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Scotland the Brave (for those that don't have much time on their hands)

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This game is intended for those that don't have much time on their hands and can only play once or twice a week for a few hours. I will tailor this game to be played at a time which everyone can play from all around the world.


To take your team to the top and make Scottish football a force to be reckoned with.


- No using the editor.

- No cheating - this includes deliberately making personal deals with each other that influences the game the wrong way.

- No abusive comments or sexual gestures of any kind, or any racial remarks via the comments box in FM or on this thread.

- No petty jokes - be sensible and mature!

- No taking solo charge of international teams, unless you are still manager of a club team (taking charge of both is allowed).

- Scottish clubs ONLY! - You cannot change to another club outside Scotland.

- Maximum managers allowed (to ensure smoothness) 6.

Please read these threads to give you an idea of how a network game works - if you don't know:



How to join:

- Reply to this thread and let me know which two club(s) you would like to manage, numbering 1 as your priority - FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!

When it is played:

- Every Sunday & Monday Evening @ 8pm UK GMT. For a period of 2hrs each day.

= Every Monday and Tuesday Morning New Zealand time @ 9am.

This way everyone will be able to play where ever you are. And it will mean minimum disruption to those who have family.

NB: The first 2 days of the game starting will be used for everyone to sort out their tactics, import any files, make bids, decide what players are to be sold/bought etc. No games will be played within these first two days.

Manager/Team List:

Celtic - Jay-Producer

Rangers - kroblues

Dundee Utd - Sharko is munted

Hibs - MeekoHFC

Reserve Manager List:


How to set-up the game/Things to note:

- Please ensure you have the latest patch (9.2).

- All games will be played in 3D

- Ensure the match speed and goals sliders are placed 3/4 to the right - this will ensure that games don't take forever.

- Only select replay for goals and ensure the speed slider for replays is 3/4 to the right.

- Ensure you have your shortlists for players already made up and ready to be imported - this will save a lot of time.

- Ensure you have your training schedules made up before hand ready to be imported - this will save time.

Please note: Subject to change.

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This clan has not yet started and so therefore should technically be in the clan advertisements thread as you have not started the game. I will reopen this thread once you have all your players in place and have played at least one session. A clan thread is for updates from players about the game, messages from the host and banter between players.

Dear FMO´er

Welcome to the FM Online Forum

We understand you want to get your FM Online experience underway as quickly as possible but we do have some ground rules within our forum, so here is a quick overview which should help you get going.

Please dont forget to take some time out and read our forum thoroughly, there is plenty to help you with just the click of a button!

Your new and you dont quite know where to start? Then I would recommend reading the FMO Basics thread, this guide will tell you exactly what it says, the basics to getting a game of FM going online. Click Here to View the FMO Basics Thread

You´ve read the FMO Basics but your still stuck? Best use our easy to use Help Thread, everything can be asked in here, even if its never been asked before, dont be afraid! The moderation team and the regulars of the forum will try and answer your questions when we can!Click Here to View the Help Thread

Once you got up and running you will either be hosting a game yourself or be wanting to join one, well we cater for everyone, each of the following threads has an easy form to follow:

Short Term Game Thread - This one is used if your looking for a "kick about" Click Here to View the Short Term Game Thread

Available Player Thread - Within this thread your opening yourself up for everyone who needs players to say you want a game and your serious about wanting to play in a game regularly. Click Here to View the Available Player Thread

Clan Advertiser - You´ve decided to create your own clan but need players, then post in this thread to tell fellow potential players that you need them! Click Here to View the Clan Advertiser Thread

Of course once your up and away it may still happen that in your clan thread you make the odd mistake here and there and need some corrections or have a special request, herefore you can use the Mods Request Thread, we will take a look and see what we can do for you! Click Here to View the MODS Request Thread

If you want to interact with some of the forum regulars then you can also visit the FMO Off Topic Thread, anything goes here, well as long as its not FMO! Click Here to View the FMO Off Topic Forum Thread

That should get you started, if you have anymore questions or requests then follow the links above and ask away!

Please adhere to FMO and SI Games Forum rules at all times!

Good Luck and lots of fun with your FMO Experience

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