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Part 1 – Prelude A

BANG! A gunshot was fired straight in to Spiderman’s chest, knocking him flat on his back. Another shot was fired, followed by two more straight in to his head, killing him instantly. It was, in my opinion, beautiful. The credits rolled and I stood up and cheered, “Finally, He’s dead. Iv longed to see this moment ever since the first movie came out.”

My wife quickly grabbed my arm and forced me back in to my seat, “Shut up, your making yourself look like an idiot.”

But I didn’t care, I was so happy after the death of Spiderman; he never deserved to be alive. How I do love a good leaked movie. He was a rubbish super hero. But now the film was over, it was back home for me and the wife.

Now, however, I was in full superhero mode and pretending to be a superhero around the house, not exactly something my wife was keen on. I jumped from one sofa to another, pretending to shoot things with my two fingers, just like I did when I was a child.

“Pee-oumm! Pee-oumm!” I shouted in a ‘childlike manner’ according to my wife.

After being told to stop it and carm down, I eventually did and I sat down to watch the tv. Nothing was on tv, nothing ever is, so I closed my eyes and dozed off.

The next morning, I awoke to a large, scary, big breasted figure in front of me only to realise it was my wife and not the stripper I had been dreaming of. Pity. I got up to go off too work. I suppose you could call me smart, but very childish, which, makes me look stupid. I got in to work and carried on with what we had started over four years ago. A secret project, not even the government knew what we were doing. It was for the best. We had been making a little something in a secret location, of which I would tell you where this location is, but, if I did; I would have to kill you. So what are we making? The Freezer-A-Geezer machine. As it may sound, you freeze a geezer, or chappy, or bloke, you choose. Then, you turn the dial to a given time period and it freezes you till then. At least, that’s been the idea. Nothing has ever worked, it tends to just make you all cold and err, die. Quite unfortunate for our first test subject. Milo the Monkey seemed bananas about being frozen for the next 100 years, but it just didn’t work. He didn’t come out so bananas.

Finally though, today, is the day.

“Hey Bill” I said as I walked in to the ‘ice room’, “Are you ready for the big day, human testing?”

“Cant wait, your going to have a right laugh in the future” Billy replied. “That’s at least if you make it that far.”

“I'm sure I will, I'm certain” I told him, when in reality I was ******** myself.

I stumbled off over to the machine, looking at it asking myself why the hell I was doing this.

“Put on your happy enthusiastic face, you know it will be ok.” Bill didn’t have much certainty in his voice when telling me it would be ok.

It was finally time to get in the machine. I set the date to freeze me till just tomorrow. Didn’t want the wife getting worried did I. nothing could go wrong now.

Could it?

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Part 2 – Prelude B

I got in the cubicle slowly, it was freezing. I thought about getting out. I was sure it was a bad idea now.

“You will be just fine” Said Billy in a muffled voice outside, “just fine…”

Before I knew it, I was frozen and now all I had to do was wake up tomorrow.

---- ---- ----

The icey coldness started to get warmer, waking me up from my ‘frozen coma’. The door popped open, making a hissing sound in the process. I fell flat to my face; it felt like I had been in there for years. I checked my watch and the stupid thing didn’t work. I paid £230 for that. It was then that it occurred to me, Billy wasn’t there, like he promised. Maybe he was just late…

I got up to my feet and tried to un-stiffen my still frozen like legs, walked forward to the main door. I grabbed the handle, which was covered in spider webs. What the hell is going on here? I asked myself. I opened the door, looked up the ladder to see a large beam of light shine through. It burnt my eyes just like being awoken to your wife turning the light on in the morning.

I climbed to the top of the ladder, slamming on the trap door to get it to open. I hit the door four times before there was any movement. Finally, fifth time lucky the trap door flipped open, allowing me to climb out back in to the world.

“What the hell!” I muttered to myself. It was all different, nothing like it was yesterday. It was obvious then that something did go wrong, majorly. The one place I use to call work was now in the middle of a forest. In the middle of no where. I called out to see if anyone could hear me. “HELLO! Anybody here?” There was no response. Leaving me with just one thing to do, go looking for civilisation. I left, walking very swiftly, coming to what appeared to be a road. There was no traffic what so ever, but there was a road side café. Just what I needed, I was starving. I ran over and walked in, everything looking very technical and modern. It was definitely not just a day or two that I was in that Freeze-A-Geezer machine.

“Hello, how may I help you?” asked the spotty boy at the till.

“Ooo, il have a McNugget meal. Or is this not McDonalds?”

“McDonalds? No, this is no McDonalds. But you can have our turtle-chicken nuggets.”

“Erm, I think il pass on that” I said, thinking what the hell is a turtle-chicken? “Can I just have the time actually?”

“It is 12:34pm. Anything else you want?”

“Yeah, what’s the date. What year is this?”

He questioned me, “Are you crazy?”

“No, im just a little confused. That’s all, now tell me what the date is”

“It’s the 2nd of June, 2147 of course.”

I was shocked, horrified in fact. Nearly one hundred and 40 years from when I made my way in to the Freezer-A-Geezer machine. What had I done? Everything was different. I had to find a place to live and work out the mess I got myself in. there was no way back, the machine only worked for going forward in time.

I walked out of the café as confused as the till boy. How I didn’t notice it previously I don’t know. There was a huge city lurking on the horizon. It must have been Norwich City being as that was where the Freezer-A-Geezer machine was located 140 years ago. I caught a lift, in what appeared to be a car, but very different to what I was use to originally. I got a lift in to the city, far different to what it use to be, tall buildings throughout. Cars, that weren’t really cars, more like flying cars all over the place. I knew the best place to go first would be my old flat. I got a lift to my old flat, it was now the scummy part so to speak, at least, it looked scummy compared to the rest of the place. I put my key in the door. It worked. I was in. not much of mine was left, a sofa, a tv and about 140 years worth of bills. First thing to do was jump on the coach and slap the tv on. The news was on and the football headlines were up next.

“Norwich City manager, Stephen Underwood resigns after weeks of poor results and constant pressure from the City board and Fans alike.” The news reporter read. “The Norwich City board have already started their search only to find fairly few with the originality the fans cried so desperately for.”

It was then that it occurred to me, in one hundred and forty years, football playing styles will have changed. The fans were calling for originality and if I brought back football from 2008, maybe, maybe they wouldn’t continue to fail in League 1. The news reporter continued to speak, making my ears perk up like a dogs.

“The board have decided that any ‘manager’ that feels they are worthy of the position should go to the club for open-managerial-trials.”

It was the perfect opportunity. I knew where Carrow Rd was, so I headed straight there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

no updates for, well, quite some time now. and i've been planning an update for a while, but have been really busy. And will be for the rest of the week. but, BUT, this weekend, i will attempt to get something written up cos silly old me deleted the word document that was about 3 stages ahead. but i will get around to doing it. sorry. (:

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hurry up Monkey, I'm getting anxious!

Ha, for you Stoehrst, after i read your comment it persuaded me to take some time out and give you an update here and now. I didnt rush it, so it should still be orite.

The only problem there is now is that i have the new FM09, meaning, i play that more so. But, having said that, in one of the games im running, im a fair few years in and Norwich are fimly at the bottom of league 1, so i think i may write the story from that game. Only difference being the players, who i will just give nicknames.

Anyway, the story continues...

Part 3 – Open-Managerial-Trials

I arrived not half an hour later of me leaving; taxis sure are fast these days. I walked over to a man who looked to be of importance at the club and asked, “Excuse me, are you in charge of these open-Managerial-Trials?”

“Yep, that’s me, just go through those doors there and meet the others”

‘Others’ obviously meant that there were people there who also thought this was a great opportunity. I walked through the doors and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by just two other wannabe ‘managers’. It presented me with a great chance, one that I was not going to let slip away from me.

“Hello mate, what’s your name?” one of the managers asked.

Charlie, yours?” I replied nervously.

“Daniel. Iv never been a football manager. To be honest, I’m not the greatest supporter of the game, I’m just desperate for a job, a bit of cash to fund my habit, you know.” He twitched.

I nodded to what he had said, thinking to myself how it gave me even more chance of the job, a crackhead or me? Hard choice.

A big, tall, bald headed man walked out of the double doors opposite, wearing what appeared to be a rather expensive suit.

“Hello there” he started. “I'm the chairman, Garry Karlee. As you may have noticed by our current league performance, we’re not doing very well. We are in a dire financial state, and the players just don’t get motivated to play the game anymore. We have got the players together for you today, they’re outside waiting for us. Firstly, we will give each of you three quarters of an hour to show your training abilities, and your disciplinary abilities etc. After that, since there is three of you that turned up today, we will split them in to 3 teams, and play a little tournament and see you has their tactics spot on. Whoever we believe has the ability to be our manager, will get the opportunity of an interview. So… are you ready?”

We all nodded nervously, trying to take in all that he had just said. The chairman looked down at his paper, “hmm, Charlie?” he asked.

“Yeah, that’s me” I responded.

“Your up first.”

I put my jacket back on and nodded again. We walked out on to the field and I was immediately greeted by the players. Looking fairly down, a bit de-motivated that’s for sure. But now it was my chance to change that and get them motivated again and playing good, original football.

I got the warm up going, and the lads seemed to enjoy my different approach to things already. No fancy equipment was involved, where as normally fancy equipment was used. The change already put a smile and got the players focused more with something new going on. After the brief warm up, we got down to some of my favourite training routines I use to do and before I knew it, the fun was all over and the chairman called me to tell me my time limit was up.

“That was fantastic.”

“Thank you, I tried my best” I replied in a much more confident manner.

“It was truly great. Very original, not something I have seen before. We tend to use much different approaches and equipment compared to you. Where did you learn this?” He asked.

“Well… I learnt them a long time ago. So long ago, you wouldn’t believe me!”

“Well it doesn’t matter when you learnt them, its that they work wonders on the squad. Instead of taking the approach we originally thought we would take, we have decided to offer you the job up front.”

I gasped in shock. “Wh… Wh…” I stuttered.

The chairman interrupted me from my stutter, saving me from looking like a total idot, “so would you like the job? We would love you to take us up on this opportunity.”

I couldn’t resist the opportunity. I felt sick. It was an amazing feeling to be offered this job. “Yes. Of course I will.”

He shook my hand in delight, and although it was incredible to have this job, it sure did feel like I wasn’t going to have a hand at the end of the hand shake.

“Oh, sorry Charlie” he said apologetically, “haven’t long had one of those bionical arms put in place, so I’ve not got quite got use to the strength of it yet.”

‘Bionical arms?’ I thought. This really is the future.

Me and the chairman, Karlee walked off to his office, where I would put pen to paper. It was a lovely office I must say, not something I would expect in a league 1 stadium. But then again, it was still the Carrow Rd stadium, with minor improvements here and there.

“Right Mr Charlie… Charlie what is it?”

“Its Charlie Wrightly

“Ok Mr. Wrightly, heres your contract” he said as he put a piece of paper down on the table in front of me. “If you could just sign here and here, then the job is yours”.

I did what he said after a brief read of the contract, all seemed well and good. I took the fancy Norwich City pen that laid on the desk and signed on the dotted line.

The job was mine.

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Thought i would post some more of the story that I decided to write tonight, found some free time earlier then just kept going. there's more to part 4, just I want to hold it back incase I don't have anything to post for a while. enjoy!

Part 4 – a

After I signed the contract, I realised what I had just done. I just became a manager. For a league side, with no previous experience. But the biggest thing that occurred to me was that I had just signed a contract, meaning I had a job. In all honesty, it wasn’t something I planned on doing when I found out where I was. I was more up for finding a way home, back to the 21st century. Aw well, becoming a football manager was the best thing that ever happened to me, even though I had only had the job ten minutes.

It was time for me to greet the squad properly, get to know them, find and learn who was who. I didn’t have a clue who anyone was in the squad, no idea of who was good or anything. So, it was down to the current assistant manager to tell me who was who. He gave me a list of the starting XI, stating that we hadn’t got enough depth with in the squad to achieve much atoll this year coming. He added that not only did we have no where near enough depth, we needed a new goalkeeper that could actually stop a ball, and a striker that could put a ball behind the keeper. It was definitely going to be tuff.

(From Left to Right)

Goalkeeper: Alexander Dermott

Defenders: Hermes Conrad, Demi Schars, Peter Clark, Andrew Warz

Midfielders: Pasquale Mauri, Joe Fleetwood, Jimmy Garbein, Carlos Radwell

Strikers: Phillip Fry, Julio Fabiensop

“Hello lads, im Charlie Wrightly, but call me Charlie, please” I started. “I, as you may very well know, have been hired as your manager. You won’t recognise me, but, I will take us forward and back to the premiership where you belong”.

The fans cheered pessimistically, putting doubt in me already. We have our first pre-season friendly in just two and a half weeks and the squad were no where near ready. But I guess that’s what happens when you take over a club firmly at the bottom of the table, who are favourites for relegation this year coming.

It was time for me to get searching for some players to add some depth, a couple more experienced players that could slot in well is what I was after, and that’s just what I sent my scouts out to do.

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