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Counteracting Passing

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I am studying these paragraph from Millie's thread - http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=19978

"Passing will help us counteract the "hoofing" which may lead to a loss of possession.

Shorter passing may encourage the player to use the options around him, perhaps encouraging a pass sideways. Or, on the other hand, longer passing may give the player more options, particularly on the wings where a pass may be less dangerous than to a central player.

Passing will also help to counteract the sideways and backwards balls. Shorter passing may re-enforce this style of play, perfect for a side in the lead or a quality side looking to hold possession and tire out the opposition (a la the Manchester United sides of the mid-1990s). Longer passing on the other hand may encourage more forward balls to help get attacks moving yet still retain the defensive "shape" required. Linked to this we have the "try through balls", "run with ball" and "cross ball" options in the individual instructions, where rarely on each will re-enforce the possession play, wheras often will encourage more penetration."

I'm a little confused. Where it says "Passing will also help to counteract the sideways and backwards balls" - Millie goes straight on to talk about re-enforcing that style of play. Now to me that sounds a little contradictory.

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It's not contradictory because he then goes on to tell you that shorter passing increases the chances of this happening. The shorter the passes the more backward and side passes you will see your side do. So what he means is if this is happening to you, make the passing more longer.

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Ah right, its just the way I read it.

So basically if you don't want to counteract it and want to play that way then shorter passing will encourage it. Longer passing will discourage it.

I'm overwhelmed with all this stuff - its pretty intense. But intriguing none the less.

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Ah right, its just the way I read it.

So basically if you don't want to counteract it and want to play that way then shorter passing will encourage it. Longer passing will discourage it.

I'm overwhelmed with all this stuff - its pretty intense. But intriguing none the less.

Yes the shorter the passing the more back passes you'll see. The more longer the pass, the more forward passes you'll see.

There is a lot to learn, but you ask a lot of good question's so you'll get there in not time. Just let me know if there is anything else you would like to know :)

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Yes the shorter the passing the more back passes you'll see. The more longer the pass, the more forward passes you'll see.

There is a lot to learn, but you ask a lot of good question's so you'll get there in not time. Just let me know if there is anything else you would like to know :)

I'm sure there will be more. I have posted quite a lot of questions over the past two days/nights. Some have not been answered yet, so I'm cracking on and seeing if the answers are too obvious.

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I'm sure there will be more. I have posted quite a lot of questions over the past two days/nights. Some have not been answered yet, so I'm cracking on and seeing if the answers are too obvious.

Link them me, or bump the posts and I'll give it a shot. I got a spare hour or so :)

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