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Own Goals

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OK. I've been playing FM 9.2 for a few weeks now and I'm in my second season with Ross County. I'm using a pretty simple 4-4-2 and I gave up 9 own goals in season one and I'm in season two with 6 own goals already and it's still December. The team is doing well. The own goals are coming from all sorts of players, and one from even my goalie.

Anybody have an idea why my team is so stupid?

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I hear you , i've had keepers stand by a ball in acres of space and do nothing and the srikers runs in and taps it in. Keeper bringing ball out and giving it to striker. Not one single keep different ones.

I just try to ignore it when it happens as i've also scored the same way. Just hope things like that are sorted in the next patch

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Nothing you can do. Stupid bug. The worst part is that Keepers never react to anything that comes off of teammates. So it doesn't matter if it is 2 yards out or 30 yards out - he'll just stand there and watch, or not watch, it go in. My keeper also gets a bunch of own goals himself -usually off of corners. I'm pretty sure they're just whipping crosses in off of his dome.

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