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Question About New Position Training

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Hello, first sorry for very poor english

ok, i think it is something wrong with learing players to playing new position. For exapmle i have Veloso in my team and i want to playing him in MC position. So for sometimes it is new position for him ( natural ) but two weeks later when he playing all the time for this position, MC isn`t he`s natural position ( dark green color )

My question is why what haapen?

Sorry for english, hope you understand me

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General discussion.

That's really helpful of you, for a guy who's already said English isn't his first language. Enjoy the sense of power being a mod gives you do you?

To the OP... I've no idea about this I'm afraid. I would suggest maybe it is a bug because if you are training a guy to natural and he is playing in that position, I can't see why he would drop below that.

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There's a thread covering this subject on another forum.

More people exprecience this phenomenon. Players becoming a natural in a certain position and when you'd stop their specific position training they deteriorate despite still playing in that position.

It's how i'd like to see it constructed, but that's how this works in FM09.

So, it''s not your fault and unfortunately you'll have to continu devoting 10% of training to this position thing.

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Training a new position adds 10% to the intensity of that players training. I don't know whether it was in older versions or not

Now that's where I read it differently - on the individual training screen, it says "10% of current workload", which I read as him now only having 90% of his normal training available, and the other 10% is going to him training the new position - rather than (as it appears you are saying, that he now has to train an EXTRA 10%).

If you look at the bars at the bottom of the screen, it does actually back up my reasoning - the total training performance (right hand side graph) goes down by the 10% for months when new position training is happening.

So to sum up - he actually does less ATTRIBUTE training while doing NEW POSITION training, rather than does more training in total.

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Now that's where I read it differently - on the individual training screen, it says "10% of current workload", which I read as him now only having 90% of his normal training available, and the other 10% is going to him training the new position - rather than (as it appears you are saying, that he now has to train an EXTRA 10%).

If you look at the bars at the bottom of the screen, it does actually back up my reasoning - the total training performance (right hand side graph) goes down by the 10% for months when new position training is happening.

So to sum up - he actually does less ATTRIBUTE training while doing NEW POSITION training, rather than does more training in total.

That's how I see it also :)

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