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The transition from Championship to Premier League


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It's 2017 and my Farsley squad have just won promotion to the Premier League. The game's been fairly easy up until now, but I reckon my luck will probably run out this season, as the gap in class between the PL and Championship is so much larger than, say, the gap between League 1 and League 2.

So anyone got any tips on how to stay up in the 1st season of the Premier League? I don't really want anyone to tell me what players to buy, just general tips, e.g. should I increase the depth of my backroom staff or my first team squad?

I've got a transfer budget of £16.5m and a wage budget of £577k/month if that helps.

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Well it would be pointless people giving you players as newgens are your best bet anyway in 2017. :p

General tips? Don't over spend, have a versatile squad preferably a big-ish one but within the limits of what you can afford. Be bold in your play, don't always just put 10/11 players behind the ball. Take the points where you can, and most of all enjoy it. ;)

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