of the training and schedules used but will be at the very heart of all the decisions and idea’s being banded about. Coming highly recommended from Franco Zola’s agent, Okkas feels that a wise head will give him a traditionalist view of modern football and not allow the club to get carried away with new idea’s and youthful approaches to the game.

Erik Thorsvedt – Goalkeeping Coach

Born in 1962, Erik was considered by many as perhaps the best ever Norwegian goalkeeper, totalling 97 caps in his impressive career. Winning League titles in Sweden with Goteburg, Thorsvedt will be remembered best in England for his days as Tottenham’s number 1.

He won the 1991 FA Cup with the Spurs outfit after seasons with Monchengladbach, Goteburg and Viking. Thorsvedt has to retire from the game in 1996 due to back injuries and had spells as Director Of Football at Viking as well as Goalkeeping coach for the Norway national team.

He possesses a great understanding of his expert area and will give his experience to the goalkeepers in the squad to improve them all as individuals.

Chris Waddle - Coach

Although rejected by Newcastle, Sunderland and Coventry City, the former sausage factory worker came good after a short non-league career with Tow Law Town.

Perhaps one of the most famous left wingers the country has ever produced, Waddle had ability in abundance from his days playing on his local streets in Hepworth near Gateshead.

A former PFA Player of the Year, Waddle spent his best days in England with Tottenham Hotspur and Sheffield Wednesday. But sandwiched between these two clubs, Waddle enjoyed his best success winning three league titles with Marseilles of France in a side that paid £4.5oo,ooo for the tricky winger. Waddle flourished as one of the top players in a side full of stars and unfortunately, will be looked back on as the man who missed ‘that’ penalty for England during this time.

Now very much a rooky in the coaching game, Waddle is an excellent coach of technique, attacking play and set pieces and will be someone for the youngsters to look up to.

Charlie Palmer - Coach

Most famously known for Sir Charlie Palmer Day (Feb 12th) to commemorate the day Palmer netted the winner in a 2-1 win for Notts County over fierce rivals Nottingham Forest, Palmer was an industrious right back with real grit and determination.

A stalwart in the Notts side of the early-to-mid 90’s, Palmer has more recently been Dean Thomas’ number two at Hinckley United after reunited with the former team-mate from the good old days at Notts.

Palmer is great at working with youngsters and has real passion for the game at this level. His all round ability at coaching all areas will be a great asset to the club.

Branko Strupar - Coach

Born in Zagreb in 1970, Strupar went on to represent Belgium through marriage in 1999 scoring 5 goals in 17 international caps. His best days, whilst as FC Genk, saw him win promotion to the top flight in Belgium before netting 22 goals in the 97/98 season, winning Player of the Season and in 98/99, he helped his side win the league title.

Following this, he had a semi-successful stint in England with Derby but injuries hampered his progress somewhat. Now a coach, Strupar is particularly good at working with strikers and movement and will be a welcome addition to the squad.

Allan Leighton - Coach

Leighton joins the club as a coach and will be focused on aiding the development of the younger players as well as working at the clubs newly formed academy. His tactical knowledge is also excellent and at 52, will bring some experience to a young back room.

Denis Holmark – Fitness Coach

The Danish coach will bring an all round coaching approach to the club with no particular expertise but strong in all departments. He see’s his strength in the fitness department and will work with Charlie Palmer to get the optimum performance out of the players.

Adrian Moore – Physio

Adrian Moore will join the club as the top physio, replacing the temporary doctors and physio’s that have kept his seat warm for him.

Giancralo Antognoni – Head Scout

Giancarlo Antognoni will be the main man in terms of scouting. He will be given time to build up his own small back room team but Giancarlo himself will be accountable for all the dossiers, reports and files on opposition, potential signings and interested parties.

Experienced in his job, Antognoni has spent many years in Serie A producing top work for many clubs but has recently opted for a quieter life, away from the limelight as he enters his 50’s.

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FM Ess 2006: Squad

For the forthcoming season, FM Ess has assigned squad numbers to their players despite the Conference North not complying with squad numbers. Here is the squad that follows;

Please accept apologies for any variations in personal stats which may have been mistakenly inputted.


FM Ess have three full-time goalkeepers in their squad with a mix of youth and experience. Erik Thorsvedt is the trio’s personal coach.

1. Binny: GK

Israeli – 5ft7, 11st 6lbs – Aged 23.

Binny is also a coach for the club and is an excellent shot stopped.

13. Terk: GK

England – 5ft 9, 12st 6lbs – Aged 21

Agile and quick off the mark.

23. BobBev: GK

Scottish – 5ft 11, 12st 4lbs - Aged 38

Veteran keeper who has great positional sense


A limited amount of members make up a defensive unit but with Okkas’ preference in playing 3 at the back, it may not be a issue. Versatile full-backs will prove vital.


Dutch – 5ft 9, 11st 6lbs - Aged 20

Young vibrant full-back, WLKRAS can play either side of defence.

2. OMDave: D R, DM

French – 5ft 10, 11st – Aged 30

Experienced right back with good organisational skills

16. Dixie Flatline: D L

English – 5ft 8, 11st 9lbs – Aged 20

Nippy left back with a neat strike. Energetic.

5. MaccaSAFC: D C

English – 6ft, 11st – Aged 18

Young but composed, Macca is a ball-playing centre half.

21. Sam015: D C

English – 5ft 8, 11st 4lbs – Aged 24

Strong centre half who likes the physical side of the game.

19 . KingMike: D C

English – 5ft 9, 11st 11lbs – Aged 18

Inexperience but loads of ability.

3. Spav D/WB/M L

Australia – 5ft 9, 11st 9lbs – Aged 28

Well developed left back with versatility and vision in his game.


A mostly young midfield group, several experienced faces are vital in the progress of those around them. Chris Waddle will look forward to working with some bright wingers and a good amount of defensive minded players give good balance.

6. SDaveS: DM

English – 5ft 6 11st – Aged 16

The only youngster under the age of 16, SDaveS has bags of ability but needs times.

25. Hell Hath No Fury: DM

English – 5ft 5, 10st 7lbs – 17

Small in size, he has natural passing ability to control tempo.

4. Flipsix3: DM/M R

English – 6ft 1, 13st 7lbs – Aged 26

24. ArjenRobben: M R

English – 5ft 8, 10st 9lbs – Aged 19

One sided, he has good creativity and work-rate.

14. Matt_no_7: M RLC

English – 6ft, 12st 1lbs – Aged 21

Excellent positionally, Matt is a strong ball winner also.

8. Supa Playa: M RLC

English – 5ft 9, 11st – Aged 20

Good going forward, has an eye for goal and can pick of a pass.

7. Peacemaker7: M L

Scottish – 5ft 10, 11st 9lbs – Aged 33

Clever on the ball and a creative visionary. Good leadership skills.

20. Simonh1979: AM R

English – 5ft 10, 11st 11lbs – Aged 26

Very attack minded, he likes to beat a man and is good at delivering a cross.

10. Dire Wrangle: AM R

English – 5ft 8, 11st 4lbs – Aged 20

Also great at knocking in the service balls, Dire has pace and ability to dribble past players.

15. Brian Of Nazarath: AM LC

English – 5ft 9, 11st 6lbs – Aged 19

Tricky on the ball, fast and agile, Nazarath gives great balance on the left flank.

22. uskopite: AM C

American – 6ft 6, 15st 3lbs – Aged 20

A play-making player, he can switch play well and finds gaps in opposition defences.


A small group of attackers, they will have to work well as a unit and encourage each other to better their own performance. All 4 forwards offer something different.

11. Okkas: F C

English – 5ft 8, 10st 7lbs – Aged 22

Natural finisher, his acceleration earns him good chances.

18. Super Walli: F C

Dutch – 6ft 1, 13st 3lbs – Aged 17

Young, strong attacker. Good in the air and enables good hold up play.

9. Bazza: ST

English – 5ft 11, 11st 4lbs – Aged 30

Veteran forward with experience in abundance. Clever feet and works well off others.

17. Daz The Imp: ST

English – 6ft 2, 13st 3lbs – Aged 17

Bright forward, good on the ball and a composed finisher.

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Based: Fort William

Division: English Conference North

Stadium: Fortress FMS (20,000 capacity)

Training HQ: Caol, Fort William

Home Strip: Forum Blue Pinstripe Shirts / Forum Blue Shorts / Forum Blue Socks.

Away Strip: Red and Yellow Hoops / Red / Yellow

Third Strip: Black & White Stripes / Black / White

Directors Of Football: Raptor, Otto Baric

Player/Manager: Okkas

Assistants: Peacemaker7, Luther Blissett, Displaced_Seagull

Head Coach: Robert Boninsegna

Goalkeeping Coach: Erik Thorsvedt

Coaches: Binny, Chris Waddle, Branko Strupar, Allan Leighton, Charlie Palmer

Fitness Coach: Denis Holmark

Physio: Adrian Moore

Scouts: Giancarlo Antognoni, John Collins


1. Binny

2. OMDave

3. Spav

4. Flipsix3

5. MaccaSAFC

6. SDaveS

7. Peacemaker7

8. Supa Playa

9. Bazza

10. Dire Wrangle

11. Okkas


13. Terk

14. Matt_no_7

15. Brian Of Nazarath

16. Dixie Flatline

17. Daz The Imp

18. Super Walli

19. KingMike

20. Simonh1979

21. Sam_015

22. uskopite

23. BobBev

24. ArjenRobben

25. Hell Hath No Fury

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Okkas:

13. Terk: GK

England </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Walking a very close line to being banned if you keep stuff like that up icon_mad.gif

Good story though icon14.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">4. Flipsix3: DM/M R

English – 6ft 1, 13st 7lbs – Aged 26 </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

ah, he's chopped 2 inches off the top of my head! icon_redface.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Terk:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Okkas:

13. Terk: GK

England </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Walking a very close line to being banned if you keep stuff like that up icon_mad.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

He makes up for it with the next bit, though:

13. Terk: GK

England – 5ft 9, 12st 6lbs – Aged 21

Agile and quick off the mark.


Quite liked this one, too:

2. OMDave: D R, DM

French – 5ft 10, 11st – Aged 30

Experienced right back with good organisational skills

Would that it were true! I might actually be able to finish a story icon_biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">1. Binny: GK

Israeli – 5ft7, 11st 6lbs – Aged 23.

Binny is also a coach for the club and is an excellent shot stopper. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

what diet am I on? I seem to have lost about 4.5 stone icon_eek.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by OMDave:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Terk:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Okkas:

13. Terk: GK

England </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Walking a very close line to being banned if you keep stuff like that up icon_mad.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

He makes up for it with the next bit, though:

13. Terk: GK

England – 5ft 9, 12st 6lbs – Aged 21

Agile and quick off the mark.



those two bits i'm delighted with icon_biggrin.gif

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Pre-Season…The vital few weeks;

As the squad reports back, mostly fit and healthy for the new season ahead, Okkas puts his every individual through a rigorous health check with new physio Adrian Moore. Moore comments that “for a group with minimal experience at any high level, they are decent shape†although one or two are warned they need to up their game somewhat in the fitness department.

Although Okkas learnt much from researching methods of Mourinho and Van Gaal, he does feel that a physically demanding approach without football may be a good idea and discusses it with Charlie Palmer and Luther Blissett.

On the injury front, Sam_015 reports back with several niggling knocks but nothing long term whilst Terk’s back problems suggest to Moore that the keeper may miss the start of the season.

But with many new faces on the scene in the coaching department and back-room, things are once again refreshed somewhat ahead of a gruelling few weeks.

Once again, all squad members and back room staff meet on June 20th after lunch for a briefing on the next few weeks pre-season work. Friendlies are scheduled for the second week in July and whilst several low key games have been pencilled in, Okkas hopes to pit his wits against a side from either League One or League Two too show his boys what is needed to progress.

With a trip abroad already behind the majority of the squad, and with uskopite’s Mum successfully shipping over his spare set of clothes, the boys are introduced to one final member of the team who recently signed a one year deal.

“I’d like to introduce Ray Wilkins to you all. I’m sure you don’t need any history of the guy. We all know he is top class at what he does. He is going to take a consultancy role within the club and will work alongside myself and Luther mainly, just helping me progress as a manager and enabling me to juggle the two rolesâ€

Ray Wilkins- The Final piece in the jigsaw…probably

Butch, as he was known, is one of the most respected former player and coaches still within the game today. Former Player-Manager himself with QPR, Wilkins began his career with Chelsea, making his name for the boyhood club as a youngster. Wilkins was so influential, he earnt the captaincy at the Bridge by the age of 19 and showed great promise in the role.

After making his international debut in 1976, Wilkins went on to command a first team place for a decade with England. He had a mixed career on the international stage however with England under-performing in the European Championships in particular, also failing to qualify for 1984. In Mexico 1986, Wilkins saw red in England’s second game and subsequently, missed out on the next two games and missed out being re-instated into the side.

Wilkins commanded £800,000 when he moved to Manchester Utd in 1979. 5 years on, AC Milan paid £1,500,000 for Wilkins before he moved on to enjoy spells with PSG and Rangers.

With time, Wilkins moved into his twilight days and moved down in club status with time at both QPR, briefly with Palace and spells for Wycombe, Hibs and Millwall.

Wilkins the coach however, probably flourished when he became chief operating officer under Kevin Keegan at Fulham in the glory days of Fulham rise up the football league.

More recently, Wilkins returned to boyhood Chelsea where he was an integral part of Luca Vialli’s back room staff with Rix. Wilkins briefly managed the club in a care-taker role but his only game was a 2-1 defeat to Leicester City and he was shown the door shortly after Vialli.

Wilkins moved on to join Dennis Wise at Millwall seasons later but it was only a short period in his career before he left to continue in his punditry role for which he is still respected and loved.

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Aye mate - it looks like we have lots of real quality to follow after in terms of playing examples. Top notch pro's at our smallish club. In the very least there will be quite a few lads hanging over the fences trying to get some sigs from our staff.

Brilliant commentary for our first victory. It was a very interesting, fluid combination of styles. Very refreshing.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Hell Hath No Fury:

5ft5? icon_biggrin.gif

im tiny icon_frown.gificon_biggrin.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

No doubt you have been cursed with short man's disease - yah fiesty little bugger

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With the staff unsure what they can expect from their squad, Okkas decides for several small games behind closed doors before he lets the public see his dream in process.

Gretna and Queen Of The South are both confirmed as opponents for late July however with excitement already buzzing about the first real home game at the new stadium.

The Oban Times writes:

“With the stadium expected to pass safety checks this forthcoming week, locals are already excited about the first game that will be played in the new stadium. A rushed project has seen the stadium assembled quickly and already a talking point around the football league, people are beginning to pay attention to Fort Williams ambitious football club.â€

Explains an editorial column.

Gretna meanwhile tell how they are delighted to have been asked to play in the grounds opening game on the 31st July. On the same subject, Hell Hath No Fury told Sky Sports:

â€We cannot wait. We can finally get on with what we are being paid to do and we can do it for the locals. Despite growing a further two inch in height in the past few weeks, I still feel my feet are firmly on the ground though.â€

The comments came after club reports claimed the ‘diminutive’ player was only 5ft 5 whilst several players have hit out at claims they are over-weight. One un-named player said: “Over-weight…me? Never! I am VERY over weight.â€

Pre-season training meanwhile is now in full swing with Wilkins wandering around the training complex admiring the set-up, Blissett barking orders, Palmer and Moore pushing players physically and Okkas showing hints at his starting line-up with several players taking part in small sided games on a regular basis.

The ‘Bible’ as Okkas refers to it, is given to all coaches within the club and players progress, boundaries and capabilities are to be monitored at all times to ensure the club is moving in the right direction.

Okkas explained to Channel 4:

“We have to be strict with everyone. We MUST keep within our targets to progress as a team, as individuals and as a club over all. But the players will appreciate how tight a ship we run eventually and those that don’t will not last at the club.â€

Reports from within the club reveal all is not as expected too when it is revealed that Dixie Flatline, KingMike, uskopite, Super Walli, Hell Hath No Fury and BobBev have not all signed full-time deals at present. An insider suggests the group were not happy with the financial packages offered to them and have signed part-time deals in order to make a point. However, Otto Baric tells the press;

“It is not like reports say. We have many players who want to play part-time until that sort out their current jobs.â€

The Sun tries to stir disharmony however claiming that one or two squad members have signed deals nearing £1,000 whilst others have only have had offers of £200 per week.

All is expected to be revealed on Channel 4 however with the new series getting into the nitty, gritty side of the business of football.

Friendly Fixtures;

Jul 25th Ayr Reserves verse FM Ess Representative side

Jul 26th Motherwell Under 19’s verse FM Ess Representative side

Jul 31st FM Ess 2006 v Gretna

Aug 2nd FM Ess 2006 v Queen Of The South

Aug 6th FM Ess 2006 v FM Ess Reserves

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by uskopite:

Brilliant commentary for our first victory. It was a very interesting, fluid combination of styles. Very refreshing. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cheers mate, nice to know people enjoying it!!!

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Yeah, i wasn't gonna say anything myself but i seem to have reverted to my most hated position (while impressed with my performance in 'that' game, i refused to play in a few games if i was forced to play there lol) When i said i liken myself to Alan Smith, i meant the Leeds Utd Alan Smith, not the half arsed example you see at Man Utd today, if he's a centre midfielder, i'm Mr. Kippling and i can tell you my cakes are not exceedingly good.

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24th July 2005

Rumours suggesting disharmony already in the FM Ess camp are quashed immediately with Part-Timer Binny declaring he is happy to sign a full-time deal as are all the squad members. Binny puts pen to paper on a 4 year deal, showing his commitment and ambition for the club alone.

Meanwhile, all other part-timers confirm to the press that they are negotiating full-time deals to place them on par with other team members.

Despite most other clubs becoming very active in the transfer market, Okkas reveals to the press that he is happy with what he has. John Collins arrives in Scotland however to take up his pre-arranged role as scout for the club. Okkas confirms to the squad that Collins will be responsible for looking up on forthcoming opposition and is put straight into the task of making pre-season notes on the Conference North’s squads and star players.

Fort William’s stadium, nearing completion, is officially named as Fortress FMS to the press on the 23rd July and with it, the squad turn on for press photos at the new footballing home.

Forum blue seating throughout, with deep blue FMS lettering written across the larger, Mountain side stand, Sports Interactive and Channel 4 take up 90% of the advertising hoardings with Football Manager 2006 the most notable advert in the stadium. With a scenic backdrop of lush green countryside and mountainous landscape, the squad join together for a photo that the following morning will appear all over the press.

One paper notes how;

“FM Ess have a back room staff to rival premiership clubs†in reference to Collins, Waddle, Baric and Blissett in the frame.

Channel 4 and FM Ess jointly reveal that they will help the public get to know their players by way of focussing on the members of the club, one by one, as of the start of the season.

Early indications suggest FM Ess are in for a very rough ride however, being touted as the favourites for relegation in their first season, The Story Makers know they’ll have their work cut out to stay in the division.

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July 25th & 26th

Reserves games at Ayr and Motherwell

With very little in terms of publicity, Okkas ensures the game is played behind closed doors against a mixed bunch from Ayr. However, limited substitutions are confirmed to keep some reality in the match but Okkas opts to start with just 10 men on order to make his side play against pressure.

The only news leaked to the press however is the fact that FM Ess lose 2-1 and only score via a late Own Goal. Blissett explains to the press that the game was â€a let down†but refuses to go into details.

But with a 0-0 draw following the day after, Okkas tells the press that all fit squad members features over the two days and only Binny, MaccaSAFC and Flipsix3 can come away with much credit.

Ladbrookes offers punters odds of 3-1 that the club change management before Christmas whilst offering just 15-1 that the club fail to win a game all season.

With a home game verse Gretna arranged for the 31st, Adrian Moore records that Terk, Sam015 and Peacemaker7 will all be unavailable for the game due to long term injury in Terks case, and virus’ in the others.

Despite this, the whole squad are told they have to travel with the whole team building theme vital for the next few weeks.

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The Oban Times - 29th July 2005

After varied stories of unhappiness in the ranks already at FM Ess, Director of Football, Otto Baric has spoken about several first team players signing full time deals. KingMike, Super Walli, Dixie Flatline and Hell Hath No Fury have all penned new deals, with the later of the four signing up until 2009.

The news comes just days after Channel 4 was refused the rights to air interviews regarding contracts after it was reported that several players were unable to agree full time deals.

The news leaves just uskopite and BobBev with part-time deals at the club in Fort William and will be something of a boost for Okkas with his squad looking to open their new stadium at home to Gretna this week.

Meanwhile, an offer believed to be in the region of £75k has been rejected by FM Ess for centre half MaccaSAFC who has impressed of late despite very few chances to impress in the semi-pro game.

It has been suggested that the young defender will be one of the stars this coming season for the new boys in the Conference North whilst Hinckley Utd have refused to comment on the suggestion that they are to sue FM Ess over the signing of Hinckley’s former assistant Charlie Palmer.

In other news, former Fulham and Sunderland defender Andy Melville agreed a move to Hinckley after a summer of clubs battling for his signature.

Hinckley have been listed as one of the favourites for the title this coming year whilst FM Ess are 200/1 outsiders for promotion to the Conference National.

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FM Ess 2006 verse Gretna

Sunday 31st July 2005;

Friendly Fixture from Fortress FMS

Robert McAulay reports

“Hello and welcome to listeners on BBC Radio Scotland. If you have just joined us after our news bulletin we are live at Fortress FMS in a very full, very blue looking stadium which has near to 20,000 capacity but only half full. However, I am told that is much better than expected and with me I have Gary McAllister, evening Gary†,McAulay looks across in the gantry at his co-reporter.

The stadium is fairly full in fairness. And, from above, the Forum Blue is very prominent on a cool, warm Sunday evening at the base of Ben Nevis. The floodlights are warming up however as the time approaches 8pm and with just a few hundred Gretna fans packed into the small corner, it is obvious that this evening is purely for the FM Ess squad.

“Evening Robert. What a great scene we have hereâ€. McAllister glances across the pitch. The beautiful landscape setting a near-perfect picture. The home side warming up on the near side of the pitch in white training shirts and socks rolled down. It’s quite a eye-blinking moment as you can spot Ray Wilkins and Luther Blissett on the sideline talking to dignitaries.

“Well it is the start of a fabulous journey Gary. Just how much can the locals expect?â€

“Well, who knows?†responds McAllister. “But I am sure these guys will give it a good bash. They have a wealth of experience and who knows, with a wee bit of youth and drive inside them, they may stabilise themselves.â€

The Oban Times Perspective

The papers are keen to report the following day…



FM Ess saw their new stadium christened in a true footballing way with a 5-goal thriller for the public to whet their appetites ahead of the forthcoming season. With Gretna the kind visitors for the memorable occasion, famous faces were on show for the opening friendly game, just weeks prior to the first league game in the Conference North.

FM Ess started with Binny in goal for the historic game. Playing with 3 at the back once again, WLKRAS and Dixie Flatline made their first real starts in the full-back roles with the highly rated MaccaSAFC at centre half. In the two holding roles, Hell Hath No Fury and FlipSix3 were the willing occupants whilst Supa Playa and uskopite played in the heart of the side.

In the winger roles, Simonh1979 played left wing, with Brian Of Nazarath wide right. And to finish, Bazza played in the lone striker role in hope to impress the sidelined manager (and other striker, Okkas).

GRETNA: Summersgill, Townsley, Joseph, Maddison, Prokas, Cummersky, Thomson, Boyd, Adams, Farnington, Berkeley.

With thousands of fans desperate to have a good look at their local club, FM Ess started in spirited fashion with Flipsix3 pulling the strings from the middle of midfield. After just 2 minutes, Flip won possession inside his own half before spraying a fine pass down the wing to Brain Of Nazarath. The left winger, who starred in the play off win back in May, proceeded to find space, before beating his man and delivering a fine cross to the back post. Arriving on queue, Bazza met the ball at the back post before heading past Summersgill and giving the FM Ess fans some early cheer.

After this blistering opening however, the game took something of a testimonial feel to it with a slower pace and stop-start flow to the match. But with Simonh1979 giving little in terms of attacking options, and uskopite struggling to control the play, Gretna began to turn the screw with time and found themselves pressurising Binny’s goal midway through the half.

With support seemingly quiet, and the game petering out, Gretna created a rare moment of class on 22 minutes when Adams and Boyd combined well through the centre before sliding Berkeley in on the FM Ess goal. With composure and timing, the forward avoided the challenge of Flatline before slotting the ball past Binny to give the visitors a equaliser that was neither deserved or unwarranted.

Despite this, Gretna failed to control a side that are way below their own status up in Scotland and as the game once again saw a quiet patch, a direct kcik from Binny on 42 minutes found Bazza free from a defender and he went on to round the Gretna keeper before passing the ball into an empty net infront of a packed Mountainside stand.

When Okkas failed to make any changes at the break however, it hinted that he was taking the exercise serious and he allowed his XI to continue to prove themselves as the 2nd half gathered pace.

Supa Playa had an early efforts parried wide on 49 minutes before WLKRAS saw an overhit cross cleared off the goal line on 51. But within moments Gretna showed how sides at this level can punish opponents and from a chance for WLKRAS, Gretna broke straight down the middle to execute a flowing team move to make it 2-2 with a Berkeley drive.

On 54 minutes, Daz The Imp, Matt_no_7 and Spav replaced Bazza, uskopite and Supa Playa before FM Ess started to dominate the game. The replacement forward, Daz The Imp, then went on to strike both the post and bar before having a dubious penalty appeal turned down on the hour mark.

KingMike, SDaveS, ArjenRobben and Dire Wrangle came on with little over 20 minutes left allowing Simonh1979, Brian Of Nazarath, MaccaSAFC and Hell Hath No Fury to rest their legs and with it, FM Ess again began to force the issue.

After the game, Ray Wilkins said;

“The boys were impressive. They looked bright and sharp and I think they could have done more but deservedly got what they wanted from the game.â€

SDaveS and Daz The Imp impressed particularly after their introduction to the game and could have both easily have gave the home side the lead in the closing stages.

With that said, the fans of the town of Fort William would have been just about ready to go home happy with their nights entertainment as the night drew to a close only to see Binny see another of his direct kicks find the forward with Daz Imp latching onto a bouncing kick before nodding past the on-rushing keeper and giving his boss Okkas a reward for his faith in sending him on in the later stages.

FM Ess 2006;

How they rated?

1. Binny; 8

12. WLKRAS; 5

16. Dixie Flatline; 8

5. MaccaSAFC; 7 off 67

25. Hell Hath No Fury; 8 off 67

4. Flipsix3; 9

8. Supa Playa; 7 off 54

22. uskopite; 7 off 54

20. Simonh1979; 5 off 67

15. Brian Of Nazarath; 7 off 67

9. Bazza; 9 + 2 GOALS, off 54


KingMike – 7

SDaveS – 8

Spav – 7

Matt_no_7 – 7

ArjenRobben – 6

Dire Wrangle – 6

Daz The Imp – 9 + 1 GOAL

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brian of Nazareth:

another assist does the trick icon14.gif good win for us lads. WLKRAS - need to buckle up laddie - we don't allow passengers icon_mad.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'll show you a passenger next training session angryfire.gif

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