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Couple of quickies for creating a new team...

Roman Bednar

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Basically creating my Sunday league team in FM09 just need to know couple quick questions:

-10 for PA is that random?

If I leave stats at 0 will they be randomised?

If I give them a long contract and loyalty of 20 and ambition of 1 will they leave the club as I ideally don't want to sign anyone or lose anyone?

Think that's all cheers.

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Hiya, hope I help.

0 on PA is random (it will give player anything between 1 and 200.)

~ If you put -10 that gives the player a PA between 180 and 200 (I think.). So best used for future World Class players. Like Bojan.

~ Yep. If you leave any stat on 0 it just goes all randomised.

~ Long contract, 20 Loyalty and 1 Ambition = they will RARELY leave the club.

But only '1' is too low really, 10 should be fine.


Ask more questions if you need to! :thup:

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-10 is a random number around 190 (I believe) To make PA Random same as attributes make it 0.

Yes stats left at 0 will be random

And a long contract, High Loyalty, and low ambition will help to keep players, but sooner or later some of them will want to leave anyway.

Damn...beaten to it with the same answers.

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