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In need of some transfer advice.....


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I'm in my second season playing as Swansea in the EPL. I have around 9 million to spend with a requirement to strengthen the right side of both midfield and defense. It would be ideal to find quality players for both positions, however I realise it may be necessary to improve one position this transfer window and wait under the subsequent window to enhance the other.

With the basic information covered, any tips or suggestions on who I should look at?

Thanks for your time ;)

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What sides went down in the first season? Have a hunt around in their team, you should find a player or two to buy.

If West Brom got relegated, get Gianni Zuiverloon from them. Good RB he is. Should be happy enough to come to you as well. Then there's this dude called Jesus Gamez. Plays for Malaga IIRC. Pretty decent too.

For right midfield, you should be able to buy or loan Jermaine Pennant from Liverpool. He should do your side a lot of good I guess. You could also try to loan in Nacer Barazite from Arsenal. He's not a natural in that position but does well if you have him cut inside and be a little creative. If Hull went down, you can get Geovanni from them. Pretty good player as well.

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Thanks for your advice, I appreciate it ;)

I ended up selling my starting RB, Steven Kelly, and using the added funds to sign Chretien for 10.5 million and Salomon Kalou for 3.9 million. I'm quite happy with those signings, despite the fact Kalou isn't a natural right midfielder.

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